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Report on Ethical problem in a corporate

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: IEEE Words: 450

        Working in a corporate can be difficult if it lacks and business values. There are several acts and problems which fall under the category of ethical problems. E.g. mistreatment of employees, harassment, discrimination, employee favoritism, poor leadership, and executive compensation, potential lay off choices etc. An ethical problem which made headline in 2017 was customer mistreatment by United Airlines. It led to boycott of the airline worldwide. There are many of the problems that came in businesses in terms of maintaining the positive atmosphere in the organization. The organization atmosphere depends on the maintenance of positivity in the organization by the senior management.


        Customer mistreatment is the ethical problem which exists among several corporates. They release statements and products but then discriminate and mistreat the employees depending upon their ethnic, racial, linguistic, financial and sexual differences. The misconduct with the passenger in United Airlines made headline because the behavior was unacceptable and the airline overbooked the flight thinking some people might not even get on board, it resulted in lack of sitting area so the crew forced a passenger David Dao to compensate but he resisted on which his head was smashed and he was dragged out of the plane along with his wife out of the plane. Luckily, there were several other passengers with smartphones on the plane whoever had access to social media posted it and this is how the incident was proved on certain grounds. [1]

Beneficiaries of United Flight incident

        The US department of rights suggests that it is not illegal to overbook a flight but the way the airline adopted was humiliating. The CEO of the airline, Oscar Munoz was promoted to the seat prior to the incident. After the incident he issued an apology which was not directed to the Dr. Dao, he was mocked so he came up with another apology to Dr. Dao this time but damage was done. Whoever, did not wish to see Munoz at the seat, competitive airlines and whoever got benefit from boycott of the airline and it services were at beneficiaries.

Real world Example

        Let we take the real world example in ethical issues in a cooperation. As in our topic we write about the united airlines so we take the example the united airlines. Through cooperate culture if the employees had been inspired as well as by their training accustomed to exercise discretion as well as in the situation determine the basic ethical behavior, I became shocked if the plight would have the different results in flight 3411. On its websites there certainly seems to be disconnect among the ethics rhetoric united as well as how in real life situations the organization behaves. On worker welfare reflects United’s human right policy statement along with the worldwide policy to conducting our business our commitment in a manner with these principles; let’s take an example by the general Assembly of United States the principles reflected in the declaration of Human rights issues [2].

Who lost because of the incident?

        The airline and Oscar Munoz lost because of the incident. This unethical attribute resulted in loss of stakeholders and the position of market fell in airline industry. [3]

What should be done to prevent such situations?

        Overbooking and poor customer dealing or treatment led to such situation. Although, it is allowed to overbook a flight it is completely wrong to mistreat a customer like who has paid for the flight and was allowed to seat on the seat. To avoid such situations, overbooking of seats should be prevented and if a condition like this re-occurs then crew can be more patient and respectable towards the passenger and the passenger should also cooperate with the company wherever they are correct. [4]

References of Ethical problem in a corporate


K. V. Oster, "List of Ethical Issues in Business," 29 June 2018. [Online]. Available: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/list-ethical-issues-business-55223.html.


rashmi, "United Airlines’ Ethics Rhetoric vs. Reality," 5 september 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.rashmiairan.com/united-airlines-ethics-rhetoric/.


R. Anaejionu, "Ethics Problems in Corporate America," 2018. [Online]. Available: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/ethics-problems-corporate-america-11721.html.


L. SHEN, "The 10 Biggest Business Scandals of 2017," 10 December 2017. [Online]. Available: http://fortune.com/2017/12/31/biggest-corporate-scandals-misconduct-2017-pr/.




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