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The Foreign Direct Investment

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Research Paper Writing Reference: APA Words: 6340

            Foreign direct investment is a process of making access to the capital and assets of a country by the local entities of other countries. Individuals and companies outsource their operations in order to get benefits from the lower cost labor. Companies also consolidate the companies of other countries by purchasing shares and ownership of the subsidiary company. Foreign inflow direct investment is to provide opportunities for the other countries while outward is to invest in other countries (Buckley, Jeremy, R., Liu, & Voss, 2007). China and the United Kingdom both are economically strong countries that are trying to promote their outward foreign direct investment with the increase in the inflow of foreign direct investment. During 2003 China was the second leading country in the whole world (after the United States) that was spending and encouraging on the inflow of foreign direct investment.

            European international organizations found china as the revenue generating country because of the lower cost of available production resources and increase of population that play the role of customer also. The government of the china took the notice of the situation and changed their policy towards outflow with the increase in the trend of globalization, outsourcing, and consolidation. While the situation of the United Kingdom is quite opposite to China (Buckley, Jeremy, R., Liu, & Voss, 2007). They were leading in the outward foreign direct investment but after 2008 United Kingdom faced a sharp decrease in outward foreign direct investment. In the paper comparative analysis of the china and United Kingdom are evaluated by considering a number of factors, facts, and figures. There are a number of issues discussed concerning with the outward foreign direct investment with the recommendation that can be used to make the situation of outward foreign direct investment better in both countries.            

2.      Outward FDI Analysis of China and UK for the Foreign direct investment

            Foreign direct investment projects the trend of making the investment in other countries of the world. In accordance with the economics, it describes the ownership of a company or entity in the other companies in a different country rather than their own country. Foreign direct investment has two types as inflow/inward FDI and outward FDI. Both types of FDI has the direct impact on the GDP and overall economy of the country (Buckley, Jeremy, R., Liu, & Voss, 2007). Therefore, when the trend of globalization and outsourcing is increasing countries are changing their policies to encourage Foreign Direct investment inflow and outward FDI. The research is based on the comparative analysis of the two big economic powers China and the UK in the Outward FDI trend and patterns (Jncc.defra.gov.uk, 2008)

3.      Current outward FDI trend and pattern in China for the Foreign direct investment

Outward Foreign direct investment of a country includes the financial flow and investment of a country in the other developing countries of the world. The current trend of outward foreign direct investment in the china is now going to be strengthened. In the past few years, the inflow ratio was more than the outward ratio. Companies from the other areas of the world were making the investment in the china by starting up their production units there because of the low-cost labor availability. However, now China is also investing in the foreign world and promoting trade to make the economy of the country strong and stable (Wang & Zhao, 2017).  

In one year, duration, the foreign direct investment by a country can be calculated through the recording of cross-border transaction value. In this way, financial flows include the transactions of intercompany debt transaction, transactions of equity, and reinvestment of earnings. Outward FDI of the china increases the foreign investment and improve the economic condition of the other countries (Burghart & Rossi, 2009).

Figure 1: Current Outward FDI in China

In the comparison to the BRIC countries, China is performing star performance and with the extensive time the government of China reform all the FDI policies. China is attracting a higher amount of FDI relatively from the last 18 years in the comparison of developing countries. The special status of China is due to the separate set of preferential policies and rules. The policies are for the development of China and transform the northeast regions of China along with the western regions (Oecd. org, 2017). There are several indicators that define the investment increase and economic factors of the country one of them is the foreign direct investment of the country in the global market. The key agencies in the china are passing through the approval process for the investment process. The state administration for the foreign exchange is one of the exploratory studies that induces model formal conditions in the forces as driven by the Chinese. The determination is based on the special conditions for the theoretical explanation. The emerging economy of China explains the concentration of foreign investors and the industrialization of the country. The strengthen role as an investor country for China is higher as compared to the other countries. China stands on the eight most essential and known position for the FDI sources and development of the counties. The economic advantage is similar to the Hong Kong, South Kore, and Singapore. In China, the foreign direct investment theory is one of the emerging and economic fact that requires special consideration and there are three main potential arguments regarding the investment and progress. These three factors include capital market imperfections, institutional factors, and special ownership advantages. The ownership is related to the state and capital is highly available at lower rates and the capital rates are soft budget constraints.                  

