There are
simplest of tasks that the smart computer systems do for us and we fail to
realize the importance of these systems. For example: recording attendance of
students. Recording of attendance is not a difficult task? You either mark
present or absent and that is it. No it is not this simple. Imagine recording
attendance of thousands of students recording them and compiling them in a
centralized database. Not only this but multiplying it with the contact hours
and deducting absentees from the total percentage. Is it still easy? Of course
it is not that simple or easy. In the lecture about BB Learn Attendance system
not only I learned about the attendance system but also about Management
information systems and their usage in our daily lives.
We fail to
recognize the importance of IT and the software programs facilitating us. The
lecture helped me understand the working of the BB Attendance system. The
lecture helped me get equipped with the knowledge to understand how the system
works and facilitates the organizational operations. It equipped with the
knowledge to operate the system and what different terms mean in the system.
Different aspects of the system were discussed in the lecture. To me the
lecture helped me in personal growth as a person, a learner and working
A simple MIS
system of attendance does so much complex operations which saves time and
allows one to focus on personal growth and larger organizational goals. It
helped understand the importance of knowledge based work activities and how
important is to be up to date with technology. Not only limiting myself to a
certain role it helped realize the important of training. Apart from this
seeing how seemingly the system works it motivated me and I have to manage
wisely for me and the students!