Introduction of Power BI Robots
Microsoft power business intelligence has launched a
brand new tool that can be used in automated systems. The system of Power
Business intelligence Robots is based on the robot process automated system that
takes a screenshot of all the reports and dashboards and then delivers them to
the recipient. The screenshot of the information is then saved in the form of
images and PDF files and then transferred for the instant email to the
SharePoint library and file system (Blog. devscope. net, 2018).
The flexible
system enables Power Business intelligence Robots data to work effectively and
to display the data to the connected devices and to internet connection by the
browsers. The Power Business Intelligence Robots can be used without any cost
and limitations, but the display of images and PDF files is displayed by any
red watermark for the copyright security system (Edureka. co, 2019). The license of the system is granted
for the unlimited use and to remove any watermark from the document. The
registered setup of Power Business intelligence Robots can be purchased for $899
from the DevScope stores (Analyticsinsight. net, 2017).
In the present work, the functionality, as well as the
availability of Power Business intelligence Robots, is discussed for the
SharePoint libraries. The whole system design is discussed for the structural
framework and design. The characteristics, benefits, and applications of the
system are discussed. The application of Power Business intelligence Robots is
also analyzed in the SharePoint library and how it helps the humans for the
data management and data processing (Wisskirchen, Biacabe, Muntz, & Bormann, 2017).
Framework and structural design
The automatic screenshot can be scheduled with Power
Business intelligence Robots that go to the web agent and by clicking the
playlist of side menu it can be called for the operation. The default choice provides
facility to create new automation system playlist in which all the data can be
placed in a specific order according to the date of creation or updating time
of the data. The new and previous data can be screeched any time if required (Powerbitiles.
com, 2019; Wisskirchen, Biacabe, Muntz, & Bormann, 2017).
The create button on the side can develop a new
automation playlist and the first tab on the side provides the name of the
playlist or data of the library. The format can be selected for the images and
multiple PDF files. The recurrence of the screen captures can be designed on
the bases of refresh rates. The data selected in the library is the data
required to be delivered (Wisskirchen, Biacabe, Muntz, & Bormann, 2017).
Description of all components of Power BI
Power Business intelligence Robots is provided with the
number of sending methods and these methods are listed below,
Email of Power BI Robots
Email systems can be used for the delivery of the
Microsoft Power BI reports and all the selected dashboards. The system
transfers the library documents including screenshots and PDF files to the
recipients according to the requirement of the users. In the email, the PDF
files are added to the recipient tab and email message and subject of the email
should be filled with the general tab (Blog. devscope. net, 2018).
File system of Power BI Robots
The file system enables to locate the reports and files
in the dashboards and sends the files to the selected dashboards. The files and
documents selected to send through the file system are based on the request of
the users. In order to transfer and locate any file in Power Business
intelligence Robots library, it must be entered through the pat of Recipient
tabs (Wisskirchen, Biacabe, Muntz, & Bormann, 2017).
SharePoint of Power BI Robots
In Microsoft Power Business intelligence Robots, the
selected dashboards and reports are sent to the library. In order to send or
search the data to be delivered by the system, the URL of the Standpoint should
be selected and then provide the last name on the Recipient tabs (Blog. devscope. net, 2018).

1: PBI robots including the new
Power Business intelligence Robots
The Robots cloud can be used to display the selected
reports and dashboards to share the high screen images on the web browsers. If
the method selected to share the data in the library is power business
intelligence robots' cloud, then there is no need to select the recipients. In
the system, any library or playlist can be selected through the web browser (Wisskirchen, Biacabe, Muntz, & Bormann, 2017).
In all the selected dashboards, all the document,
reports and data are accessible any time on the left screen. The search bar is
also provided to change the title, size adjustment and to apply the conditions
on the reports. The page level filters in the Power Business intelligence
Robots SharePoint libraries enables to click on the icon that is next to the
PBI URL and field of each portion is provided in the button (Blog. devscope. net, 2018; Wisskirchen, Biacabe,
Muntz, & Bormann, 2017).
