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The best steps to performed in order to hire the best HR.

Category: Human Resource Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: N/A Words: 4700


Hiring Interns

It could be beneficial for any company to hire and attract the pool of young talent because, in this way, company get more profitability and can help the youngsters to get the chance; to start their career at the early stage. The company needs to focus on effective recruitment strategies as it could help the company to stay competitive in the market and it can be a proactive approach. For the hiring strategy of our company, there is a need to focus on the offered job opportunities for the students and the company as well.

The recruiting coordinator can help to perform recruitment steps; however, students need to be inspired first that what benefits they can get through the internship; as they can get training relevant to industry and they can get stipend also. To hire the best intern there is the need to manage the best relationship with the school; to arrange the job fair as it allows to do the mini-interview while screening candidates face to face.

Following steps need to be performed in order to hire the best HR.

Ø  Job description

v  Position title

ü  Full Stack Web Developer (e.g. React and Node.js)

v  Information about company

ü  The company wants to hire the IT professionals as well as the interns as the largest technological corporations. However, in order to do the innovations in the direct-sales model the company required the professionals who can support the innovation operation.

ü  To hire best HR there is need to follow all the requirement steps that are discussed below. Hiring for the job position; Full Stack Web Developer positions will be done; in order to effectively focus on the company mission, values, values etc.

v  Mission, values, recent awards

ü  In order to effectively focus on the company mission, vision, values on the technological innovations and quality work; to recruit best and innovative talent is the priority of the company.

ü  To meet the excellent standards in the field; the company will hire best candidates who are intern, professionals or with some relevant experiences. However, experience in the field of commercial printing, page-wide printing segments, packaging will be appreciated.

ü  Moreover, to get the competitive advantages in the industry; the company need to effectively respond towards the technological aspect; through best and fresh talent. Consequently, to get recent awards company need to be proficient in the web development (promotional brochures) etc.

v  Job description

ü  A full stack web developer will perform the front-end operations through the combination of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. He/she will be responsible to build everything that interacts on a website. As a Front-end developer one should able to make Web UI applications micro service API. For team productivity one need to with full capacity and skill in order to improve product quality.

ü  Back-end functions also need to be performed through developing the application, server, as well as the database. One need to focus on the foundational structure stacks example LAMP (Apache, MySQL, Linux, and PHP) and moreover, MEAN (Node.js, MongoDB, AngularJS, and Express.js). One need to perform all the technologies in order to set a complete website.

v  Qualifications

ü  Bachelor’s Degree preferred or equivalent experience.

ü  Interns and professionals are required with minimum experience of 2+ year’s web UI development. One need to work with the visualization frameworks (example, Node.js tools D3, chart and environment etc.)

ü  One need to know how to manage the Agile SCRUM process.

ü  One should be proficient in Node.js.

ü  Bonus points for PostgreSQL.

ü  One should have the knowledge of entire technology stack.

ü  Bonus points for Angular / React/ AngularJS.

ü  One need to have OOD skills and TDD.

Ø  Recruitment tools

ü  There are several tools that will be implemented according to the job description and the company requirement.

v  Online Job Board

ü  For this job the employee will be applied through the help of any website that contain different fields of the company. As for the organization there is proper employment website link that will give proper information to the employee, how to apply for that job or designation.

ü  The organization will arrange proper link for the employees so that they can access it easily through just clicking on it. The organization will publish that link to different websites that are made for job so that through this the employee are able to access.

v  Social media

ü  There are different social media applications that are used for the job. The organization has to use Facebook and Twitter applications for the social media. For this they must have to arrange proper social media advertising video that will give proper information about the requirements of the job.

ü  The responsibilities that he has to perform in the organization. The organization has to develop perfect Google doc for the employment. So that through this the employee can easily apply to that job without any difficulty. That Google doc will contain the necessary information about the job and also other related information of the employee. In the form of advertisement, the company has to design a template on the Twitter that is basically a link to the application for the job.

v  Relationship with schools, colleges

ü  This is one of the finest recruitment tools for the organization. The organization has to develop some important relationships with the school, colleges, and universities. The organization has to make a link with one of the finest institutes of the country.

