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Purpose of Histology Lab Report

Category: Chemical Engineering Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 800

·         The main purpose of this lab is to identify the organs of the immune system of the human body and its main parts.

·         The next purpose of this lab is to identify the lymph node. These are the cells where lymphocytes are founds and other cells usually not.

·         The main objective of this lab is to identify the immune cells and also the tissues and then after this draw these cells and tissues on the note book.

·         The cells that have to be identified in this lab are spleen, defective spleen development, and tertiary lymphoid organs and in the end take a look on the immune cell infiltration.

·         The main aim of this exercise is to identify the immune organ cells and also the tissues. Through this exercise the students are able to identify these immune system cells and tissues by the help of microscope. The information the students have got from this exercise that they can able to examine two different tissues and also how to compare same tissues and also how to find the difference between the same cells and tissues.

·         The main concepts from this lab are identification of the immune organs and after this the main important concept is about the different cells in the immune system. What is immune cell infiltration and how to examine these two different cells and tissues?

·         In this lab the method that is used to obtain the required information is through the use of microscope.

Procedure of Histology Lab Report

·         For identify different cells and tissues that are present in the immune organs.

·         The first step is to clean the slides so that all cells and tissues are easily identified under the microscope. Then after this take a look of the spleen cell under the microscope and then after this draw its diagram on the note book and also label the whole diagram.

·         Then after this take a look on the defective spleen development under the microscope and identify what the main changes in these defective cells.

·         The third part of this lab is to identify the tertiary lymphoid organs and these can be easily identified through the use of intestine slide under the microscope. Then after this draw the diagram of the intestine in notebook and also label the Peyer’s patches and some other different parts of the intestine.

·         Then after this take a look on the immune cells infiltration and in this the students have to examine two different tissues and then after this examine two same tissues and these tissues are from a diseased animal.

·         Then in the second last step of this lab compare these two same tissues that are from a mouse and then examine them under the microscope and notice the genetic mutation in these tissues. Then after this draw the diagram of the genetic mutation tissues on the notebook.

·         In the final step of this lab the students have to examine the blood smears of the mouse under the microscope and the after this find these immune cells that includes. Neutrophil, lymphocyte, neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil and in the last is the monocyte.

Lab 2,3

Phagocytosis and pathogen killing

Purpose of Histology Lab Report

            The main purpose of this lab is to identify different types of bacteria and also what are the methods for the macrophage intracellular killing.

1.      Why did we conduct the exercise?

The main aim of this exercise is that the students can easily able to measure the basic ability of the macrophages. The macrophages can able to kill the bacteria that have been phagocytosed in more than 24 hours period. Then after this make a list of the surviving bacteria by just laying the macrophages and after this see the bacterial growth to occur.

2.      What information were we trying to obtain?

From this lab the students have got the special information that how they can able to kill bacteria through the use of macrophages.

3.      What concepts were being demonstrated?

There are different steps that are demonstrated in this lab include the role of macrophages in killing the bacteria. The process of phagocytosis is explained in detail with different steps and also some other process named chemotaxis. Information about the receptors found on the macrophages. The most interesting concept that has been discussed in this lab is about the pathogen that is when different pathogens types trigged a response so as a result unique pathogen characteristics came into being.

4.      What protocol, method or technique did we use to obtain the information?

The technique the students have learned from these labs is how the macrophages able to kill the bacteria and examine the killing activity of the macrophages.


·         There are two parts of the procedure and in the first part of the procedure is about the students have to go outside and collect some samples of the bacteria.

·         Then after this takes 12 well plates for the microscope in which the macrophages are growing at the bottom of the plate. There are six well in which different cells are present. You must have to mark each cell so that there will be no mix up of the cells plates.

·         Then after this take a tube with E.coli bacteria present in it with proper concentration. Then put this on the plate and you must make a dilution of this E.coli culture so this will help to see the desired number of bacteria under the plates. Then after this the students are provided with 5ml if media and that will help to calculate dilution of your bacteria so by the help of this dilution the macrophages will able to eat 10 bacteria easily.

·         Then after this by the use of P1000 pipette and then with the help of this remove the existing media from the plates. Then add 300ml of media that has contain correct amount of bacteria in it and then after this cover the lid of these slides with the help of this media and then in the end place this plate 37 degree CO2 incubator and allow these bacteria to keep for only one hour.

