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Literature Review of Cultural and Social Challenges in Translation (Proposal)

Category: Social Sciences Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: IEEE Words: 1900

        By conferring to the research which conducted by Guerra in the year of 2012 it is examine that the Translating literary is not that much easy task undoubtedly there are certain issues in the translator. One of the main issues is that several phrase or the words in translator have some phenomena, facts and also identifying the objects at theme same time. these words are so deeply entrenched in their source SC which is abbreviated as source culture and words are not particular in the culture which formed them as in the target culture TC they are not corresponding.

        The reason behind this all is that these words might be unknown or else they are recognized or classified properly in the target language. It is too hard for a translator of correspondence in translation there is much dissimilarity in every language due to the difference between the cultures so the structure of every language is also not similar (Nida 130). Furthermore it is so difficult to translate the texts, words or phrases which are purely culture bound words as the words which are specified for the specify culture so many of theoreticians such as Yifeng, Santoyo, Yebra, Gracia and many others find it difficult to translate these words and sustenance to untranslatability for culture bound words. According to many scholars language express the individuality of a culture and make it particular so it is examined that more difference in culture create the more difficulty in translation because there is more difference in language also [4].

        By conferring the research is piloted by Guo in the year of 2012 it is to be notified that the culture and the language have the deep and strong relation with each other as a diverse culture must have the diverse language. It is more difficult and challenge for the people to understand and remember the foreign words as the words are the mirror culture characteristics and have the connotations of the linked culture so it is examined that it is more hard to translate it accurate. There are two translate approaches which are pragmatic equivalence and semantic equivalence by identifying the relation of among the language and culture a translator should remember these approaches when translating the words. There is the existence of semantic zero and correspondence when it is required to translate the different languages from be different cultures so the translators should try to make up the semantic zero during the translation as it is caused by the differentiation of cultures [5].

        As particular historical expansions are diverse so it is natural that there cultures are also diverse. In English language there are many allusions in the language which are comprises from much characters and events by treasure house of the literature of English and in literature they are mostly come from Shakespeare. Native speakers uses the several quotes of Shakespeare in their daily life. They are used of to using allusions of Shakespeare they do not use it purposely. Once in the popular magazine of America named as the American magazine Times there was a sentence in it: “many took to gambling and got in over their heads, borrowing from the shylock to pay their debts.

        ” So there was popular play which is named as the Merchant of the Vine and it was write by the famous author Shakespeare and the shylock which was mention in the sentence above is the character of this play. Generally it is used for a person who is desirous, cruel and gambling by the nature. Pragmatic laid stress on the similar value among the dissimilar contexts like in the above sentence we can ignore the issue of language and can understood the meaning of other without translation by receptors. On the other hand the same sentence can also be converting into the Chinese language as instance 那些台高筑的徒不 得不借高利贷还债The condition in which we do not understand the particular allusions which are generally used so we cannot understand the further things also [5].

        According to the study which is conducted in the year 2008 by Wu in this research it is examined that the language is not the phenomenon which can understand isolated it has a deep link with culture. The language is also considered as the keystone of the culture by several social scientists. In the same way the language is prejudiced and shaped by the culture. Language is considered as a reflection of its culture. The relation between the language and culture is just like the bridge among them which plays an essential role in t. As all of us know that very well the dissimilarities in the culture make feel sometime so stroppy when translating the language.

        How can we manage this challenge properly? According to my thinking and view first of all we should examine the essence and the core of this situation. All of us know that the most lively and active factor of the language is considered the world. There is a rapid change in the social life of the social life of the people and there is also improvement in the nations so the reflection of the culture can be shown easily in language. To face this challenge we should first analyze the culture connotation deeply and to compare it with words as it reflects the culture of the different states and the cultural gaps can be originate in the several areas such as extension and intension, non – aquiline and in the derivation [3].

