According to Bailey & Pearson
(1983, p.542), relevance refers to “the degree of congruence between what the
user wants or requires and what is provided by the information products and
services”. It refers to what the user needs to evaluate a product and the
information included in an online review (Lee et al., 2008, p.343). Information
relevance is considered to be an important key in decision making process
(Dunk, 2004), because it enables the decision maker to directly use the
information to solve a given problem, in this case, to resolve a problem of
ambiguity and uncertainty when intending to buy a product online (Citrin, 2001,
p.33). Madu & Madu (2002) found that Internet users not always read
thoroughly the text posted on website; they rather scan it in search for the
information they need. Also they prefer to find it fast and without making a
big effort (Nah & Davis, 2002). Thus, a message should include relevant
arguments in order to be noticed by users. Furthermore, relevance was found to
have a significant influence on the information usefulness and information
adoption (Cheung et al, 2008, p. 241), which means that the probability that
consumers are persuaded by the online review is higher when the information
relevance is high (Teng et al., 2014, p.748). Hence, relevance is considered as
a crucial factor that may influence the information adoption process and
therefore, will be examined in this study.
Accuracy of Technology
acceptance model
Accuracy is concerned about “the
correctness of the output information” (Bailey & Pearson, 1983, p.541). It
also refers to the extent the users perceive the information as correct (Wixom
& Todd, 2005) as they may be sceptical about certain claims, which can be
seen as either right or false (Rabjohn et al., 2008, p.4). It means that if a
review presents an information that the user knows to be false, he/she may
reject the review. If a review contains a comment that match what the user
believes is true, he/she would be more willing to consider the rest of the
comment as accurate (Cheung et al., 2008, p.242). Markopoulos & Kephart
(2002) stated that reviews including more accurate information, have a greater
value to the consumers. Therefore, the more accurate the information is, the
more useful information is perceived to be for the consumer. For this reason,
we think that accuracy was an important element to be investigated in our