·         Then after one hour you will able to get your plate and then the next task is to remove the media from the plates. After this just add one ml PBS to each of the 6 plates and also swirl the plates slowly and also wash these plates.

·         Then after this remove the second PBS with the help of pipette and then add 500ul and then return the plate to the incubator. The main purpose of this step is to kill the bacteria easily without macrophages.

·         Then after 30 minutes these plates are transferred to the 1.5 ml tubes and also make sure you must have to label these tubes and remove the PBS thoroughly.

·         Then after this repeat the same process on the next day by collecting different samples then you must label all the samples and then put these samples in the ice bucket at the front of the room so the instructor will store these samples for the next week.

Discussion and conclusion

1.      What do you expect to see once the CFUs are performed in your samples? Which sample will have the most CFU/ml of bacteria?

There are 12 slides on which this experiment was performed but only in the 3 slides in which the macrophages are growing at the bottom of the plates. The sample which was diluted with water and kept for a whole day this sample has the most CFU bacteria this sample.

2.      What problems were encountered, if any?

There was only one problem that has been encountered during the experiment is that the macrophages and the media are not completely diluted in the well so because of this the required results are not obtained.

3.      Was the purpose of the experiment fulfilled? Were the objectives listed in the purpose section accomplished? Why or how?

Yes, the purpose of this lab was to kill the bacteria by the use of macrophages has been completely fulfilled through following these above steps. Also the results that are mentioned in the objectives are also covered because all the steps were followed in a correct way.


Procedure for lab 3

·         In the first step you have obtained the plate in which there are bacterial growth samples. Give 3 samples to each group that was mixed with water and after this add 500ul LB liquid media to these three tubes and mixed with water so that their total volume will be equal to 1 milliliter.

·         For conducting the next step the students must provide with the six new tubes and then after this add 900ul of LB in each tube. When this is done the students must have to label each tube.

·         Then the next step is about to perform serial dilution for this you must add 100ul from your original tube and then after this transfer this solution to the first label tube and then after this mixed the solution and move it to the next labeled tube 1:100 tube.

·         Then label these tubes on the bases of hours, then after this put all the label samples on the single plate and add 50ul sample containing the original and diluted bacteria and then identify the red circles under the microscope.

·         Then after this in the next step dry both the plates for some time and then put the agar plate in a 37 degree standard incubator for bacteria. Then after this wait for a whole day and in the next day you have to come to count the colonies on these plates so that because of this you can easily able to identify these surviving bacteria.

·         The next lab exercise is for determining plague forming units and for that this can easily been determined by the use of plaque assay.

·         For determining the plague forming units you must have to count the number of dead spots in a given plate. Then after this figure out the total number of undiluted samples, then after this count the diluted samples by just divide and conquer.

·         In the final step you need to graph the results in your note book.

Conclusion on Histology Lab Report

1.      Interpretation of CFU data. What differences do you see between the samples? Why do you think these differences occurred?

            In the first CFU there are some bacteria are present after adding dilution in them and then after this when the time passes you have seen after 1.5 hours there are a lot of bacteria present and when the time passes after 24 hours you have noticed that there are very low amount of bacteria present in the slide and after a week in the CFU there is no sign of bacteria present in it.

2.      What conclusions can you make about the different mice that these viruses were isolated from? What about the immune response in the mutant mice might cause the differences?


(Hint: the difference in virus titer only happens late in the infection)

When the cells grow after this these cells are infected from the viruses and after this the virus will grow further and kill all the cells.

The immune response of the mutual mice after the infection and when these infections in the cells are isolated with the virus so this can be seen under the microscope that because of this virus isolation all the infected cells that are present in the mutual mice will be dead and this can be seen that these cells are free of any infection.

Lab 4, 5

SDS-Page and Immunoblotting

1.      Why did we conduct the exercise?

The main aim of this exercise is to obtain the information about the antibodies and these are widely used in different industries. Also how these antibodies are implemented in different industries.

2.      What information were we trying to obtain?

            The information about the antibodies and also about the most powerful analytical procedures and this procedure named as the immnoblotting. For this procedure how to make mixture of proteins that has been separated from electrophoresis. When these are separated and how these are transferred to nitriocellulose sheet. Also from this lab the students are able to know about the electrophoresis of proteins.