The guided directory for the development of China regarding the FDI includes four types of categories such as allowed projects, encouraged projects, restricted projects, and prohibited projects. In order to improve the levels of exports in the china, the policies of Chinese government can be subdivided into three categories such as compulsory, natural, and voluntary (Buckley, Jeremy, R., Liu, & Voss, 2007).  In general conditions, there are six different types of the features as allowed by the patterns of china outward FDI in 2015. China is becoming a net exporter for the foreign direct investment on the basis of financial markets and the global economy. The china is emerging as a global investor and has distinct flow for the inward and outward investment.

 The disproportion is between the national oversea FDI stock and the income conditions. China has the large potential for the performance and the investment of international profile level. In the sectoral distribution sectors, the major changes are for the outward investment of China and engage the higher range of investment. The large sector for the business services and leasing process were measured in the terms of the concentration as in 2008 for the accounting. The near variation was for the total over 2011-2015. The wholesale trade and retail trade for the mining was for the financial intermediation and the real estate (Sauvant & Nolan, 2015).

The major five sectors are linked with the investment, the first sector was mining that includes oil and gas exploration, washing and mining of coal, non-ferrous metal and ferrous metal processing. As according to the graph, the share increase was 40.3% regarding the mining and it was the largest sector for the FDI concentration of the government and the investors. From the sharp contrast comparison, the FDI sector got more accounted that was 7.7% from all the regions of total investment.

 The real estate investment was 1.8% of the total investment in the country. The enormous and higher sector of expansion was observed during the larger proportion of shares in the foreign direct investment in China. The growth of the estate sector increased and became triple from the original at 5.3%. The notable annual growth rates were reducing and decreased to 17.9% in 2015, 67.1% for 2014, and highest was observed during 2013 as 95.9%. In a nutshell, the foreign investment track was not linear but in fact, the track is diversified and favors the tertiary industry.

In the investment analysis of China, the foreign direct investment was determined as three-quarters of all the stock and flows in China during 2015. In some context, the transitions of China are based on the consumption that leads to the economy and services. The investment of China is not even for all the regions in the world as it makes the uneven distribution for the whole world. From the continent level, the outflow of investment in China is more than 70% of the whole investment. The ease in the outflow is low particularly in Europe while the flow expands for 82% of the total investment in 2014. The sharp decline was observed for 34% and the country level was a part of the whole investment and small economies. The variation in the investment has an impact on the financial state of the country. The issues are mixed with the performance and growth of performance particularly in 2015. The FDI flow of Australia and the European Union reduced in the comparison of China at 16% and the 44% on the year to year basis. In the notable flow capital issues are more than twice the increased and global flows.

The clustered open economies have attracted nearly 62% of the foreign direct investment for the outflows and the stock condition is at the 60% of the whole stock in the yearly reports. The shares of Hong Kong in China are an outward investment and the flow of investment decreased to 17% of the whole conditions as compare to the 58% during the year 2013.  In the recent years, the significant increases are considered for the outward FDI of China that was related to the non-state enterprises and nonofficial FDI stock advanced for the consecutive conditions. The dramatic changes are based on the ownership of the whole infrastructure. There are two main factors that can be interrelated such as networks and the channels that can be established for the medium size entities and for the small conditions. The investment is growing with the time and evolution in the china and non-state investors are playing significant roles for the aforementioned sectors and higher diversification in the medium regarding the foreign direct investment in the china.                                  

