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Research paper on Leadership and Conflict Management

Category: Leadership Paper Type: Research Paper Writing Reference: APA Words: 1900

According to Brian Vickers (1983), ethics is community stuff, regarding the responsibilities of persons to other persons and the globe as our interest (Vickers, 1983). President Barrack Obama delivered ethics on January 21, 2009, when he retained an “Executive Order” which enacted some ethics procedures on inward and outward governmental representative that existed severer than persons in some preceding government. President Barrack Obama has commendable ethics schedule in his governmental. Still, he has to surface that immense administration and government ethics are a challenging arrangement (Richard W. Painter, 2009).

According to Dr Tiffany McDowell, three principles of organizational ethics (McDowell, 2006)are mention as:

1.      Deliver ethical leadership performance – Leaders should be able to perform their leadership performance for all matters in the company.

2.      Strengthen ethical performs over company practices – A strong set of rules and techniques which strengthen values of the company must be located and apply frequently.

3.      Build trusted definitions of interaction – Company needs to encourage the principles of difference, where all the employees motivated to express their ideas and perceptions.

President Barrack Obama had conducted a tough efforts to enhance ethics in governmental. He has evaded bring in to Washington the most horrible features of the Chicago administrative formation that tossed him during his era. Still, if he endures the increasing tendency of bringing in to Washington the idea of Chicago City Hall which is “a government that does everything for everybody while everybody looks the other way on matters of ethics.” Obama failed to accomplish this, and he has to realize that to create the government become further ethical, the President has to recognize that government itself also has its borders as well (Richard W. Painter, 2009).

According to David Gebler (2006), there are seven levels of an ethical organizations (Gebler, 2006), five of them are mention below.

1.      Financial Stability is the vital element since there are financial responsibilities which employees have in follow their occupation. Obama government has projected and applied a great quantity of macroeconomic as well as financial creativities.

2.      Communication – Company needs to build a good and understanding level communication with its employees in order to achieve the goals. The success of Obama was principally around the conjunction among mass media and social communications. His communication strategies have influenced the configuration of his governmental communication as well (Ruddock, 2013).

3.      System & Processes – The companies that contain a strong obedience system & processes sight inner manages as an occasion to build enhanced and further well-organized progressions. In December 2010, President Barrack Obama implemented the new “Export Control System” in the US. It comprises a new implement to enable obedience with U.S. export governor supplies to be organized (obamawhitehouse.archives.gov, 2010).

4.      Social responsibility is where persons are responsible for achieving their public responsibility. In October 2008, Obama made his public declaration around health care restructuring which backs up the examination from Schmitt. Obama expresses about health as a cooperative moral that government could and must follow, and every person is answerable for facilitating to accomplish (Kelley, 2009). President Obama has clearly explained on his purpose. Obama has a correct view that he would not be able to work out this duty without support from the people.

5.      Alignment – Company needs to align the organizational objectives along with the goals of employees as well to reach the stability among each objective. President Barack Obama has entitled to American schools departments to align the apprentice accomplishment with the requirements of the international monetary (asiasociety.org, n.d.). He created many strategies and procedures to align the government structure and make it better to serve the public.

According to the survey made by the CIPD in Leadership and the Management of Conflict at Work (2008), to manage the conflict in organizations, managers should have a proficiency structure such as reliability, performing as a character model, observing relations among the staff, participative method, apply the certified procedures, and also has the ability to handle the problems. In December 2010, President Barack Obama involved in a mediation confrontation with congressional Republicans more than the George W. Bush-era tax scratches, which stayed because of decease at the finale of 2010 (STAFF, 2015). President Barack Obama has proven how he was good in conflict controlling strategies and an appreciated authorisation of intervention.

According to Lussier & Achua, there are five conflict management styles (Lussier & Achua, 2015) and three of them are mention below.

·         Problem Solving defines as the practice of ruling resolutions to problems which come across. President Barrack Obama tried to solve the problem in the monetary catastrophe which happened in the year of 2008 (Litan, 2018). However, he claimed to fail and brought the country into another Great Depression.

·         Competing describes as struggling alongside one another to get or achieve a goal. The Obama management in its initial seven years settled 560 main rules which categorized by the Congressional Budget Office as taking mostly substantial financial or public effects (Appelbaum & Shear, 2016). His approach was considered to compete above 50 per cent compared with the George W. Bush management throughout the similar time.

·         Avoiding in the term of conflict management system defines as to prevent the conflict from happening. President Barrack Obama has applied negotiation to rearrange conflicts and has engaged into explanation in what way opponents sight a conflict. His management has renowned that mediation takings numerous official and casual frequencies at several stages. Every active appointment supports to avoid inevitable conflicts.

According to Daniel Jensen (2011), the components of an Organizational Philosophy are visions, missions, values, core competencies, and priorities (Jensen, 2011) President Barrack Obama always deliver vision to the US that “works for everyone, not just a wealthy few” (telegraph.co.uk, n.d.). He always pays attention to his vision, mission, values, and core competencies as fundamental aspects to bring better US. That is the reason why he is considered as a successful leader until now.