        In the translation of linguistic the most essential is to be well informed about the background of the language which is its culture. In the most popular writing “A Dream of the Red Mansion” there was such instance Baoyu and Wang Xifeng grasp a funeral procession and the Wang whispered to the Baoyu that “bie gei ta men hou zai ma shang” the reason is that she wants to show her affection and genial intensely. Another writer named as David Hawkes translate the above sentence into different language in a different way as “you do not want to go clomping around the countryside like apes on horseback with those men”, which come back in front of Wang Xifengs’s tone lively [3].

        According to another research which is conducted in the year of 2017 by the Ukpong, in this research it is to be noticed that there are several hurdles by in the way to making the translation operative some of these most common hurdles are considered the culture and social issues. The difference between the social and culture is the most prominent hurdle among the states. In the several cases we get to know that there are many states having many culture and culture diversities. These are obstructs in the way to make the translation effective due to the numerous commencements of reality induced by languages.  This research observes several hurdles that came in the way of translation due to the cultural and social elements [1].

        As humans are the animals of social and culture than translation should have the dimensions of culture and social as the translation is considered as the activity of the humans. Language is a medium of conversation for the humans by using the text and words  which are found and shaped by humans also to foster melodious co – existence and connection. At the end of this study there is the requirement to introduce the mastery of the language based on the skills to rapidly understand the whole sentence [1].

        One another research which is held in the year of 2012 by the Sulaimaan it is notify that how human see the external world and what peculiarities they made among its various parts which are imitated by their languages. Some of the linguistic made a division between the 3 main functions of languages and the functions are interpersonal and ideational. It is considered differently in several languages [6].

        The set of mental set of each culture aspects that between one language and another, various mental sets overlap and by virtue of cultural specificity a common place fact and value system rarely match. Some invisible borderlines which were drawn across the image of the world, these reflect the mental sets by language and they largely differ between languages. [6].

Numerous events are observed in a sentence that there are many words that are used for quite different meanings in different states because of cultural difference. For example the story of Ishmael and Abraham is considered a symbol of the grace of God in the Muslims but it is different in western.

        As it is mentioned before that the lady got angry because the person without taking permission visits her which was contrasting to her cultural norms and in the result of it she becomes angry. Subsequently, the different culture have different attitude and also have their own scope of making and placing apology. It can also be seen in the natural social process that a new born baby automatically learns the culture and mother tongue. In the social development they learn throughout their growth that how to act accordingly to their culture. Likewise, through an automatic system they learns that how to use the language and what aspects of the language are fitting with the different situation and so they learn to use their language in communication. Language and culture are interlined and mixed with each other therefore, learning a language also impacts the cultural understand and vice verse. There are many example can be found in support of this argument such as in the Chinese culture it is used to say that “Can I have a drink” instead of asking for the drink in a way by saying “Give me a drink” and in the same way, in the Chinese culture the person is not called from the first name except in case if he is younger.  Moreover, in other words, it is aimed to convey that to learn a language not only leaning vocabulary and words are important but at the same time, learning culture has great importance to understand a language with its real scope [2].

        Furthermore, the social rules are the reflection of the cultural factors. Like the language every culture also holds its uniqueness therefore, the along with the fact that cultures are diverse, it fits with the language. Cultural has great influence on the language and it is based on the two prominent aspects i.e. similarities of culture also reflect through the similarities in the language and difference in culture also reflects through the language difference.

References of Cultural and Social Challenges in Translation (Proposal)


D. E. Ukpong, "Social and Cultural Barriers in Translation," Dominica E. Ukpong, Social and Cultural Barriers in Translation , pp. 77-87, 2017.


X. Geng, "Techniques of the Translation of Culture," Theory and Practice in Language Studies, pp. 977-981, 2013.


J. Wu, "The Analysis of Cultural Gaps in Translation and Solutions," English Language Teaching, vol. 1, 2008.


A. F. Guerra, "Translating culture: problems, strategies and practical realities," Art and Subversion, 2012.


H. Guo, "A Brief Analysis of Culture and Translation," Theory and Practice in Language Studies, pp. 343-347, 2012.


D. A. Sulaimaan, "The Impact of Culture on Translation," 2012.



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