4.      Current outward FDI trend and pattern in the UK for the Foreign direct investment

            The foreign direct investment provides higher information for the values and the measured investment. The investment can be inward and outward and includes earning along with the flow of direct investment. The foreign direct investment relates to the cross-border for the country to country issues. The assets capture all the investment done by the United Kingdom including the foreign investment and investment of companies based in the United Kingdom (Fdiintelligence.com, 2012).      

            The global flow of FDI during 2006 increased and exceeded $1.3 trillion for the exchange rate and inflow FDI became half of all the net capital flow. The FDI flow pattern was established for the investment of north and south. The countries are emerging and have significant variation in the originating economics and receiving economics (Andreff, 2016). The increase of annual flow was in the investment funds that changed for the period of 2002-2006 and funds reached $49 billion in 006. The investment reached $ 735 billion. During 2006 UK was listed in the 4th biggest and largest source for the outward FDI and the list continued as USA, France, and Spain. The investment flow in the United Kingdom was changed from all the previous time and the higher emphasis was on the investment of resource industries. The FDI flow of United Kingdom was between the three principal industries and these principles include services, manufacturing, and resources. The general fall in the UK FDI services was $14.5 billion with down percentage of 59% and investment reached $35.5 billion and the financial services FDI increased to reach $22.1 billion (Oecd. org, 2017).

            The increase was in $10.5 billion. The FDI manufacturing in the UK fell to $16.4 billion, the decrease in percentage was 11 percent as compared to the $ 18.5 billion as reported in 2005. The FDI of food production increased up to $15.5 billion from $ 5.0 billion. The FDI resources of the UK increased from $9.5 to $18.5 billion for net disinvestment. The emphasis on resources was on the extractive industries such as hydrocarbons, quarrying, and mining. The foreign direct investment of the United Kingdom was 54% and in the case of North America, it was 25%. The principal area of interest in the present work was geographical areas outside of the OECD for the United Kingdom and China. 

            The growth values for the foreign direct investment positions in the United Kingdom was for the overseas investment and the liabilities of FDI changed. The increase was observed for the FDI positions of the United Kingdom and positions held abroad for 2016 FDI assets. As a result, the position of net FDI in the United Kingdom started declining and fell to $50.8 in 2015 and $12.5 billion during 2016. The lowest net positions were observed in 1997 since the comparable records of the country. The values of foreign direct investment (FDI) liabilities increased to the high value for the acquisitions and inward mergers through 2016. The higher transactions for the publicly reported assets were during 2016. The higher acquisitions were observed for BG groups, ARM holdings, and SAB Miller (Ons. gov. UK, 2018).

            Based on the analysis it can be observed that exchange rate movements were provided with the supports and the values of FDI assets changed during 2016. The negative direct investment positions have some sterling rate of exchange that was not depreciated. The net earnings of United Kingdom foreign direct investment fell down during 2016 and then the marginal changes imposed a negative impact on the comparable records. The latest fall in the countries measured in 2011 was due to a downward trend.

            The regions that contributed in the fall of FDI during 2016 were higher and the majority of fall was due to North America on the contrary FDI credits of United Kingdom increased from EU. In the case of industry in the United Kingdom, most of the UK FDI credits were highly attributable for the decrease in the mining and the quarrying conditions were related to the grouping of the industry. Opposite to the situation the debits increased for all the board of industries and groups were analyzed. The analysis of FDI asset values faced decline during 2016 due to decline in the credits and the appearance becomes attributable for the higher companies and largest contribution was for the 25 companies of United Kingdom for foreign direct investment (Buckley, Jeremy, R., Liu, & Voss, 2007).

            The credits were remained increasing for the investment and investors. The value of debits was similar to the FDI during 2011 and then credits fell down for the period. After that, the trend continues to higher extend along with the negative marginal net earnings of foreign direct investment (FDI).  The debit values change for $1.7 billion and it was much higher than the credits while the credits were equivalent was 1.5% as compared to the current account balance. The return rate of the UK was $50,000 and the values changed to $1 million. The return rate was 5% and the higher values of investment were on income.   

