Right now it is putting in a lot
of resources in producing energy drinks that are meant to meet needs of all the
consumers. In the future it wants to segment the market on the basis of gender,
age and consumption. By gender segmentation we mean that it wants to produce
different energy drinks for females and males. Since both the gender requires
different nutritional levels they want to make changes accordingly in their
drink. Moreover, the packaging will also be made different for females and
males differently. By age segmentation we mean dividing the market on the basis
of age brackets for instance, 13-18 age bracket and 19-30 age bracket.
Lastly, by consumption we want to
segment the market depending on how the consumers consume our product. Some
consumers like to have energy drink in the morning while others prefer having
it mid day. Different people use it for different purposes for example, before
workout or before going to university. So Zest wants to come up with a product
line based on its usage. Zest also wants to expand its product line and come up
with tea bags and coffee line. This will meet the needs of customers who are
addicted to tea or coffee as well. (Finalreport3.wordpress.com, 2017)

Zest has numerous resources that
include assets that are their machinery that is used in the production process.
It is of great worth in monetary terms. Then they have human resources that are
their labor that is used for the production and selling of energy drink
bottles. Without the mental and physical efforts of the labor the company would
be unable to function.
When it comes to employee related
issues Zest is really focused on hiring the best candidates that can understand
and contribute fully to achieve their objectives. Once the employees are
recruited they are given orientation of the company. Zest expectations,
objectives are delivered to the employees. Further employee’s performances are
evaluated and they are given all the necessary training to improve their work. Organizational
structure has been created where clear levels of hierarchy are presented to the
entire workforce.
References of benefits its customers want rather than in terms of goods in services
(2017). Story Board – Video Plan. Retrieved from