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Team Motivation Plan for ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Category: Strategic Management Paper Type: Research Paper Writing Reference: APA Words: 2700

Problem 2- Motivating team members to achieve their goals
Section A)
Motivation in the workplace to improve the employee performance

 The following research work is aimed to discuss effective motivational strategies that play important role to achieve job performance goals of the employees. These motivational strategies are: proving effective organizational cultures to the employees, effective reward system that enhances the work performance of employees, fair evaluation system of the employees and then provide training and development opportunities according to their performance. The purpose of this study is to discuss the previous studies about the motivation of employees that directly linked with the organizational development. There is a lot of work, on the motivation of employees that linked with the development of an organization (Burton, 2012).

According to the previous study the motivation of employees is important because employees play significant role in the development of the organization due to their effective performance. Sometimes the management is unable to understand the motivational strategies that empower their employees because employees are the future of an organization. There are different motivational theories and models that have positive impact on the performance and development that satisfied the employees at workplace. There are different categories of motivational strategies and models like Aristotle’s causes, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and others (Miner & John, Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership., 2015)

However, motivation is based on two different types such as financial and non-financial that are provided according to the performance of the employees (GANTA, 2014). But in this current time there is no efficient amount of money for the managers to motivate the employees by spending large amount of money that may disturb the economy of organization. so, it is the responsibility of the management of an organization.

Motivation is considered as the psychological process and the cause of this process provide proper direction to achieve the gaol and objectives of the organization, arousal of feeling of satisfaction and trust among the employees and persistence period.  Moreover, the role of management is important to develop effective motivational strategies for the employees without disturbing the performance and efficiency of both employees and organization (Osabiya, 2015).

Different ways to motivate the employees for ROGUE CHASE & BALL

The success of an organization is based on the productivity which is produced due to the performance of employees. Although the organization offers digital strategies and services but, if the employees are not efficient in their performance then productivity and performance of organization is unproductive that lead towards the loss both in terms of finance and reputation among the business world (Nor & et.al, 2017).

So, motivation of employee is an important tool that enhances the performance, productivity and development of the organization. Therefore, here some motivational strategies are discussed to enhance and promote the performance of employees for the sake of development of the organization (Nor & et.al, 2017). They are: collaboration of employees, effective reward system, fair system of evaluation of the performance of employees, effective communication skills between the employees and employers, regular breaks at workplace, suitable and friendly working environment, organizational culture, training and career development, bonus and good package of salary, involved the employees in decision making process and so on.

Decision making process  of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

It is an efficient way to motivate the employees by giving the importance to their words by involving in important decision-making process for the effective decision that enhances the development of the organization at each level. This practice develops the confidence that improve their abilities to perform efficiently for the developmen when the employee suggested any strategy, then they try to develop productive results to achieve the trust of management. However, this practice empowers the employees of a successful organization (Osabiya, 2015).

Encourage collaboration of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Collaboration is an effective and motivational strategy that develops the effective relationship between different departments of an organization. it develops the teamwork at workplace which is the sharing of knowledge and ideas for the development of the organization. It is also good practice to develop confidence and trust among the employees which motivate the employees to work together as a team and enhance the efficiency of an organization (Miner & John, Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership., 2015).

Regular breaks of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Spending all day sat in front of the computer for eight hour a day can take its toll on any employee. Another important and best way to motivate the employees as providing regular breaks during the work place as sitting whole day in front of computer which is hectic for the employee. So, providing regular breaks during the work which relax the employees and the level of concentration towards the assigned tasks is enhanced. This practice enhanced the retention rate of employees as they feel comfortable and relax even during their workplace. Moreover, this practice attracts the large number of employees which is ultimately development of the organization (Miner & John, Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership., 2015).

Evaluation of the performance of employees of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Be honest and fairness is the way that leads towards success and it is important for the development of the organization is to evaluate the performance of employee honestly. However, the evaluation of the performance of an employee is necessary as it described the potential of different employees working within the organization (Miner & John, 2015). So, it is easy for the management to assign the task according to their potential which reduces the stress from the employee as it does not face any kind of ambiguity during the work.

The fair evaluation of the performance of employees develops a sense of confidence and trust that also motivate them to be fair with the organization respectively. Moreover, employees motivated as performing their assigned tasks with great efficiency and performance that lead towards the development of an organization as the retention rate of employees are high and they are loyal with their firm (Miner & John, Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership., 2015).

Reward system of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

The use of reward system is effective and motivational procedure which is important for the better performance of an organization. Although fair compensation is the best way to motivate the employee but awarding with appreciation, certificates, bonus and transfer to the highest post also considered as the important tool for the motivation of employees (Cloutier & Omer, 2015). This practice is more efficient when the rewards are awarded in front of other employees and it develops the motivation among other employees to achieve the reward by performing efficient performance that enhances the growth of the organization (Miner & John, Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership., 2015).

Training of Team Motivation Plan for ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Training is an effective tool for the motivation of employees as well as better performance of the organization. it is important for an organization to monitor the need for change which is necessary for sustainable development. Moreover, the top management of organization provided training for the employees so that they easily adjust with the change and perform efficiently that enhance the development of an organization rapidly (Greene & Robert, 2018). This training develops the motivation of employees as the organization facilitates to improve the skills that are beneficial for themselves as well as the development and flourishment of the organization. Moreover, the training of employees motivates them to perform effectively to achieve the target (Nor & et.al, 2017).