Figure 2Outward FDI trend in UK and China

Figure 3 Comparative Analysis (Li & Zhang, 2017)

Figure 4Outward FDI 10-year Data

5.      Factors that shaped the outward FDI patterns of the Foreign direct investment

Foreign direct investment plays the significant role in the development of the overall economy of the world and countries that are directly or indirectly linked with the process of outward foreign direct investment. There are a number of factors that directly or indirectly influence the outward foreign direct investment of the china and United Kingdom. Some factors have great influence that shapes the overall trend of outward foreign direct investment in the whole world as global trends and dynamics.

6.      Institutions of the Global economy

The institution of the Global economy is playing their roles effectively in the world to enable the world progress rapidly with the collaboration of their countries. Because of globalization and outsourcing under-developing and second world countries also get the opportunity to earn better revenue and bring changes in their lifestyle (Morck, XU, Fan, & Yeung, 2009). Job opportunity because of outsourcing by a developed country cause to strengthen the economic condition of the local people of an under developing countries.

While on the other side investor country earn more profit by building profit margin in the expense and revenue. As through making the investment in other countries they can reduce the expense of raw material and labor force. Thus, both countries take advantage of the currency difference (Morck, XU, Fan, & Yeung , 2009). Because of this importance, global economy institutes are working on globalization, outsourcing, and foreign direct investment.

There are many international institutes are working for the global economy as World Bank and international banks. In the kingdom of United Kingdom, the major institutes working for the global economy are Institutes of Economic Affairs, National Institute of Economics and social research, Institute of global law, economics and finance, and global governance institute. While on the other side the institutes of the global economy in China are also dealing with the programs and policies that encourage the global trade and foreign direct investment (Nandi, 2012). Other than all these government and banks are also playing the role of supportive institutes for the global economy. 

Government and political institutes of the United Kingdom and China encourage and motivate the inflow of the foreign direct investment and outward foreign direct investment by making supportive policies for the foreign investment. The government set the tariff on the import and export of the goods in the international market (Morck, XU, Fan, & Yeung , 2009). In this way, United Kingdom institutes are less supportive of the people of the United Kingdom as compared to China in the matter of outward foreign direct investment.

United Kingdom tax rate on export in other countries of the world is more than the rate set by the government of the china. While on the other hand, the United Kingdom is also unlucky for outward foreign direct investment as taxes on export other than European countries is higher than the tax rate of European therefore, they are mostly limited to the European countries only. The tax rate on the trade within the European countries is almost free for the United Kingdom  (Pettinger, 2017). While China is investing in the diverse areas of the world. World trade market is equally open for the china and the strong geographical location of China supports China in this way.

     The economic institutes of both countries are working as the formal organizations in order to undertake the activities. Society members are the major stakeholders of the company; therefore, they create such institutes to run the factions in the appropriate manner. According to the definition of the institutes by the North in 1990, institutes are like the rules in a game that formally shape the human interactions. Economic institutions in the china and United Kingdom provide bases and framework for the whole activities conducted in the country in the economic and financial manner. Global economic institutes of China motivate the economic activities as foreign investment, economic development, entrepreneurship, and trade in the international market. The main role of these institutions is to develop the framework for the consumers and other investment related industries in order to provide guidance and assistance in the spending, foreign exchange operations, and investment process.

According to the analysis of 2008 because of the assistance of the institutions of the global economy China earned the increase in GDP with the percentage of 10.4. Because of this powerful contribution China appeared as the big power in the outward foreign investment in the overall OECD. In 2008 China recorded the outward foreign direct investment was 56742 and at that time the United Kingdom the outward foreign direct investment was recorded 197411. Economic institutions of China worked hard, developed new policies, introduced new strategies, and get entrance in the diverse markets to make improvement in the outward foreign direct investment. As a result of all this in the just short time duration of 4 years, China started leading the United Kingdom. According to the records of 2012 outward foreign direct investment of the United Kingdom was 20767, and China was 64963 that is more than $44196. Thus, the whole situation is clearly describing that institutions of the global economy have direct influence over the foreign direct investment and economy of a country.