3.      What concepts were being demonstrated?

There are different and important concepts that have been demonstrated in this lab. The first concept is about the separation of different proteins. After this the most important concept is about the electrophoresis of proteins and also how this electrophoresis of proteins carried out.

4.      What protocol, method or technique did we use to obtain the information?

Experimental technique will be carried out through the use of different equipment.

Procedure 4

·         In the first step add gels for the SDS-page are assembled in the electrophoresis gel boxes and then for loading these samples this gel has been prepared.

·         Then after this in the next step you will find the solution about the molecular weight marker then after this they are loaded with the SDS and 2-ME mix them and load them into the gels.

·         Then in the next step these gels samples are given to each of the group and then load 2ul of molecular weight marker in the most available well and then after this load 15 ul of Macrophage into the well for 0 hour, 1.5 hour and also for 24 hours.

·         Then after this in the next step these gels are loaded and then connected with the power packs for 60 minutes and 120 voltages are given.

·         Then in the next step when the gels are completed so you must remove from the glass carefully and then these gels are then carefully placed in the glass plates.

·         The next step is for setting the transfer and this can be done by take a PVDF membrane and then after this socks it in the methanol tray for few seconds. And then after this just you have to remove this membrane and placed it on the shaker for just 5 minutes.

·         In the next step the students have to make a sandwich by using the PVDF membrane and also the SDS-page. For conducting this step you must place all the components according to the required order and in the first there comes a sponge and then after this there comes filter paper and the in the middle there is PVDF membrane

·         In the next step there is working of the previous step and in this there are western blots are present and these are then electro transferred from the gel to the PVDF membrane and this can be done for 40 minutes and for 40 volts.

·         Then in the next step is to obtain the clean tray and add 10 ml of blocking buffer and then after this collect your PVDF membrane strip and then after this label this strip and place it on the shaker for more than 30 minutes.

·         Then after the 30 minutes remove the required sample from the shaker and pour this blocking buffer in the sink. The students must have to be extremely careful while pouring this into the sink. Then in the last just add 10ml of primary antibody and finish this process.

Lab 5


1.      Why did we conduct the exercise?

The main purpose of this exercise is to experimentally check the secondary antibody solution and also see what will happen to the secondary antibody when it is contact with super signal fempto substrate.


2.      What information were we trying to obtain?

In this lab the main information for the students is about the antibodies that how they mixed with the proteins the most powerful analytical procedures and this procedure named as the immnoblotting. Also, what will happen when you add secondary antibody solution.

3.      What concepts were being demonstrated?

 The concepts from this lab are the same because the theory is same for both of these labs. The first concept is about the separation of different proteins. After this the most important concept is about the electrophoresis of proteins and also how this electrophoresis of proteins carried out


4.      What protocol, method or technique did we use to obtain the information?

The experimental technique is used to obtain the required information for this lab.


In the first step you have to pour the same primary antibody solution from the previous lab in the tube and then wash the PVDF membrane with the help of 15ml of TBST

Then in the next step you have to add 10 ml of secondary antibody solution to the sample box and put it on the shaker for 45 minutes.

Then wash 15 ml TBST again and put it on the shaker.  

When you have wash it then after this just add 10 ml of TBST so that because of this membrane will not dry.

Then by the help of digital imaging system the students have to take picture of the light that has been generated by Peroxidase enzyme and it is attached to the secondary antibody. Once you have got the picture from the imaging system then after this you have to pick PVDF membrane and then after this place it between the two layers of the plastic sheet.

Then after this you have to add just one ml of substrate to the PVDC membrane and then close this sheet and put this in the imager.

In the final step you just have to past the images on your note book and also label it according to your samples.


 In the left side of picture there is experimental sample of the total lkB-a and this is also inactive. It can easily be seen that when you have mixed 39kDa then after 0 hour there is black spot can be seen and then after 1.5 hours it can easily be seen that this spot is still black and then after 24 hours has been passed for this sample so this will turn into grey spot.

In the right side of the picture there is experimental sample of the phospho-ikB-a and this is active. So because of this activeness it can easily been seen that this image is more dark then the inactive one. It can be seem that when phospho is mixed with the Actin (42 kDa) so after 0 hour it can be seen that there is grey spot and then as the time passes after 1.5 hours this spot is still grey and then after 24 hour this spot is converting from grey to black color. After this when you add 40 kDa phospho-ikB-a so in the initial hour of the experiment there is no spot can be seen. Then after in 1.5 hour a black spot can be seen and then in the end after 24 hours it can be seen that this black spot is turned into grey.


 a. Why were the samples boiled?