According to Daniel Jensen (2011), SWOT Analysis is a procedure practised by several administrations to define the strengths and weaknesses which are internal factors of the association and the opportunity and threats which are external factors of the association (Jensen, 2011). Obama used the SWOT Analysis in his communication strategy to attract the people in the US to understand his vision, mission, and values for the country. He is known as a true leadership due to his successful administration during his era.

According to Daniel Jensen (2011), goals and objective in organizational are important to identify the plan needed to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization (Jensen, 2011)Throughout his initial two years, President Barack Obama along with his Democratic associates in Congress accumulated an extensive note of policy achievement: the financial inducement, conveying the monetary scheme back, worldwide health care, comprehensive reorganization of monetary rule, and main modifications in student advance plans. However, he did not succeed to achieve his goals.

According to Daniel Jensen (2011), the role of midlevel leadership in Strategic Planning execution are: Supporting Goals and Objectives, Detailed Action Planning, Measurements, Environmental Scanning, and Leadership Emphasis (Jensen, 2011). The American foreign rule in the era of Obama has recurrently been noticeable by unanticipated pushback, disappointment, and failure. Several of these obstructions perform to have been unreasonably intensified by Obama’s specific method of control the foreign rule of decision-making procedure.

According to Daniel Jensen (2011), there some elements of successful Strategic Planning such as an encounter with the secondary leadership to clarify your committed and prospects, encourage the strategic plan in mass media, etc. (Jensen, 2011). President Barrack Obama use the mass media to deliver his strategic plan to the public. Although some of them were able to accept by the people, still, Obama cannot able to achieve all of his goals.

According to Jeffrey Pfeffer, there are five sources of power (Tushman & Anderson, 2004), three of them are as mentioned below.

·         Legitimate defines as in compliance with the rule or laws

·         Reward defines as an object which given to someone in gratitude of service, work, or accomplishment

·         Expert describes as an individual who is pretty well-informed around or skilled in a specific part.

President Barrack Obama always believe and listen to another expert to make any decisions. He also always considered legitimate aspects before he made any decisions during his administration.

According to Jeffrey Pfeffer, the consequences of power is the possible effects or situations which influenced by the used of power (Tushman & Anderson, 2004). When Obama was unable to develop his schedule throughout Congress, he depends on further severely on federal works. Once Republican federations were diffident to assist, Obama twisted to Democratic authorities, region leaders, or whoever was eager to support him to create alteration. 

According to Jeffrey Pfeffer theory, President Barrack Obama used “a strongly shared vision or organizational culture” (Tushman & Anderson, 2004). This is proven with how he always delivers his vision to the public in the Us before he makes any decisions regarding the country.

            According to Jeffrey Pfeffer, sources of power to the workplace are “legitimate, expert power, coercive power, referent power, and reward power.” Throughout the Obama era, Congress regularly conflicted with the decision-making division on his usage of decision-making requirements and further one-sided activities that he started. Obama nevertheless gave his effort to manage the conflicts.

Conclusion on Leadership and Conflict Management

Leadership and conflict focus on the detail that conflict is inescapable to appear, but the issue is not that conflict get up.  The issue happens when conflict continues, develops to be unwholesome and also unanswered. By way of a leader’s significant to convert accustomed with these methods such as control your chosen technique, then fix which steps you will take to progress your assistance in this part. Then finally, to assist your organization in effectively handling conflict as it rises. And, one important thing to be note, leadership and conflict determination works together.

References of Leadership and Conflict Management

Appelbaum, B., & Shear, M. D. (2016, August 13). obama era legacy regulation. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/14/us/politics/obama-era-legacy-regulation.html

asiasociety.org. (n.d.). President Obama Calls for American Education System to Align with Global Economy. Retrieved from https://asiasociety.org/education/president-obama-calls-american-education-system-align-global-economy

Gebler, D. (2006). Creating an ethical culture: values-based ethics programs can help employees judge right from wrong. Strategic finance, 29-35.

Jensen, D. (2011). Executing the strategic plan: Five actions mid-level leaders can take. American Management Association, Fall , 28-30.

Kelley, D. (2009, June 30). Obama's Era of Responsibility. Retrieved from https://atlassociety.org/commentary/understanding-obamacare/obamacare-blog/3456-obama-s-era-of-responsibility

Litan, R. E. (2018, Feb 27). The challenges of problem solving in a divided country. Retrieved from https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-challenges-of-problem-solving-in-a-divided-country/

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STAFF, P. (2015, July 20). Negotiating Skills and Negotiation Tactics: Damage Control in Conflict Resolution. Retrieved from https://www.pon.harvard.edu/daily/conflict-resolution/conflict-resolution-in-negotiation-damage-control-for-disappointing-results/

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Tushman, M., & Anderson, P. (2004). Managing strategic innovation and change: A collection of readings.

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