7.      Arguments: Global economic trends and dynamics

Global economic trends and dynamics fluctuate with the passage of time and change in the international market. In the past companies were only limited to make the investment in their own countries. Management and business person were with the claim that by going outside the country to avail financial benefits as low-cost labor and cheap material availability companies suffer a lot as handling a diverse and quite different type of labor is not an easy job. Culture and language barriers played the effective role in this case. It was considered difficult to hire quite diverse labor for operations as because of difference in the culture of management and labor chances of conflicts get the increase. Employees motivation and job satisfaction are must for the improvement in performance. Therefore, at that time, it was considered that even the expense can be reduced through outsourcing but the cost of production and error in production will get the increase that is not desired to for customer's satisfaction. While now trends are getting changed. New modern management courses have enabled the managers to handle the cross-cultural and diverse labor. In the modern business world developing the relationship with the labor of other countries and starting production units in other countries is getting common. One major reason for this outsourcing is the strategy of the companies to expand the target market of the company in a geographical way. Through geographical expansion companies increase customers and sales. Therefore, the trend of outward foreign direct investment is increased in present times. China is rapidly adopting the changes and trends in the world. China started investing in the other countries of Asia and Europe. For instance, China is investing in Pakistan and Africa. The trend in the outward foreign direct investment is going upward in China as the figure 2 outward FDI trend in the United Kingdom and China describe the trend with years. On the other side trend and dynamic are also impacting the outward foreign direct investment in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom faced many ups and downs in the outward foreign direct investment.

The overall global trend in the outward foreign direct investment is going towards slow recovery after facing the steep decline trend. According to the analysis because of change in trend outward foreign direct investment was decreased 18% from the previous records in 2009. The global market made recovery in the first half of the next year. During 2011 and 2012 global market projected great momentum. The rise in the outflow was actually made after 2013. In the whole situation, the United Kingdom was showing negative results and China records as one of the leading countries in outward foreign direct investment.

8.      Global movements of goods and factors of production

                   Factors of production and movements of goods that has the impact on the outward foreign direct investment are wages rates, labor skills, transport and infrastructures, commodity and clustering effects. Factors of production are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. Consumption of goods in the country contribute or stand against the outward foreign direct investment (Pettinger, 2017). When the consumption rate of a country goes towards high, companies from other areas of the world working in the similar industry try to start up their production plant in that country to take advantage from exceeding in demand. Companies from other countries of Asia and Europe are investing in China because of the huge number of populations in China.

Companies produce products at a cheap cost in China and sell in China also while selling in other markets (Nandi, 2012). Thus, they take benefits from both sides as the decrease in cost and increase in revenue. Similarly, China invests in the countries that pay better in return. The currency value of China is more than many countries. In China, the purchase of land is not so easy. Therefore, Chinese purchase land in the countries in which they operate. For instance, chinses are investing in Pakistan and Africa they purchase land at cheap cost there to build their production sectors and offices of the companies. European countries are best for the European countries as the United Kingdom as compared to the china particularly when it comes to the currency difference.

Companies of the United Kingdom can easily purchase land while when china tries to start up a production sector their expense goes up because of deference in the currency value (Pettinger, 2017). Thus, the factor of production limit China to the Asian countries and countries of Europe that has the currency other than the United States Dollar. The global movement of goods is also a strong factor that influences the outward foreign direct investment of China and the United Kingdom (Morck, XU, Fan, & Yeung, 2009). After the production of the goods transportation and shipment of the products and goods also includes transportation expense in the overall cost of the goods and products. In the United Kingdom, transportation and shipment expense is more than China.

Therefore, when they make the investment in the other countries, they take advantage but China pays more amount in transportation investment (Nandi, 2012). Therefore, China selects the country for the outward foreign direct investment that has lower rates of land, raw material, labor, and transportation. All desired qualities Chinese business market is available in Pakistan and Africa. China import products and export products to the Pakistan and Africa by road and sea shipments. For import and export purpose China has constructed roads in Pakistan that relates both countries and enable movement of goods and commodities.