Effective communication of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

The role of effective communication is important for the development of the organization that also motivated the employees by developing a flexible and effective communication relationship between employees and employers. However, the role of management of an organization is also significant as it develops the opportunities to enhance the communication at each level of an organization. Effective and honest communication is also another important motivational strategy that enhances communication skills as well as develops an effective relationship with the top management. Moreover, this motivational strategy not only develops a sense of confidence but it is the way in which employees discussed all important matters with the top management (Aguenza & Som, 2018).

Furthermore, employees have an idea about the expectation which is expected by the management so that they enhance their abilities to perform according to the expectations of the organization. Subsequently, it develops the confidence among the employees towards their organization that enhance the retention rate of employees that lead towards the significant development.

Organizational culture of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Organizational culture is also considered as the positive motivational strategy that has great influence on the performance of the employees. As a suitable working environment enhance the performance of employees due to developing a sense of comfort at their workplace. It is necessary for the management of the organization to develop effective values, rules, a working environment so that each employee fulfill these values and rules to avoid the disturbance in organizational culture. The values, ethics, and rules are efficient enough that develop the sense of confidence and motivation so that employees remain attached to their work which is the development of an organization (Nor & et.al, 2017).

Career Development of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Career development of employees in an organization is that motivational strategy which enhances the sense of loyalty, trust, and confidence which enhance the work performance of employees to achieve the goals and objectives. The career development of employee is important through training from the expertise that sharpened the skills and beneficial not only for the organization but also for employees. Moreover, organizations sent their employees in different foreign countries which also enhance the skills of employees like effective communication and it provides the opportunity for employees to secure their future as well as enhance the productivity and performance of the organization that flourishes the business of the organization (Miner & John, Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership., 2015).

Leadership style of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

The role of leaders is important in the development of the organization because they have the authority to implement the changes which are needed at that time. However, the effective leadership style like transformational leadership is also important in motivational strategy that describes the effective role by involving the employees during decision-making process that develop the sense of confidence and positive image about the leader of the organization (Singh & Rajesh, 2016). Moreover, leaders take care of the emotions and feelings of their employees that motivates the employees to perform for the growth of an organization. Furthermore, it enhances the retention rate of employees by achieving the trust and confidence that reduce the turnover rate of employees which is the great success of the organization (Manzoor, 2012).

Sections B) Action Plan: Motivating team members to achieve their goals of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Motivation is that factor on which performance of employee is based. Employee motivation is necessary for the better and responsible performance of employees as they are receiving all facilities that enhance the retention rate of employees which resulted through the high performance of the organization. Subsequently, following is the action plan for the Rogue Chase & Ball to motivate their team members to achieve their goals in effective manners.


Creating need of Team Motivation Plan for ROGUE CHASE & BALL

On the first stage, the manager of the RCB is suggested to create understating about the purpose and need of the employees motivation. In the current stage, the purpose of RCB is to motivating the team members to achieve the organizational goals in effective manners.

Develop Goals of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Developing smart goals is the way to clear the mind that what is aimed to achieved.

At this stage, the current goal of the RCB managers is;

·         To enhance the performance of the employees to achieve the organizational goals in effective manners.

Develop a Plan for ROGUE CHASE & BALL

After the gaol setting the next step if development of a plan. Following are the plans of RCB managers:

·         Develop an organizational environment

·         Encourage employees to take part in decision making

·         Develop achieve able individual and team goals

·         Motivates the employees by developing a reward system

·         Provide training to the employees to improve skills

·         Provide career development opportunities

·         Encourage Work life balance

Execution of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Develop organizational policies of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

At this stage, the organization should develop policies by utilising the Herzberg’s hierarchy of need and Maslow’s motivational theory.

At this stage, the RCB managers are encouraged to focus on;

Employees needs as per they are defined by the Herzberg.

Develop an organizational environment of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

In the action plan, the manager is encouraged to develop a supportive environment where employees can work with their full potential. At this stage, the managers should ensure the provision of all the possible sources to support the performance of the employees. The employees should be encouraged to respect each other and should work in friendly environment and provide support to each other while working as a team.

Encourage employees to take part in decision making of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

At this stage, the leadership of RCB are suggested to involve employees in the decision making process on the base of their expertise. The aim should be to analyse the point raise by the employees as it gives motivation to the employees and their respect.

Develop achieve able individual and team goals of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

At this stage, the managers at RCB have to develop achievable individual goals by addressing the skills and capacity of the employees. The targets should be achievable as it can set a healthy competition among the employees

Performance Evaluation: Key measures of TROGUE CHASE & BALL

Individual outcomes of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

To evaluate the effectiveness of the motivational action plan, the managers are suggested to evaluate the individuals’ outcomes by focusing on the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees.

Organizational Outcomes of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Various organizational aspects would be used to measure the organizational outcomes such as productivity, financial outcome sand work efficiency

Performance based Rewards of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Measure the performance of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

After the execution of the plans, the following stage is the performance evaluate where managers will evaluate the performance of individual as well as the performance of the team. At this stage, the managers will investigate whether the employees or team has successfully achieved its goals or not.

Give performance based rewards of ROGUE CHASE & BALL

At this stage, the employees will be provided performance based rewards in the admiration of their good performance. It is a way to admire the talent and skills of the employees.

Provide training to ROGUE CHASE & BALL

Following this, the employees that are failed to achieve their goals, should be investigated to expose the reason behind their poor performance. Following this, after identifying the issue, the underperformed employee should be provided training to improve their performance.

 References of TTeam Motivation Plan for ROGUE CHASE & BALL

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