            The samples are boiled because when these samples are placed for digital image processing the images are not clear so this means that when you want a clear image of the sample so for this all the samples must be boiled.

b. Why did the instructor add SDS and other reagents to them?

The instructor adds SDS and other reagents because he doesn’t want the samples to be dry off quickly. If these samples are dried so proper exact result will not be obtained.

 c. How were the proteins separated?

            The mixtures of different proteins are separated by the use of electrophoresis through a polyacrylamide gel.

1.      What was the purpose of incubating the membrane with milk? What was our primary antibody?

            The purpose of incubating the membrane with milk is just to convert the remaining capacity of the PVDF to bind proteins.

2.      What was our secondary antibody?

            Our secondary antibody is conjugated to an enzyme like alkaline phosphatase or horseradish peroxidase.

3.      Draw a figure representing the Western blot process ( include your membrane, primary antibody, secondary antibody, HRP, substrate )

1.       Describe your results and what they indicate for the NF-kB signaling pathway.

            In the left side of picture there is experimental sample of the total lkB-a and this is also inactive. It can easily be seen that when you have mixed 39kDa then after 0 hour there is black spot can be seen and then after 1.5 hours it can easily be seen that this spot is still black and then after 24 hours has been passed for this sample so this will turn into grey spot.

In the right side of the picture there is experimental sample of the phospho-ikB-a and this is active. So because of this activeness it can easily been seen that this image is more dark then the inactive one. It can be seem that when phospho is mixed with the Actin (42 kDa) so after 0 hour it can be seen that there is grey spot and then as the time passes after 1.5 hours this spot is still grey and then after 24 hour this spot is converting from grey to black color. After this when you add 40 kDa phospho-ikB-a so in the initial hour of the experiment there is no spot can be seen. Then after in 1.5 hour a black spot can be seen and then in the end after 24 hours it can be seen that this black spot is turned into grey.            

2.      Were there any unexpected results? What are possible explanations? Indicate things that might be done differently if the lab were repeated.

                  No, there are no any expected results. The voltage must be different when this lab were repeated again in the future, in this lab the voltages are set at 120 voltages and for the next lab these voltages must be turned to 110 so because of this more proper results can be obtained.

Lab 6

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)


1.      Why did we conduct the exercise?

In this lab the students will able to learn about the cytokines and these are the part of the immune response and it has the ability to communicate to other cells through soluble proteins.

2.      What information were we trying to obtain?

 From this lab the students are able to learn about the cytokines. These are those cells in the immune system that can able to communicate with other cells through soluble proteins. Some information about the examples of cytokines, that functions in the immune system of the human body. The next important information is about the importance of these cytokines and also some families of the cytokines.

3.      What concepts were being demonstrated?

The most important concepts that has been demonstrated in this lab are sandwich ELISA, how you will add the secondary antibody that can able to recognize the cytokines.

4.      What protocol, method or technique did we use to obtain the information?

In this lab the student will use the experimental technique to obtain the required information for this lab.


·         In the start first six steps are just for the students’ information.

·         Now from the next step the students have to transfer just 100 ul of the standards to their ELISA plate and also add 1X ELISA assay to the blank wells.

·         Then after this just add 100 ul of your media that was collected from the lab 2 and then after this cover the plate and save these plate at room temperature for 20 minutes.

·         In the next step you just have to dump all the contents of the plate into the graduated cylinder and this cylinder is completely contaminated with the bacteria E.coli. Then after this wash it by just adding 200 ul of wash buffer and then just repeat this step and put it on the dry towel.

·         Then after this just you have to dilute your stock detection antibody.  Add just 100 ul of detection antibody. This antibody is dilute in 1X ELISA assay with the ratio of 1:500 and the total volume can be calculated easily by the use of this formula


·         Then after this just wash these plates, and then dilute your stock streptavidin-HPR and just add 100 ul of streptavidin-HPR and again this is dilute in 1X ELISA assay diluents. Now after this you have to wash it four times.

·         Then in the step you have to just add TMB solution to each well and then save these wells at room temperature until the color of these plates turn dark blue.

