Final year project is about “Average current mode control of switching power
supplies” . In this project the aim
of the project is build the buck coverter by using the UC3842 of current
contorller . Then analysis of the model for the small signal cahracteristcis a
swell as explained the average inductor currrnet for estimations and current
stratgeries .In this final year project the ACMC is used to minimze the
differnet mangement problems , which is explained in the above disscussion ,
like the complexity of design ,
transient repsonse . we also anlyazed the two control scheme , current and
volatge , also learn the limitiation method of the CMC . for the fruther
information of the ACMC methods , on the behalf of PWD DC-DC buck converter is
the applictaion of CMC scheme. All the objective sof this project is
fullfilled, and all the MATLAB circuit and simulations is shown in the baove
It is recommended as in digital controllers the exploration
of current mode control scheme is one of the key potential areas for research.
Though immune to overcurrent protection as well as protection of short circuit,
current mode control, as compared to the voltage mode control it is less immune
to noise. For creating a model there’s room that overcome the issue of noise.
For compensation the peak current-mode control utilize the fixed ramp. Similar
to average mode control a model could be created, that help in dealing with the
issue of noise and more design flexibility provides. To use digital controller
to the performance level it will also a challenge for current mode control
since for a full cycle they have to delay.