ü  This is because by visiting such institutes the can easily called up bright and capable students for the interview and then select them as the intern. With the help of this step the recruitment process for the organization will become extremely easy and also there will be no difficulty in hiring the new employees for the organization.

ü  Also, there will be less requirement for the training because the organization will tell the principal of the institute that how to train their students for that organization.

v  Advertising

ü  One of the most important recruitment tools is advertising. This advertising can be done everywhere the organization wanted. The Singapore is a small country and in that country the advertising is extremely simple and important.

ü  The organization have to work on making the advertisement attractive for the employees so that many employees will apply for the recruitment in this organization. The organization will involve in using one of the best advertising tools for making the advertisement.

ü  The organization must have to use this recruitment tool with care because this tool is the reflection of the company. The organization will develop some banners and apply it on the buses. The organization has to link with some social sites like Facebook and designed a perfect add for the company. The advertisement will contain the requirement for the designation of the organization.

v  Employment agencies

ü  This is also one of the essential recruitment tools that this company will use for hiring the employees for the organization. The organization will link to different employment agencies that are implementing in that country.

ü  The organization will give proper information about the company and also the recruitment that is required. Through the use of this tool it will become very easy for the organization to hire an employee according to the requirement of the company. The organization will give complete information of the position to the employment agencies.

v  Company website

ü  If your company is one of the best companies in the country so company website is the best and easy tool for recruitment. This is because through this the company is able to hire an employee without wasting any time and money.

ü  For using this tool, the organizational manager will contact with the developer of their company and tell them what type of advertisement they have to design for the company. With the help of this design the company can easily able to hire new employees to their organization without wasting any time.

v  Word of mouth

ü  Word of mouth can be effective policy that can be concerned in order to hire the new talent. Moreover, IT people are always in need of job; so marketing would result in word of mouth because when few people know there is the job then more people could know it.

ü  As it is common recruitment tool that every big organization used for hiring new employees. For this the organization will record the main message from their CEO for hiring. He will just mention that his organization requires new talent in their organization and if you wanted to join this organization so for this just you have to send us your documents and then we will hire you. This message must be upload to any social media application with the help of link.

v  The screen of applicant

ü  As your organization is operating in one of the finest countries in the world, whose economy is stable. So due to this whenever a company wanted to hire an employee in their company.

ü  Many members will apply through different sites and agencies for the position in the organization. This means that there are about more than 10 thousand CVs and applications from the users. Then the next important job for the HR department of the company is to apply screening process on the applications of the employees and called best employees for the interview.

Ø  The screen of the applicants

v  E-mail or telephone

ü  This is one of the most common method of screening the applicant for the user. When the organization use the social media or advertisement recruitment tool for hiring the new members of the organization so for that they must has to arrange an Email for them that will be sent automatically when he will apply for that position. When the applicant applied through the website of the company so the organization will call that applicant after receiving the application.

ü  This process will become extremely easy for the organization for hiring the specific members for the organization. The organization will select some members from the HR department that will call the applicant that has applied for that job. If the Email linked is not provided when the applicant applied through the help of website so the company will not call that applicant for the interview.

v  Standardized testing

ü  Standardize testing will analyze the score of the applicant that one has the positive attitude and one is a great programmer or not. However, there will be evaluation of the supreme communication skills, experience level and the skills related with the time and task management.

ü  There will be consideration on the quick learning ability and also the broad technical experience.

v  Job fair

ü  The company has to design a job fair for the implementing screening process for the employee. The organization will call the applicants on their job fair that are able to pass the designation test. In the job fair the organization will give them certain task and then according to that the HR department will analyze their basis skills.

