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Summary of Flaring our Way out of a Water Crisis

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: IEEE Words: 700

        This article discuss about the process which are involved in providing the energy sources of the consumers. Such as, the procedure of the gas and oil which is contains on the vast quantities of the clean water for generating the massive amount of the waste water. This article also discu8ss about the production of the natural gas. In the previous time American has tried a lot to reborn the oil and natural gas. It is estimated by the Energy Information Administration of United States that they have assesses of the 665 trillion cubic feet for finding the natural gas.

        It also has capacity of the 58 billion barrels to finding the oil from various region of the country. In 2005 the net imports of the oil and gas started to reduce which is taken off by the Shale boom. By increasing the demand of the local water and natural gas flaring the trouble for the economic activity will also increase. Fracking is used as the source of the water intensive which is used to storing the water 2 million to 9 million gallon of water which is requiring for completing the single well of production.

Answer of the question

        There are several method used in this article for storing and reusing the wastewater and gas. The most important is the study of the Texas flares which have analyzed the technical feasibility for treating the wastewater according to the flared gas. It also includes the minimal treatment solutions and optimal treatment technology according to the various factors of the environment. It also includes the thermal treatment options which are used as heat based water treatment. It is also known as the multi-effect distillation and membrane distillation multistage flash distillation [1].

How to feed 11 billion people

        This article is discus about to feeding eth population of the Africa, Latin America, Asia and south east. The major reason top writing this articles is considered as the when the five people were killed just because of the cannot paid the cost for the staples just like as the beans cocking oil and many other spiked which are used for the food item. The percentage of increasing harder ship in the nation has been reached to the 80 percent of the population who are surviving only on $ 2 per day.

These riots of the can be restricted by the government of the country.  During the 2006 to 2008 the cost for the fuel, oil, food and many other commodities has increased in very distinct method. This disturbance is also created for the plants. No doubt there are many factors which disturbing the economy of the country such as the political instability and frustration, highly unemployment, poverty and inflation rate. Today, feeding to the world have become daunting challenge and many experts are finding the reason for this problem. How they can implement these all changes for making their environment better.

Answer of the question

        There are many method applied to controlling the growing population of the Africa as well for prodding them proper food and feed. One of the most important methods is slight shift in digit which can be the cause of the reduction in food loss and this good method to reaching the enough food demand. They can grow more crops to finding the food according to their demands they country must be increased their own productive for enhancing their food level. Family planning and under population is also includes in the techniques of the providing the feed [2]

References of a Water Crisis


F. T. D. a. M. E. W. By Yael R. Glazer, "Flaring our way out of a water crisis," Earthmagazine org, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 34-41, 2015.


T. cook, "How to feed 11 billion people," Earth magiziemne, p. more tahn 80, 2016.

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