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Encryption Algorithms

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Encryption Algorithms

Several forms of security technologies are available but the mostly used for the security is encryption and everyone should know about it. This is very interesting technique by scrambling data this technology work so by unintended parties it is unreadable. Here we talk about the three encryption algorithms.

Triple DES:

On Data Encryption Standard algorithm Triple DES is depend. To use triple Data Encryption Standard it is very simple to adjust the existing software. The advantage of Triple Data Encryption Standard is proven the reliability along with a longer key length. It takes to break DES many of the attacks eliminate that might be used to reduce the amount of times. But for a very much longer even the further potent version of Data Encryption Standard are not enough strong to protect the data. For example the Data Encryption Standard algorithm becomes obsolete for itself. The NIST (National Institute of standards and technology) as a replacement for Data Encryption Standard the AES (advanced Encryption Standard) ratified. As an interim standard Triple DES endorsed by NIST. It is used until the AES was finished (Katz & Lindell, 2014).

As triple DES is at least strong as like AES, it is considerably faster. Triple DES and AES many system supports both these algorithms but the default algorithm is AES. For an overall key length of 192 bits it takes three 64-bit key. In the entire 192-bit key in stealth you simply type rather than entering every key individually. Into three sub keys the triple DES DLL breaks the key that is provided by the user, if necessary then padding the keys so that is long 64 bits. As regular DES for encryption the procedure is exactly the same, yet three times it is repeated, as a result named as DES. With the first key the information is encrypted, through the 2nd key decrypted, again by way of the third key encrypted yet again.

DES runs three times greater than triple DES if used it properly than this is secure. The method for encryption is same as the process for encryption in reverses it is implemented. In 64-bit chunks data is encrypted along with decrypted, like DES. For DES is 64 bit long although the input key, in length only 56 bits the actual key used by DES. In each bite the least important bit is a parity bit, that there are always an odd number of 1s in every bite as well as should be set. With each 56 bit three individual keys used by the triple DES. 168 bits are total key length add up to, yet there is some clashes regarding the bits some experts argue that 112-bits in strength key. For financial services along with other industries dependable hardware is made for encryption solution Triple DES still manages, instead of this it’s slowly being phased out.

Advanced Encryption Standard of Algorithms

By the U.S. Government as well as numerous associations the AES (advanced Encryption Standard) is the trusted algorithm. For this new symmetric key algorithm the selection process to public scrutiny was fully open. Designs submitted are the transparent analysis. The new advanced encryption standard algorithm might be a block cipher NIST specified. We have learnt many things from this, one of them is security related as on their ability to resist attack competing algorithms were to be judged. In the competition the most important factor is security strength as compared to the other ciphers submitted. The other factor is cost. Under a worldwide intended to be released, nonexclusive, as well as royalty-free basis (Daemen & Rijmen, 2013).

 On computational the algorithms of candidate were to be evaluated along with memory efficiency. The next factor that we learned in advanced Encryption Standard is implementation. In hardware the suitability of the algorithm can be implemented. To protect classified information the U.S. government announced advanced Encryption Standard might be used, in June 2003. For protecting classified it soon become the default encryption algorithm and also the publicly accessible first time as well as by the NSA approved for the information that is top more confidential. As one of the cryptographic algorithm’s the NSA selected advanced Encryption Standard to protect the national security systems by its assurance directorate.

By the U.S government its use is successful in the private sector led to widespread use, in symmetric key cryptography leading AES to become the most popular algorithm. In advanced Encryption Standard between the securities along with cryptography experts the transparent selection method help in creating the high level of confidence. Three block ciphers advanced Encryption Standard made of these block: AES-128, AES-192 along with AES-256 bits respectively.

To accept additional sizes the Rijndael cipher was designed block sizes along with key length, yet for advanced Encryption Standard, these were not adapted by this function. Data stored in an array a number of transformations that are to be performed is known as advanced Encryption Standard. To put the data into an array this is the first step of cipher; over a number of encryption rounds after which the cipher transformation are repeated. By the key length the number of rounds is determined, for 128-bit keys with 10 rounds, for 192-bit key 12 rounds as well as for 256-bit keys 14 rounds.

Blowfish of Encryption Algorithms

Even though it’s just a fun aquarium fish you might be think that, against hacker along with cyber-criminals Blowfish is also encryption technique that is a strong weapon. In a wide array of product blowfish is used, secure some E-mail encryption tools, backup software, management password tools, and TiVo are include. By Bruce Schneier blowfish was developed in 1993. Block cipher is a symmetric. The question is that what is the meaning of that? So the answer is that no doubt it is symmetric because for both encryption and decryption the same key is used; from all others the key has to be kept secret except the sender and receiver. Process of symmetric encryption the image is the example of high-level.

The computer routine which is also a block cipher takes some amounts for plaintext plus converts into the coded text and the cipher text. It also performs chunk routine of text that is called blocks. And on the other side of transmission for the text in order to be decoded, to unlock the cipher text the function must also generate a key. In cereal boxes the key is like the old decoder rings. In the garbled message you cannot unlock the secret without it the reason behind this is that all the substitution and changes that were performed only the key knows. To users thousands of key don’t send by the blowfish (Stallings, 2006).

Unique form of key generation is used by the blowfish. Key expansion is the second part of the blowfish that used to convert 1 single key into 448 bits in size into a table sub keys that is 4168 bytes. Increases the security further by the creation of sub keys, to crack the code hacker would have to crack more than just the original key.

Let’s take an example of the 32 bit algorithm, they are divide into the 8 bit four boxes, encrypted then put back all together. Sixteen times blowfish run through this routine. Blowfish has a simple structure and it’s very effective and it’s also very fast cipher (Kahate, 2013).

References of Encryption Algorithms

Daemen, J., & Rijmen, V. (2013). The Design of Rijndael: AES - The Advanced Encryption Standard. Springer Science & Business Media.

Kahate, A. (2013). Cryptography and Network Security. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

Katz, J., & Lindell, Y. (2014). Introduction to Modern Cryptography, Second Edition. CRC Press.

Stallings, W. (2006). Cryptography And Network Security, 4/E. Pearson Education India.

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