The selection of the button on the report and dashboard
is based on the added playlist. The process can be initiated by clicking on the
create button to keep the data in order according to the file names, creation
date, and size of the files (Powerbitiles. com, 2019). The process of
installation and configuration on the Power Business intelligence Robots is
developed for the synchronization of the playlist and the process used for the
development of the files. The installation and configuration of the Power
Business intelligence Robots agent on the playlist are easy as compared to the
other methods (Powerbi. microsoft. com, 2016).
Characteristics of Power BI Robots
Power Business intelligence
Robots is especially required for the professionals who work with the data
management and data sharing process in the business. Power Business
intelligence Robots is helpful for sending and receiving regular updates in the
business intelligence data system (Powerbitiles. com, 2019). It enables the
users to broadcast the business intelligence data to be displayed on the large
screens, smart TV, video walls, and computers for the data processing.

2: Power BI robots
Power Business intelligence Robots helps the users to
share the data from one account the other and to manage information for the
several users. The business management system can be used in different areas
according to needs and diverse metrics for the middle managers (Powerbi. microsoft. com, 2016).
Power Business intelligence Robots SharePoint Libraries
of Microsoft is mainly designed to facilitate the customers and users to deal
with the number of programs at the same time. The libraries can be settled
according to the needs by installation and configuration of the desktop agent
of Power BI robots (Docs. microsoft. com, 2018). The system of
adding features in the libraries is somehow different from other digital online
libraries as it requires synchronization of the data and playlists with the
collected information (Analyticsinsight. net, 2017).
The data can be stored locally for the users according
to the required infrastructure. The Power Business Intelligence Robots desktop
agent can be downloaded from the official website of Microsoft. After
downloading, extracting the files, and opening the setup all the data can be placed
in the library (Powerbi. microsoft. com, 2016). Specified account
ID that is required to be registered on Microsoft can be used in the
synchronized form of Microsoft Power IB account. The TEST PBI Robots Playlist
Execution button can be used for the override and target delivery process (Wisskirchen, Biacabe, Muntz, & Bormann, 2017).
The synchronization of the library in the Power BI robots requires the
following agents:
Log in the account of Microsoft Power business
Service configuration requirement
If the email and the SharePoint library of Power business
intelligence robots is the recipient of the data and documents, then it
requires proper configuration and especially professional IT managers are
required to accomplish the process. The office 360 account is required to
ensure the use and configuration of the setup (Analytics insight. net, 2017; Edureka. co, 2019).
The following configuration requirement is essentially required for
proper working of the power business intelligence robot,
SMTP host
SMTP security box that is required to be checked
SMTP port: 587
In case of using
the Gmail account of the configuration of Power business intelligence robots,
the following conditions are required to be satisfied,
SMTP port: 587
SMTP Host:
SMTP security box that is also required to be
The SMTP server can be used
for the secure connection configuration and the authentication process depends
on the Gmail security center instruction. In the system configuration, the
local system and the specific user can be used for the written permission and
the installation of the programs in the PBI robotic library directory. The
Power BI Robots can be personalized, and it has the ability to take all the
data in the same account for the synchronization (Powerbi. microsoft. com, 2016; Docs. microsoft. com,
custom visual library of power business intelligence robot enables to download
the data from any online site of AppSource and it to share it through
navigation of power BI visual library (Powerbi. microsoft. com, 2016). The services of the
powered custom visual setups are provided by the following two locations,
Benefits of Power BI Robots
power business intelligence robots work as an analytical tool that can be used
to design the system and conversion of business data in the comprehensive
visuals, strategies, systematic scrutinize data, and to obtain the higher
insights. The platform of powerful business intelligence robots provides
facilities to keep the business up to date and to derive the solution of
comprehensive dashboards (Powerbi. microsoft. com, 2016; Edureka. co, 2019). The services provide
more visualization and functions for the analyzing of services. initially, the
tool was launched for the Microsoft ecosystem and it was used as a fully
functional product that received more popularity by the users and Microsoft
included additional features (Wisskirchen, Biacabe, Muntz, & Bormann, 2017).
