In this case, the actual appeal by
the plaintiff was made for sexual harassment. She sued her co-worker to file
the case of sexual harassment that she was sexually harassed by her. When the
court sees such cases, first of all they have to review the evidence whether
any sexual harassment happened or not. In this case, court cannot find any reason
to say that plaintiff was harassed because of any sexual acts. After looking at
all the evidence, the court gave summary judgment in favor of the defendant,
because sexual harassment did not happen. But this case was more of a same-sex
harassment issue, and the evidences provided by the plaintiff shows that it was
a case, which deals with equal opportunity harasser. The evidence was clear
that accused employee was involved in same kind of harassment acts towards both
males and females’ workers. There was an act of simulated rape, but that also
was not good enough to establish sexual harassment, so court should dismiss the
appeal based on sexual harassment.
In this case, the court cannot grant
summary judgment in favor of the defendant as facts from the case are showing
the evidence of hostile environment. Moreover, when facts and evidence is
reviewed closely, it clearly shows that there were different occasions when manager
was involved in unwanted touching near private parts of the appellant. It
showed that her leg was touched under her skirt, and the accuses moved his hand
near her private part, which cannot be seen just as an act of rudeness,
discourtesy, or even an act of insensitivity. Looking at all the facts, it can
be said that evidence is good enough for the court to decide the case in favor
of the plaintiff, because these acts can be deemed as sexual harassment acts.
So court should accept the appeal of plaintiff and ask the defendant to pay her
punitive as well as compensatory damages.
In this case, the female worker sued
the employer, because the work environment was hostile and harassing for women.
Now, in such case, first the court has to review facts and make sure whether
any sexual harassment was evident or not. The sexual harassment can be written
off in this case, as there were no material facts to support that. Now, it was
important for court to decide whether there was hostile environment, which made
things difficult for female workers to work. Placing nude pictures, placing
tampon with key ring, and using calendars with sexually explicit pictures; all
these facts are good enough for court to determine that as per the Title VII
whether the environment is hostile and sufficiently pervasive and severe for
the women workers including the plaintiff. So court should accept the case for
a major trial and give decision in favor of the appellant.
The case facts show that harassment behavior
by the coworker for the cashier was lengthy one, where she went through these things
for 8 to 9 months. She was constantly being victimized by the coworker as he
was involved in unwanted touching on her buttocks, discussing sexual things,
telling about his desire reading women customers, looking for a girlfriend etc.
All of these things are not conclusive enough evidences for the court to
establish that cashier was sexually harassed as touching kind of things happened
once or twice in such long period. However, she was constantly abused and
harassed, and looking at available evidence, the court must determine that
employer was not able to provide good work environment, so work environment is
hostile and sever for the cashier to work. In such situation, the court must
give decision in favor of the cashier against employers as they were not
serious to resolve the issue of their hostile environment, so now they should
pay punitive damages to the cashier.