The United Kingdom also exports products to other countries at the time of delivery they calculate the charges of transportation in the cost of the products that increase the cost and price. When they move products in the metropolitan areas, they use trucks to move the products around to the delivery market. Tangible goods like pens, machinery, and mobile phones are easy to move around as compare to the vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, and other packed foods (Pettinger, 2017). Food and sensitive products like plastic products and glass material products contain the risk of spoilage and breakage. Efficient delivery of the products is must for the customer's satisfaction. Therefore, outward foreign investment in such products and goods is not considered profitable unless the safety measures are used and high return on investment has greater probability.

 Automobile companies of the United Kingdom and China open their outlets in the targeted countries and access the services of shipment agencies for safely delivering the products to the targeted market.  They produce and assemble the cars and other products and store in their warehouse and bring into the market when demand rise (goodsmovementmatters.org, 2018).  Because of change in the modern transportation system now the movement of goods and production of goods is becoming easy for the countries that are highly developed and familiar with the modern approaches of management.

9.      Role of international business organizations and their activities

International business organization as multinational companies are working almost all over the world. Geographical expansion of the multinational companies is because of their cost-effective production strategies (Morck, XU, Fan, & Yeung, 2009). While companies also sometimes use market penetration approach to enlarge the target market of the company. International organizations and their activities play the active role in the outward and inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) of the countries. Companies are now with the point of view that investment in the other countries expands operating markets for the companies. Fine examples of such companies are Apple Company, Nike, Nokia, Honda Auto Mobiles Company and Procter and Gamble company.

These multinational countries have their production sectors in various areas of the world. Companies of the United Kingdom are starting up developing production units in other countries because they are covering the large geographical area. Goods movement from Europe to Asia (as Asia is one of the largest consumer markets in the United Kingdom) increases the transportation and shipment expense. And it comes to the large-scale increase in expense reduces the profit margin for the companies that are not affordable in the highly competitive markets.

Therefore companies of the United Kingdom and China are going towards outward foreign direct investment in the countries where the tariff rate is lower than in their country (Li & Zhang, 2017). International business organizations also flow up the strategies like corporate social responsibilities to attack the customers. Under-development countries welcome them in their countries because they bring investment into the country. Production units of these international organizations provide job opportunities to the citizen that contributes to the overall economic development in the world.

Big organizations like nestle create their own farms of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products to provide healthy food to the customers. They develop the agriculture of the country. China is leading the world in this manner also (Buckley, Jeremy, R., Liu, & Voss, 2007). They grow food items in the countries that have fertile land for agriculture and sales in the market at high prices. The main business of the Chinese companies is concerned with the financial services and information technology. The major market for China in the information technology is for Asian countries. While companies of United Kingdom are mostly concerned with the daily use items. Cosmetics and daily use products of the united kingdom have great demand in the market, therefore, United Kingdom targets the countries that can provide raw material at the cheap rates.

10.  Issues in international activities

            There is a significant increase in the outward FDI and China can be attributed to a number of factors. These significant factors include low-cost labor and the abundant supply is no longer for the country. The shift in development model was for the consumption that led to the growth pattern. The Chinese enterprises are significantly higher for the manufacturing process and the construction process (Li & Zhang, 2017). The problem is linked with the production capacity and the decrease is due to declining of return in the capital. The production capacity of Chinese companies is significantly lower than the demand for products. The decline in the capital is due to the increasing number of investors and challenges (Andreff, 2016).

            The recent key drivers that boom in China is related to the infrastructure investment. The second issue is security concerns in the country that adds hindrances to the sustainable development of the country and social stability. China is making efforts to improve and ensure the access to energy resources and supply of raw materials that supply to the world. The upgrading of the industry depends on the growth of investment and upstreaming of the industries. The financial crises and international investment are facing higher and strong headwinds. The economic deleveraging for the corporations appears for the world phenomena (Buckley, Jeremy, R., Liu, & Voss, 2007).         

            The faster growth of global economics is higher particularly in BRICs countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) while the forecast was higher and major centers include economic growth factors. The understanding for the investment considered the growth of economics and essential understanding of all the major fields (Buckley, Jeremy, R., Liu, & Voss, 2007). The relative importance for the investment of United Kingdom was in different business sectors. The issues are mainly sustainability problems as associated with the major sectors in the country. The investment particularly foreign investment is highly required for the growth of the country (Buckley, Jeremy, R., Liu, & Voss, 2007).

            The analysis includes suggested FDI patterns and the analysis of Global investment. The basis of analysis for the issues is associated with all the major sectors in the country. The global investment and analysis for the patterns of the United Kingdom suggest some global trends of investment. The likelihood and environmental impact include the prime sectors for instance financial services, food products, extractive industries, agriculture, fisheries, and forestry. The attraction levels are really low for the direct investment but these activities are highly significant for the perspective of impact on the ecosystem of the country (Sauvant & Nolan, 2015).

11.  Recommendation of Foreign direct investment

            The FDI regulations of China and the United Kingdom should be reviewed and the process must clarify as well as simplify the process of investment for the economic benefits of China and the United Kingdom. The activities should engage the foreigners in the regular dialogues between China and critical issues (Burghart & Rossi, 2009). The consultation is required to resolve the disputes, the global investment needs to be improved in China while the structural transformation needs to be reviewed for the economy of China. The capital allocations should be improved for the worldwide efficiency and helps the investors to determine the opportunities in business. The Chinese investors need to explore new business investments and business opportunities and the obvious global business investment. The state-owned enterprises find more public confidence so the sustainable development in perspective and investment must be considered (Buckley, Jeremy, R., Liu, & Voss, 2007).                    

            In order to increase the sustainability their needs new implications for the foreign direct investment in the United Kingdom. The government of the United Kingdom works for the collated and the additional data. The initiatives are highly required to reduce the issues and to increase the investment at the local and foreign stage. The progress of investment should be against the provisional framework. The extending condition analysis shows that the United Kingdom requires higher and sufficient improvement in trades. The identification of all the indicators and impact of sustainability are based on the four key sectors including biodiversity that has specified impact (Li & Zhang, 2017). The indicators for the stock exchange of United Kingdom and industry shows requirements of sustainability of leaders and qualified respective sectors.

            The provisional framework for the improvement of foreign investment must consider the ongoing JNCC and work for the identification of conservation values of different areas but the priority should be for the economic and political links. The research ongoing JNCC work for the biomass and bioenergy programs requires consideration. On the basis of above-mentioned analysis and the findings, it can be recommended that the government and business communities of China and the United Kingdom must recognize the attractive benefits and the outward FDI for the economy of the country. The government should express all the investment regions and should welcome foreign investment in the country. The higher research practices should encourage the future policies of accurate data information that can be conducted for the performance and comparison (Buckley, Jeremy, R., Liu, & Voss, 2007).  

12.  Conclusion on the Foreign direct investment

 Based on the above analysis the state-owned enterprises in China and the United Kingdom depends on the different considerations. In the view of FDI, the foreign sources consider the operations and implementation of new state-owned enterprises. The suspicion investment of foreign companies depends on the economic growth of the country as well as political intentions. The national security of country, technological transfer system, labor, environment of business, employment system, standard compliances and law, and intellectual property rights are the main factors that generate impact on the growth of business and increase in the foreign direct investment. The higher profitability and demand of services increases the probability of foreign direct investment in the country. To conclude the analysis, the increase, and rise in the global investment defines the natural outcomes and structural transformation in the economy of China. The investment in particular and financial flow in the industrial location needs to be considered for the international divisions and changes in the global context. The state-owned enterprises find more gain from the public and redistribution of income across the world.   

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