ü  In that job fair the organization will tell in detail about the company and also about the designation of the applicants. Through this job fair the applicant will learn about the company and there will be less effort are required in the interview for the organization.

v  Student portfolio

ü  This is one of the most important part of the applicant. The applicant has to make a proper copy of the portfolio. Then after this they will send it to the organization. The organization will analyze the portfolio in detail of the applicant that will attend the job fair for the organization.

ü  The organization will analyze that portfolio in detail. The organization must have to mention what is the main requirement of the job and their skills. In that portfolio the applicant will mention everything about his skills and his hobbies and what he can do about company when he will be hired. After analyzing the student portfolio the screening process will become extremely easy for the organization.

Ø  Interview the best candidates

ü  There are two types of interview that every company used for hiring their best employees for their organization. These are Behavioral questions and the next one is the situational question. The interviewer must have to use these two type in their conduction of the interview so that through this hiring process become more and more easy. After the screening process the organization will call for an interview.

v  Behavioral questions

ü  In that part the interviewer will ask some question about the behavior of the applicant. For this the interviewer will use the star approach. In that approach he will ask the applicant about the situation that he has tackle it with perfection without any difficulty.

ü  This situation may be regarding to their past life or may be regarding to their past job. In that approach the nest question is regarding to the task that the applicant has performed at that position in the organization. Then after this the next question will be regarding to the action that the applicant had done for solve this situation. Then after this the next question is regarding to the results. By analyzing the star approach the interview will able to analyze some basic skills of the applicant.

v  Situational questions

ü  This is also one of the most common interview questions that the interviewer may ask from the applicant about some situation. These questions may be regarding to the general situation and may be related to the IQ tactics. The applicant will answer such question by thinking out of the box. These questions are related to the general situation from where the applicant is involved on daily basis. The interviewer will ask about the situation that may be regarding to the daily routine. The example of such question are like what you will do when your biscuit will remain in the tea or coffee. Another question is that, what is the number of the yellow car that is in front of your car?

ü  These are the some of the situational questions that the interviewer will ask from the applicant so that he can easily analyze his best skills. Also some other situational questions are like, if the company is in trouble and we want a temporary management change in the organization. Can you tell me what you will do in that particular situation? Also the next situational question that may the interview can ask from the applicant. That is about if the company want a new software according to their requirement so what will you do to accomplish it perfectly.

Ø  Offer the job

v  Letter of offer

ü  Candidates will be offered letter; as their title, job description, benefits, salary package, probation period, time of work or internship, group of work, hours of work, contract will be mentioned. 2 weeks’ time will be given to candidates to think that are willing for job or not.

Ø  Orientation

v  Clear and focused goals

ü  After hiring the new employees in the organization an orientation session will be held for the recruited employees. In the orientation detail description about the organization will be provided so that employees regarding the worth and importance of the corporation in the industry. In the orientation session the employees will be told about the values and culture of the organization so that they have clear idea about organizational objectives and what the organization is expecting from their new interns.  I9n the orientation session the interns are going to be informed about the objectives and goals of the organization which the organization wants to achieve in the future. It is important that the goals of the interns should be aligned with the goals of the corporation.

ü  Other than goals the interns will be guided about the rules and regulations of the corporation so that interns would not involve in such activities that can harm the profitability, productivity and efficiency of the corporation. A written document will be provided to the interns in which all the necessary rules & regulation are written. During the orientation the interns are going to be informed about the codes of ethics as well. It is important for the interns to know what things are allowed in the corporation and the things that are not. To make the orientation session productive question answer session in the end will also be held so that if any intern have any query regarding the office matters it can get clear information.

