Monitoring Program should have the capability of handling all exposure and
hazard issues which are potentially harmful for workers. There are many
materials and substances which can serious damage employees, a monitoring
program must have the ability of taking care of all these safety concerns. In
such a program, daily feedback and checking must be fixed and followed
properly. In order to institute the program, it is critical to hand the initial
stages over to an official who is experienced with the direction of activities
and their authority. Forming a skilled team for feedback is also necessary
along with forming a strong commitment of management when it concerns the
workforce’s safety. The program should be implemented after initiating a good
and strong communication among workers. In order to convince workers, a leading
team must introduce the program so they take it seriously. Thorough meetings
about the program should be set for persuasion while telling about some real
cases. Informing the workforce about real cases can play an integral role in
making them serious and adhere to the program. They should be told about the
damages and how preventing such cases can be beneficial [1].
References of Monitoring Program
W. J. Horrey, M. F.
Lesch, M. J. Dainoff, M. M. Robertson and Y. I. Noy, "On-board safety
monitoring systems for driving: review, knowledge gaps, and framework," Journal
of safety research, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 49-58, 2012.