Before we take a look at the
detailed overview about the functions of Bank of England lets throw some light
on Bank of England. Bank of England is one of the prime model banks for world
on basis of it most of the banks are build. Furthermore, it is central bank of
Bank of England key functions
The key responsibility of the
bank of England is to retain financial stability of the U.K further it is the
official custodian for the gold reserves of the U.K government. It has to further ensure the economic
stability of the country and is the last resort lender.
Let’s take a further dive about
the key functions of BOE.
Economic Stability
It refers to provide a stable
economic environment in the country by maintaining the value of the currency.
It further maintains the prices by lowering or raising as per the government
Financial Stability
It refers to the stability of the
whole financial system so that confidence in the system remains as whole, other
financial institutions and market remains there.
Gold Reserve keeper
The bank is the official keeper
and guardian of not only the gold reserves of the England but many other
countries, as of 2014 it was estimated to have gold bars for the value of £142
Last Resort Lender
The bank of England is the
ultimate resort for lending cash to other commercial banks that face shortage
of cash. [4]
Federal Open Market Committee
This committee is responsible for
supervision of the open market operations, these operations ultimately effects
the federal funds rates that further effect the whole market
Bank of England is one of the
prime bank role models in which many other banks are made and it has the
responsibility to ensure market stability of the UK and other economic
conditions. Furthermore, the FOMC is the committee that ensures the whole
References of the Federal Open Market Committee
Corporate finance
instiitute , "bank of England," 2017. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 12 12 2018].