ü  The interns will be informed about their duties and responsibilities within the corporation. The policies regarding the holidays, incentives and daily tasks will be discussed in the orientation session. The interns will be informed about the performance evaluation and the criteria which the organization has set to evaluate them. During the orientation session the interns will be encouraged to work hard and meet the requirements of the corporation. In the orientation session the employees will be given guidance regarding their career path and how they can achieve success in the upcoming future if the work with full dedication.

v  Write an outline

ü  An outline will be created which will help the interns to know what they are going to do on day to day basis. The proper schedule will be provided which will help the interns to meet the deadlines and complete their daily work on time. Through an outline the interns will have clear about the duties and they will be able to perform duties more efficiently.

ü  During orientation the management team who is providing guidance to the interns can also create an outline which allow them to provide detail information to the newly hired interns. If the individuals whom are conducting orientation will create an outline than the chances of errors will reduce up to lot of extent and the interns will get all the desired information they need.

v  Gather feedback

ü  After the orientation it is important that the management should take feedback from the interns regarding what they have perceived about the organization and whether they are aware about the goals of the corporation or not.

ü  Through feedback the organization can assess the capability of the intern and can evaluate whether there is a need for further training or not. It is important for the organization that the individuals who are working in the corporation are skillful and working with accuracy. Through feedback the issues of the interns or employees can also be resolved. In short feedback is very important for the growth & success of the corporation.

ü  There are several ways through which corporation can take feedback from newly hired interns. The feedback from the employees will be taken using the social media sites. Today almost everyone uses the social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

ü  The corporation will ask the employees about what they feel about the corporation and how corporation can further improve its operations. Feedback will also be taken by holding weekly or monthly meetings. Through feedback the corporation will get the chance to remove it mistake and make policies which are favorable for the employees/interns.

Ø  Training

v  Training Program Development

ü  It has been decided to recruit those individuals who have the necessary qualification & skills. Holding a bachelor’s degree and 2 year experience in web developing is mandatory for the candidates. However the corporation after selecting the individuals will be given necessary training so that they can adjust themselves in the corporation efficiently. The IT experts and experienced individuals will train the interns so that their web developing skills can further enhanced. During the training the expert will share their experience and ideas with the team members so that their knowledge will enhance. The training program will be designed by keeping the level of capability of the interns in mind.

ü  The training will be provided through various techniques. The interns will be given lectures as well as practical training. After the completion of the training period the performance of the interns will be evaluated to know how much the interns have learned in the training program. If the performance of the intern’s increases than it means that the training has become successful. However if the interns performance remain the same than it means that interns need further training and the previous training program does not achieve its desired results.  The training program should be developed by keeping the preferences and needs of the organization in mind.

v  Determine characteristics of workers

ü  Each worker/intern will have its own distinctive capability and the organization will take benefit from characteristics of each individual. The tasks will be given to the workers by keeping their skills and qualification in mind. For instance if one worker is expert in developing Java, JavaScript etc. than that individual will be given the tasks that are related to developing of java.

ü  For determine the characteristic of employees their performance will be evaluated which will determine the core capabilities of the interns. It is important that the corporation have idea about the abilities of the intern.

v  Business Goals, KPIs, and Job Training

ü  Key performance indicators for the Full Stack Web Developer candidates will be according to the level of offer acceptance rate; as one need to be comfortable in developing Java, Javascript, Node.js etc.

ü  Full Stack Web Developer need to follow KPIs as there is need to focus quality and time to fill. There will be proper metrics and retention rates.

Ø  Evaluation

v  How interns are performing

ü  It is important for the corporation to evaluate the performance of the employee/interns because if the interns are not going to perform their duty efficiently than the corporation will be the one who is going to pay the price. After providing the orientation and training to the interns it is the duty of the HR to keep record of intern performance.

ü  The corporation will evaluate the performance through different ways. The HR department will maintain a check list through which the performance of the interns will be measured. The performance of the employees/interns will also be measured through observing their routine activities.

ü  The interns whose performance will not meet set criteria will be given written notice so that they can increase their performance with the passage of time. Such interns will be encouraged or motivated to improve their performance. Incentives will be given to such interns whose performance will be better than set criteria.  The company will keep such employees in the organization who consistently work with dedication. The performance evaluation will allow company to take rational decision and provide benefit to those who deserve it. If the performance is not going to be effectively evaluated than company cannot determine which employee has done good work and deserves an award.

