As defined by Flick (2015), research approach
is the strategy of gathering, interpreting, and evaluating the data, required
for achieving the aim and objectives of the proposed research. The research
approach is mainly of three types, i.e., quantitative, qualitative, and mixed
approaches. In the present proposed research, the quantitative research
approach will be adopted. According to Creswell (2013), the quantitative
approach tends to investigate the relationship between the variables. The
present research will use the quantitative approach to assess the impact of gender
difference on the pay scale of the employees of Tesco PLC. Research design provides
the framework or process selected for inquiring research aim, in a more
structured and appropriate manner. The widely used research designs include correlational,
descriptive, review-based, semi-experimental, and experimental designs
(Jackson, 2015). The present research work will select descriptive research
design to draw reliable conclusions.
Data Collection of Tesco Business Issues
The credibility of the research findings is
heavily dependent on the selected data sources. Data could be collected from two sources, i.e., primary and secondary
data sources. The present research study will make use of primary data source.
Primary data will be collected by conducting a survey
with the employees of Tesco so as to understand their perception about
wage-gap, based on gender discrimination. In addition to this, secondary data
sources will also be used to gather information about the related concepts. In
this account, previous literature including journal articles, textbooks, and authentic websites will be used.
Sampling of Tesco Business Issues
It is the responsibility of a researcher to
sensibly select the sample since the entire reliability of the results is
dependent on it. Mainly, two types of sampling strategies are used in the
selection of research samples (Flick, 2015). These include non-probability
sampling and probability sampling. The non-probability sampling strategy will
be selected for the present research to gather data from employees working in
Tesco. The selection of the size is important to ensure the generalizability of
the results. In this account, a sample size of 150 employees (including male
and female employees) working in different shifts will be selected. The purpose
of selecting this sample is to better assess the wage difference between male
and female employees, working in full-time and part-time shifts at Tesco PLC.
Data Analysis of Tesco Business Issues
Data analysis is the most significant stage of
the research, as it leads the researcher to draw inferences from the research
findings. The techniques involved in data analysis are descriptive statistics,
regression analysis, and correlation analysis. In the present research work,
descriptive statistics (based on percentages and frequencies) will be used to
investigate the relationship between gender difference and wage gap at Tesco
Strengths and Limitation of Tesco Business Issues
Descriptive analysis is regarded to provide a high
degree of objectivity and neutrality of the researcher. Moreover, it assists
the researchers in interpreting the output from its complex statistical models
to more simple ones (Baha, 2016, p.8). In contrast, the shortcomings of
descriptive analysis include lack of confidentiality of truthfulness of the
respondents, poor response rate, and social desirability.
Ethical Implications of Tesco Business Issues
It is the responsibility of the researchers to follow
the ethical practices while carrying out
research work to ensure the integrity and reliability of the study (Bryman and
Bell, 2015). Ethical practices include taking consent of the participant,
right-to-privacy, confidentiality of participants’ identity, right to quit at
any time, and fair interpretation of the responses. The research will adhere to
all of these ethical acts to ensure the credibility of the study.
Communication of Findings of Tesco Business Issues
The results of the proposed research will be
communicated to the higher authorities of the Tesco to bring positive changes. Through
informal meetings and emails, the findings will be disseminated to the
concerned authorities including HR professionals and managers to stringently
take the issue of gender pay-gap in consideration. This would help in keeping
the authorities informed on the issues, as well as the related initiatives that
could be taken to adequately resolve the issue.
Table 1: Gantt Chart
Research Task
Aims and
Research Questions
Research Design
of Data
of Findings
Conclusion on Tesco
Business Issues
In a nutshell, in order to gain a clear view of the
business issue of Tesco PLC i.e. gender pay-gap the present research will
attempt to provide insights to the HR professionals about the issue. Due to the
significance of the issue of gender pay-gap among employees, it is important to
draw the attention of HR managers. The research will adopt the quantitative
method to inquire the proposed aims and objectives of the research. This
initiative would lead HR managers towards devising such strategic policies that
would potentially reduce wage differentials among workers, based on gender
References of Tesco Business Issues
Ashton, D.,
2014. What HR Can Do to Fix the Gender
Pay Gap. Harvard Business Review.
Accessed from
Butler, S.,
2018. Tesco equal pay claim could cost supermarket up to £4bn. The Guardian. Accessed from
CIPD, 2017. Measures to tackle the gender pay gap. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Ireland. Accessed
Creswell, J.
W., 2013. Research design: Qualitative,
quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.
World Economic
Forum, 2016. The Industry Gender Gap: Women and Work in the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. World Economic Forum. Accessed