The neurons in the CNS are organized into several different
circuits. Three most important circuits are diverging circuit, converging
circuit and the reverberatory circuit.
Diverging Circuit: In this circuit
several neurons are stimulated by a signal and the stimulated neurons further
stimulate more neurons. When only one neuron is stimulated then it results in
contraction of 15,000 muscle fibers in peripheral muscle.
Converging Circuit: In this circuit
several signals are received by a neuron but it collects them all before taking
an action. There are few neurons in the brain which receive and analyze sensory
signals from peripheral as well as control signals from brain before acting.
Reverberatory Circuit: In this circuit
many neurons send signals in a circular path manner, as they stimulate every
neuron which is next and it keeps happening until the neurons are fatigued.
This signal is sent to other parts of the brain as well. Muscular contraction
caused by respiration is the result of reverberation in respiratory system.