ü  The IT experts will monitor the performance and quality of work of the Stack developers. IT experts will than give report to the management of the corporation. The management will consider regarding improving the skills of the interns by holding workshops, weekly seminars and other performance enhancing measures.

v  Employment decisions

ü  The major employment decisions will be taken after evaluating the performance of the interns. The HR department will be responsible for setting the incentives, bonuses and reward. Moreover, the HR department will keep record of the intern’s personal profile. 

ü  The decision regarding increasing or decreasing the level of duties will be taken after evaluating the progress of employees. Such interns will be made permanent whose performance remain exceptional during the internship period. In short, all the major decisions which the company will taker regarding the recruitment will based on the performance, skill and qualification of the individuals.

v  Layoffs

ü  It is obvious that when the corporations face financial losses, they layoff some of their employees to save expenses. By keeping this scenario in mind, the employees will be informed about the layoff policy of the organization. The organization will try its level best to facilitate such individuals who will be layoff from the corporation.  Those employees can be considered for layoff whose performance is not up to the set criteria and during their time in the corporation have not contributed in the success of the corporation. The layoff procedure is not easy for the corporation because not only its performance disturbs but also its reputation can also decrease if the corporation has not taken rational decision.

ü  The decision of layoff will be taken after consultation with the top management of the corporation. Such interns who are performing exceptionally well and have proved that they have the capability to improve the performance of the corporation will not be layoff because such employees are the asset of the corporation and if such interns are going to be layoff than corporation will unable to retain talent in the organization. Therefore, the organization will act rationally and will retain talent in the corporation.

Ø  360 feedback

ü  Before hiring, the company will check out all the efforts from the employee that he has done during the hiring. This feedback is really important for the company because through this they can easily evaluate their employer in perfect way without any difficulty. The employer will receive some confidential feedbacks from the other people. This can be explained with the help of an example that if the applicant is selected for the IT department so that this employer will receive feedback from the IT manager, program developer and also the HR department.

ü  They will give feedback according to the performance of the employer. The management of the organization will provide direct reports to the employer so that he can easily show improvement according to the feedback. According to the organization there are about 12 people from the organization that will give proper feedback about that employee in detail.

v  Competency model

ü  For the 360 feedback the organization has to work on designing the competency model so that they can easily give proper feedback to the employer. There are major four parts of the competency model that the organization has to follow for this 360 feedback. The first one is the job expectation and success criteria. The HR department of the organization will give feedback on the job expectation. The HR department will analyze total training program of the employee in detail and then according to that feedback he will generates feedback for it.

ü  The organization will also set success criteria, this is because according to this they are able to give proper feedback to the employer. In the employer orientation the HR manager of the organization will give important demonstration about the organizational mission statement and their future strategies. Then after the training session of the employee the HR manager of the organization will give feedback about the employee that he is involved in completing the tasks according to the mission statement of the company.

ü  The next part is that the company has to integrate with all processes of the management. This is because they can easily give positive feedback to the employee according to their performance on their management skills. If the management skills are good for the employee so they will receive positive feedback on their efforts. The organization also has to focus on the common language skills of the employee.

ü  This is because if the employee is good in common language so that he can communicate better with other team and also the management. According to this they will get positive feedback because of their best communication skills.

A recruitment action plan with the timeframe and action steps is given below;


Recruitment Action Plan

Action Steps

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10,11,12

Week 13,14,15

Week 16,17,18

Week 19,20,22


Internship Description and job posting



Upcoming Job Fair



Find Interns




Choosing an intern



Create an offer letter



Prepare intern contract



Ensures compliance and contracts with law




Internship starts and training



Monitor ending date and inform management



Hold exit interview



Scheduling an Exit Interview





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