The Wal-Mart and MacDonald’s are
the well-known organizations that have to recruit the new staff more often
depending on the requirements of the organization. In every few months the vacancies
of new entries occur in both organization in order to manage all of the
operations of the company effectively. Here are the recruitment plan of both
organization Wal-Mart and MacDonald’s.
Wal-Mart Recruitment Plan
The human resource management of
the Wal-Mart’s is deal with needs of the recruitment by using a lot of methods
and sources of the recruitment suitable to different positions in Wal-Mart. The
company uses industry-specific principle of the retail in its process of the recruitment.
To optimize retention of the employee, strategy of human resource management in
the Walmart’s comprised a repeatedly growing program of compensation, jointly with
career development and relations management of the employee. The reason vacancies
in the organizations occur is to optimize the overall operations of the organization
by recruiting more efficient employees. Many of the operations in the Wal-Mart
related to the inventory, supply chain, logistics and operations management in
the company [1].
The internal sources of the
Wal-Mart recruitment process are employee referrals and previous applicant who
are capable. The external sources that Wal-Mart Company use in the process of
recruitment are Advertisement, employment agencies, deputation, word of mouth
and employment exchanges [2].
For recruitment process in the organization
the first step is to prepare an effective job description that contains job
title, information about company, description of job, qualifications and how to
apply. The process of recruitment can be done through social media, website, and
advertising and online job portal. Once the applicant applies for job, there is
first screening of the candidates and best of them called for interview. In the interview the behavior and situational
questions asked to candidates to know about these skills. At the end the job is
offered to the best ones.
There are many of the factors
that are likely to have an influence on the process of recruitment in the
Wal-Mart. The internal factors of the
organization that have an influence on the recruitment process are the HRM
policies and financial conditional and budget of the company because it is
obvious that the company recruitment process effect on the finance of the company.
The external factors of the organization that have an influence on the
recruitment process are the unemployment rate, competitors and labor laws in
the market
MacDonald’s Recruitment Plan
The MacDonald’s organization used
a lot of internal and external sources in order to make the recruitment plan. The recruitment plan of the organization
depends on the needs of the staff in the MacDonald’s branch. The MacDonald’s
company offers internship, temporary and permanent jobs in the market and
depending on the nature of the job they are offering, overall process of
recruitment plan also change. The internal sources of the MacDonald’s
recruitment process are previous applicant who are capable and employee
referrals. The external sources that MacDonald’s Company uses in the recruitment
process are employment agencies, Advertisement, deputation, and employment
exchanges. The most likely to reason of
the MacDonald’s vacancies that that either some of the employees who were
permanent or internees leaves the job because of promotion, termination etc or
the overall operations of the company increase because of increase in demand etc [3].
In the process of recruitment in
the MacDonald’s the primary step is to prepare an helpful job description that include
job title, description of job, information about company, qualifications and
how to apply. The recruitment process can be done through official website, social
media, and advertising and employee’s agencies. Once the candidate applies for
job, there is initial screening of the candidates and finest of them called for
interview. In the interview the behavioral
and situational questions asked to applicant to know about these intrapersonal
skills. At the end the job is offered to the most excellent candidates out of
the applicants.
There are many of the factors
that have influences of the overall process of the recruitment in the
MacDonald’s organization. The internal factors that influence the MacDonald’s
recruitment are operational need, size of the firm and financial budget of the
company. On the other side the external
factors which have the impact on the overall process of recruitment in the
company are the unemployment rate, labor policies, demand in market and
Impact of the legal and regulatory framework on recruitment and
selection activities of the chosen organization, focus on key legal and ethical
requirements of the selected interviews.
There are a lot of laws that have
to be considered by both organizations Wal-Mart and MacDonald’s during the process
of recruitment that comprise legislation concerning equality and discrimination
and also some of the other principled issues. The employers in the
organizations could risk serious punishment if they were found guilty of laws breaching
while recruitment process. The Equality Act 2010 carries together numerous previous
legislations related to the process of recruitment in the organization together
into law. This also covers up all of the discrimination aspects in the organization
place of work together with sex, age, race, orientation and religion. It is also
likely to hold gender repositioning and maternity and pregnancy. The Equality
Act 2010 also covers nine sheltered characteristics. In the process of
recruitment there are many issues can raises regarding the legislations and law
and it are also important for all of the companies to keep in mind the value of
legislation while conducting the whole recruitment.
The victimization during the
recruitment process also occurs when employer unfairly treats any candidates
while conducting the interview for the job because they have also brought up an
Equality Act claim. The Sex discrimination act 1975-1997 affirms that the all
of the employees or even the candidates appear in the interview would be secured
from any discrimination because of their sexuality or gender under Equality Act
2010. The discrimination protection applies to the overall process of
recruitment access to training and promotion; terms of employment; facilities,
access to benefits and discharge in both organizational Wal-Mart and
MacDonald’s. The discrimination of Sex takes place when an employee or candidates
appear in the interview receives inequitable treatment because of the gender of
sex of the person.
Legal and ethical requirements of the selected interviews
While conducting interviews with
the candidates, the employers must need to focus on the ethical and legal
concern keeping in mind simple standard that is fairness. Many federal and state
laws connected to recruitment, and mainly to hiring discrimination, are intended
to maintaining fairness in the organizations. The employers of the Wal-Mart and
MacDonald are motivated to do the fair thing to treat all candidates equally
and provide them with a chance for consideration. here are some of the legal
and ethical concerns that must be kept in mind by Wal-Mart and MacDonald’s
company while conducting interviews [4].
Diversity Recruitment
The law and ethics need employers
to look for the most excellent candidate for a particular position. Interviews
of recruitment should pay no attention to race, gender, national origin,
ethnicity, religion or, in agreement with particular rule, age. The
Disabilities Act of Americans made it illegal to differentiate against a capable
person with any sort of disability, as long as applicant can carry out the necessary
job duties. Even though there is no centralized authorization regarding the sexual
orientation, a number of states have law in opposition to discrimination. In other
cases except for gender orientation, employers who are likely to show practices
of biased recruitment are cause to undergo sanctions from the federal prosecution
and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under federal and state laws.
Standardization Recruitment
The organization must document and
design their processes of recruitment to make sure and prove equality and fairness.
The consistent interview and applications questions help make sure applicant
receive the similar dealing and fair comparison. In addition, the interviewers have
to be careful about not make remarks or stress depends on background or
appearance of the candidate.
Nepotism Recruitment
The nepotism engages giving first
choice for employment promotion and opportunities to members of the family. Even
though occasionally owners or business leaders or family members are experienced
for a job, in case of family member’s recruitment family comprises a disagreement
of interest. Most significantly, it undercuts recruitment fairness. The state and
federal law prohibit favoritism in Wal-Mart and MacDonald’s organization.
Background Investigations Recruitment
The Wal-Mart and MacDonald’s defend
themselves and customers, by investigates the background of the potential
candidates. Normally, these include employment and criminal history information,
social security number, education and verification of the professional license,
and also sometimes checks of the credit. it is also very important for the companies to
keep the information of the candidates confidential and not discuss it other than the professional
purpose with anyone inside or outside the organization.
References of Recruitment
M. Shah,
"Factors Influencing Recruitment," 24 November 2017. [Online].
"Walmart’s HRM: Recruitment, Selection, Employee Retention," 28
JANUARY 2017. [Online]. Available:
[Online]. Available:
E. Feigenbaum,
"Ethical & Legal Issues in the Interview Process," 26 September
2017. [Online]. Available: