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Conclusion Legal Aspect of Business

Category: Law Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: N/A Words: 720

        Summing up all the discussion from above it is concluded that given scenario has been analyzed in detail in the above part of this case.  The issue was regarding the money loss in the café and then after the meeting between the workers at the café Jane was the worker that was selected as the suspect of this action in the café. The major issue that arises in the case is that Adam did not have any proof against her employee Jane. For taking any action against her it is important for Adam to have a solid proof of her misconduct so because of this the owner of this café has to take a look on all three laws that match with the given scenario in detail. Then after this the most important discussion has been done in the form of analysis of all these laws and its acts.  

        The first law that matches with the scenario is the Employment fraud law in this there is complete information about the main acts and section of this law. After this the next law was about the gross misconduct and maternity, for this law all the scenario has been discussed in detail in the above section. Then the last law that matches with the given scenario is the Equality law for this law all the important acts has been discussed in detail. Then in the next section all the acts has been analyzed in detail and then in the end of this case all the important recommendation for solving this case has been mentioned. 

Recommendations of Legal Aspect of Business

        There are some recommendations for Adam and his Cafe that will help him and his Cafe against future loss in the form of money. Before hiring he must has to check background information of the worker. He also has to install a CCTV camera at the counter where all the records of the cafe are kept. Another recommendation for Adam is that he has to become lenient with all his workers so that his workers will help him to solve this issue without any law activity. He has to notice all the actions of his employees especially Jane because she was the main suspect after this issue.

         Adam also has to use all these laws that have been mentioned in the above section with the support and suggestions of his workers so that he can easily able to make decisions against the culprit. After reading all the acts that has been mentioned in these laws discussed above then after this Adam has to consult to a famous lawyer. Then after this with the suggestion of this lawyer he has to collect all evidences against the money loss from his cafe. There is also another recommendation is that Adam has to analyze all the workers of his café in detail so that he can easily figure out how is the main suspect behind this few hundred dollar loss from the café. Adam has to work in different way for collecting evidence of this money loss from the café. Adam has to increase the time limit of the meeting between his workers so he has enough time to solve this money issue in his café. 

        The owner of the company has to consider all the Equality acts and then according to these acts he has to make a decision against the employee who is working in his organization. As according to the given scenario Jane is female so the owner of this company has to read the Equality law in detail so that he is able to face any kind of issue in the future. There is no such evidence against this action in the café so for this Adam has to talk with his most trustable employees regarding this money loss so that they will give him solution to solve this case legally. Also Adam has to consult to his friends and relative regarding this money loss in the café so they will help them to solve this issue in correct legal way without hurting the employees at his café. The last recommendation for Adam is that he must has to consult with trustable person in his circle. 

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