·         Then in the next step you just have to add 100 ul of stop solution to each well.

·         Then in the next step you have to view this plate under 450 nm microscopes.

·         Then in the final step you just have to make table of your reading on your note book and also explain these graphs.

Results of Histology Lab Report

This graph is according to that diagram because in this diagram the A row represent the concentration of the standard and the second row is about the stock of the dilute solution.







This table represents the whole experiment that has been performed above and in the first column of this graph there is information about the well ID that on the basis of these IDs ELISA assay has been added in them. Then after this in the third column of this table there is information about different well and with numbers.

In the third column of this table there is information about the concentration and dilution and you can see that we have just concentrated the well number B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, and B6 only

In the fourth column of this table there is information about the Blank 450 and then in the fifth column of this table there is information about the concentration of the diluted solution when the stop solution is added in this. Then after this in the next column there is information about the count.

In the sixth column of the table there is calculation about the mean and in the second last column of this there is information about the standard deviation what we have calculated from this lab and in the last column of this table we have just calculated the percentage of the CV and that is 27.775.

Graph of Histology Lab Report


This graph is between the O.D and the Mouse IL-6 the ranges for the O.D is from 0.01 to 10 and the range from the 0.1 to 1000. There is no response of the mouse IL-6 form 0.1 to 1 and after 1 it will gradually increase with respect to O.D and it can be seen that at 10 the O.D will be equal to 0.2. From the graph it can be seen that when Mouse IL-6 is greater than 100 so it is going towards constant value of O.D.

Discussion of Histology Lab Report

1.      Explanation of the patterns that you see in the data and what it means

The patterns that have been seen in this lab are obtained when an electric charge is given and after this electric field has been established across the gel. The charges are moving from negative to positive and the separated proteins that are present in the gel will move towards the PVDF and this forming an identical pattern on the PVDF sheet that are found on the original gel.

2.       Discuss the signaling pathways involved in producing IL-6 (how it was made, how long it took to be made, why and what is the function of IL-6).

The function of IL-6 is that they are responsible for stimulating acute phase protein synthesis and also for the production of the neutriphils that are present in the bone marrow. It is also responsible for growth of B cells.

3.      Discuss the differences and similarities between a western blot and an ELISA.



Similarities of Histology Lab Report

·         Both Western Blot and ELISA are depending on detection of antigens from specific antibodies.

Difference of Histology Lab Report

·         One of the major differences lies in the Western blot technique. In this technique the antigens are attached to membranes. These membranes are like nitrocellulose membranes and all the important reactions are performed on the surface of membrane.

·         In ELISA, these antigens are just attached to multiwell plates. Due of this attachment the ELISA is extremely willing to automation compared to Western Blot.

·         Another difference is that ELISA is a high trouped technique; western blot is not so much.

·         The next difference is lie application wise, ELISA method is used more in Medical diagnoses and Western Blot method is highly used in research labs and other practical purposes.

·         The next important difference between Western blot and ELISA is that the Western blot depends on enzymes for the antigen detection and on the other hand ELISA don’t use enzyme for antigen detection.

LAB 7, 8

Flow Cytometry


  1. Why did we conduct the exercise?

The main purpose of this lab is that the students can able to examine the process of cell activation and also proliferation through the use of Macrophages.


  1. What information were we trying to obtain?

The information that is obtained from this lab are the flow cytometry and also what is flow cytomentry analysis. How cells can be strained through the use of fluorescently labeled antibodies?

  1. What concepts were being demonstrated?

 There are many concepts are obtained from this lab the first is about the flow cytomentry. The next concept is that how the flow cytomentry can be used to analyze the cell cycle. The next concept is about the cell activation and profliferation, the concept about the blast transformation.


  1. What protocol, method or technique did we use to obtain the information?

Sterile technique is used to obtain the required information in this lab.

Procedure of Histology Lab Report

·         In the first step you have the tube full of mixture of macrophages in it and the concentration of these macrophages is about 1x10per ml.

·         Then in the next step you have put 500 ul of cells into a tube and also labeled this tube. Then after this add 100 ul of CFSE dye to these cells. When you put this then after that you must have to shake them and cover them with the help of aluminum foil and save them at room temperature for 20 minutes.