additional features of powerful business intelligence robots and standpoint
library include the content packs, tools, and templates of different varieties
for the visualization, preset report analysis and maintaining the reports, data
services, and delivery to others by sharing the data. The data analysis can use
a wide range of the system for the creation of dashboards, clouds,
visualization of tracks, and targets for the metrics (Powerbi. microsoft. com, 2016).
visualization of the data in the library cannot be manipulated by raw data
maintenance. The information dashboard can be designed or customized according
to the needs of business (Wisskirchen, Biacabe, Muntz, & Bormann, 2017). The use of
visualization tools in the library enables the users to access the required
data and documents without any issues and problems. The system of powerful
business intelligence robots provides the more easy process of downloading as
well as creating the open source power BI custom tools (Wisskirchen, Biacabe, Muntz, & Bormann, 2017).
direct process of visualization through the internet and the targeted media
post, emails, and the accessible process provides additional features to power
business intelligence robots in the applications. The on premises of gateways
can be adjusted for exploring the data sets and to ensure the server providing
system. The comparable website services are lower for the data maintenance,
promotions, and acquisition of the whole data in the library (Wisskirchen, Biacabe, Muntz, & Bormann, 2017).
business intelligence robots use the drag and drop data navigation for the
exhaustive library, and it provides interactive visualization, power BI
services, report creation, and fast publishing of the data (PowerBI. microsoft. com, 2016). The customized
tools can be used to make the process easier and more comprehensive. The
chronological list and the provided sequence of the power business intelligence
robot’s library system develops an interactive system (Wisskirchen, Biacabe, Muntz, & Bormann, 2017). The logarithmic and
the relative system can be used for storing the data. The system makes it easy
to drag the slider bar to show the changes according to the requirement. The
customized system becomes more interactive for data acquisition (Powerbi. microsoft. com, 2016).
natural language of powerful business intelligence robots is featured for the
improved visualization and to respond according to the data specified by the
user. The data can be presented by the specified functions and capabilities of
self-service Power business intelligence robots. The system makes quick as well
as fast interaction. The manager of the Power business intelligence robot’s
system generates the API key that plugs into the software (Docs. microsoft. com, 2018). The business users find
a large amount of data and the monitoring tools of information technology.
There are different levels of monitoring tools and visualize data tools that
combine the multiple reports (Powerbi. microsoft. com, 2016).
Application of Power BI Robots
The compatible
operating system for the implementation of Power business intelligence robots
is Android, IOS, and Windows. The financial benefits of the implementation of Power
business intelligence robots are relatively more apparent. The capital
expenditure and infrastructure supports are the integrated features of the
existing business system (Powerbi. microsoft. com, 2016). The Standpoint
library of Microsoft Power business intelligence robots is the basic plan to
deal with the library data, documents, records, reports, and a screenshot of
the data. The available data is free for registered customers and users. The
product provided by Microsoft is free at the basic plan and then for 10 GB per
user version costs only for the US $ 9.99 per user/ month (Powerbi. microsoft. com, 2016).
Conclusion on Power BI Robots
There are various business intelligence tools that are
getting popular on the recent data explosion but on the actual Microsoft Power
business intelligence stands for the advanced capabilities at the highly
reasonable cost. The use of Power business intelligence robots in the data
recording process is getting more position in the business industry. The rapid
advancement and increasing use of Power business intelligence robots are due to
reliability and efficient conditions for the users to store the data.
References of Power BI Robots
Analytics insight. net. (2017, 12 10). POWERFUL
Blog. devscope. net. (2018, 03 22). PowerBI
Robots 101: everything you need to get started. Retrieved from
Docs. microsoft. com. (2018, 07 27). Use
R-powered custom visuals in Power BI. Retrieved from
Edureka. co. (2019, 02 20). Power BI
Tutorial: Visualizing Data Like Never Before With Power BI Desktop.
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Powerbi. microsoft. com. (2016, 08 03). Blog
di Microsoft Power BI. Retrieved from
Powerbitiles. com. (2019). Automate
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Wisskirchen, G., Biacabe, B. T., Muntz,
A., & Bormann, U. (2017). Artificial Intelligence and robotics and their
impact on the workplace. Global Employment, 01(01), 01-15.