·         Then after this add 500 ul of fetal bovine serum in it and then shake it on a machine.

·         Then after this in the next step you just have to remove the cover carefully and then after this remove the media with the help of pipetman.

·         When the media is removed from the tube and also all the cells are now clean then after this again centrifuge it at 3000 rpm and again remove that covering and add 1ml of PBS+10% serum again.

·         Then in the next step you have to do the same procedure again for the third time and the again remove the covering and add 1ml of DMEM medium in that tube.

·         After this in the next step you have to add 300 ul of stained cells means that infected cells.

·         Then after this these plates are placed in 37 degree incubator in which 5% CO2 is present and save it for 3 days.

Part 2

Cell staining in a complex mixture


·         For this you have to take 100ul of Splenocytes and then after this place them in a tube and also label them.

·         Then in the next step you have to add antibody cocktail about 100ul. In these antibodies there must be blocking agents that will able to prevent these antibodies from attaching to the cells non-specifically.

·         In the next step you have to save these cells in the dark and placed them in ice bucket and this can be done by just covering them with aluminum foil.

·         Then in the next step you need to centrifuge these cells at 3000 rpm and carefully remove the covering on the tube. Then again remove the supernatant and just add 1ml of PBS+2 serum.

·         After this step again repeat the previous one and again discard the supernatant. And then after this just add 200 ul of just 1% paraformaldehyde in the PBS. And transfer it to the tube and then save this tube in the room temperature for just 5 minutes.

·         Then again after this centrifuge it at 3000 rpm and eliminate paraformaldehyde.

·         Then add again 200 ul of PBS+2 serums in that tube and again place that tube in the ice bucket.

Discussion/ conclusion

1.       Hypothesis as to which treatments will have proliferation and which will not *Rank them from most to least *

            The macrophage proliferation treatment is the ideal treatment because the macrophage can easily able to kill the bacteria.

2.       Once you analyze the data next week using the flow cytometer determine if your hypothesis was correct

            According to the experimental results it can be seen that the hypothesis is correct.

3.       Explain your results for part I and part II for this week

            In the part one of this lab in which the students have perform the macrophage proliferation and the results are positive because the students have used the sterile technique for this. In the second part of the lab the students have done the cell staining that is present in the complex mixture.

4.       Compare and contrast Western Blot, ELISA and Flow cytometry.

·                     One of the major differences lies in the Western blot technique. In this technique the antigens are attached to membranes. These membranes are like nitrocellulose membranes and all the important reactions are performed on the surface of membrane.

·         In ELISA, these antigens are just attached to multiwell plates. Due of this attachment the ELISA is extremely willing to automation compared to Western Blot.

·         Another difference is that ELISA is a high trouped technique; western blot is not so much.

·         The next difference is lie application wise, ELISA method is used more in Medical diagnoses and Western Blot method is highly used in research labs and other practical purposes.

·         The next important difference between Western blot and ELISA is that the Western blot depends on enzymes for the antigen detection and on the other hand ELISA don’t use enzyme for antigen detection.

·         On the other hand the flow cytometry is the very old technique in the immunological research.

·         This flow cytometry also facilitate the recent explosion of data.

·         This flow cytometry is used for routine used procedure for determining the type of cells. 


Part 1

Cell death

1.      Why did we conduct the exercise?

 The main aim of this exercise is that to see the process of cell death. And then in the next part there is flow cytometry analysis.

2.      What information were we trying to obtain?

The information about the death of the different cells, also see different types of cell deaths.

3.      What concepts were being demonstrated?

The main concepts are about the cell deaths and how to perform the flow cytometry has been performed.

4.      What protocol, method or technique did we use to obtain the information?

 For this lab flow cytometry analysis is used for obtaining the information.



·         In the first step of this lab the students are supplied with two tubes each and both are labeled with A and B.

·         In the next step for viewing the dead cells you need to add 100 ul of propidium iodine solution in it and then save these tube under room temperature for just about 10 minutes.

·         In the next step you need to centrifuge that tube at 3000 rpm. You have to carefully remove the supernatant. And then after this you need to add 1ml of PBS+2% in the tube.

Part 2

·         In this part of the lab you have to perform the flow cytometry analysis on the sample from the last part of this lab.

·         In the first step you have to analyze your last samples on that flow cytometer. Then after this record all the data and paste it on your notebooks. 


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