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Abstract of Human automation integration

Category: Engineering Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2600
  1. To introduce automation into virtually all aspects of human-machine systems, in computer hardware as well as software technical development now makes it possible. Automation does not merely supplant and also changes human activity; appropriate selection is important as well as on the human operator also imposes new coordination demands. Four broad classes of function we propose the automation that could be applied the first is acquisition the data the second is about the analysis of the information the third one is decision along with action selection and the fourth is action implementation. From low to high automation could be applied across the range of levels, inside every type through the manually to completely automated. All four types at different levels a particular system could involve automation. Using our model for the automation design constitute the criteria of primary evaluation the human performance consequences of particular types and levels. Automation reliability is included in the 2nd evaluation criteria as well as   decision of costs consequences, among others. To illustrate the application of the model to design automation the examples of recommended types as well as level of automation are provided. The present work is mainly related to the human automation integration process including autonomous vehicle and other considerations.  

    Keywords- Automation, engineering of cognitive, allocation of function, human factors, interface design.

    Introduction of Human automation integration

    The human automation integration is machineries which are interrupted with human interaction. (Sheridan 2002). There are numerous benefits as well as drawbacks related to human automation integration. In order to understand the domain several researches are done in this area. Several researches are been done but implementation is rare. In order to take benefits from advantages of automation, the systems are integrated in current work flow of the organizations to see how it works. The load on human is reduced and work is done quickly and efficiently. Due to modern day research and development drawbacks of automation are well known. The autonomous vehicles enables to reduce dramatically the fatal accidents. The mainstream is to save the lives of users and to reduce the death rates. The additional safety features besides the seat belts and air bags are the new technology that is from the autonomous vehicles driver reduced error. The possible errors of drivers are reduced that ultimately reduces the accident rates in the city.   

    Advantages of automation are loud and clear, computer is reducing work load for humans in work place from several decades. Years back computer performed all the tasks with more efficiency and accuracy than any men did. It is fast, efficient, accurate and well acknowledged. Automation does not mean that humans and their efforts are ignored but their load is lessened. On contrast, humans interact and deal with the complexity and automations of machines. These days automation is done to provide helpful information to the user. After receiving the information man is responsible for making a decision over provided information. Sometimes it can provide required recommendations which can improve the quality of work.

    The focus of the present work is integrated challenges for the future automation and adaptation of human centric design. The specific problems can be used for the identification of integrated system. The system design can be evaluated through operation and function. The work considers empirical, theoretical, and operational work that provides foundation to the human automation integration. The automation system are applied to the vehicles for interface controlling of vehicles and amalgamation approaches. The domain used in the process defines specified challenges and available opportunities for the future. The vehicle control process is structured for the sets of functions. The plan selection and the plan conception are defined in the guidance function and the close loop control activities for the proper functioning. 

      Autonomous vehicles provide aid to human and are able to do their job where there is threat to human life. For example if a building burned down and there is chance that some people might be in there, but the building can fall anytime, it has risk to human life who is going in to save others, in this case automation can be of great use by replacing humans and threat to their life. Autonomous vehicles give chance to practitioners to look out the scene and take safety measures without being part of it (Parasuraman B. T., 2006).

    The following design problem is considered. With a large number of dynamic information a human operator of a complex system provided a decision must reach relevant to acquiring a system goal safely as well as efficiently. Let’s take examples of anesthesiologist doctor who know about the patient that when to decrease or increase the dosage of drug before going to the surgery; another example is the securities analysts that have all the information about how to buy a large block of stock. To automate many aspects of the system technical development in computer hardware and software make this possible, certain function carry out to have a computer and the person normally operate. In type and complexity the automation can differ, from simply association the sources data, in some summary fashion integrate them, also suggesting the option of decision that is perfectly matched with the incoming data, or else the necessary action even carry out.

    Given these technical capabilities that a system function would be automated as well as what to extent? Is the design issue of this system? The designs of many new systems are increasing due to these types of basic questions. Herein this paper we provide the system for answer that type of questions. Here is the two criteria one is primary as well as the second criteria is the automation reliability along with the costs of action. Such a consolidated approach recognizing types and dimensions of computerization what's more, applying evaluative criteria can enable the fashioner to decide in a specific framework what ought to be automated. Since the effect of the evaluative criteria may contrast between frameworks, the fitting kinds and for various frameworks dimensions of mechanization can differ generally. Our model does not consequently endorse what should be and ought not to be mechanized in a specific framework. Nevertheless, use of the model gives a more entire as well as target reason for mechanization plan than do approaches dependent on mechanical ability or financial contemplations.

    Now with the help of automated machines we can perform every small task with the help of machines that a human can perform before. Execution of machines might be extended to the function that a human don’t want to perform, or also not accurately give the answer. In the development automated system technical issues are the major concerns that how functions are automated, as well as also the characterization of the sensor, control the software system. The automation can provide by the economic benefits, or else offer are perceived, on the technical capabilities of automation also tend to focus public attention. In contrast on automation to the voluminous technical literature, small growing research the human capabilities base examining with automated system involved in work. That automation does not simply supplant activity of human this work has shown clearly the rather changes. Moreover, in engineering and design circles these findings have not much visibility. Especially the important issues are examination of performance due to the capabilities of modern technicalities.


    Literature review of Human automation integration

    Trusting the automation has always been an issue. Lee and See in 2004 conducted a research on this. People relay on correctness of machinery. They expect the correct results are produced through it. In 2001, Meyer showed that high reliance on automation can produce non impressive results. As automation barely makes any mistakes therefore system trusts the reliability of it and gives an alert call when an issue is found. This can sometimes lead to problems. A Cruise ship sailed in shallow water due to false automation there was no loss or harm of human life but cruise was damaged and loss of $ 2 million was faced. The ship had two systems that are

    ·         Autopilot         

    ·         Automatic radar system.

    Normally, the GPS mode is on and used when autopilot for a ship is on. Autopilot takes the ship on its route with respect to signals from GPS. Somehow, the signals were distorted because the antenna and cable were not functioning properly. This cause auto pilot and GPS mode to switch into dead reckoning mode which without caring about tides or waves carried the ship towards shore. (Baquero, 2009)

    According to the Raja parasuraman (2010) the author suggested that the different group extensively involved in the field of human automation. The paper is about to review the complacency if emirical studies as well as in human interaction it is also bias along with automated and support the system decision. to predict the future the scientific research accesses the past. By those who have lived it the history of science is frequently best. In this the author give the brief history of human-automation interaction with automated systems describe the performance of human. On cognitive perormance an accounting of automation effects, a key developments as well as description of the start of adaptive automation. In operator functional state classification an identification of contemporary techniques as well as problems (Parasuraman & at.al, Complacency and Bias in Human Use of Automation: An Attentional Integration, 2010).

    According to the Dehaisa, Caussea, Vachonb, & Tremblay, (2012) the author suggestedthat this reaserch is based on the human factors that concerns with the system that produce conflict with the human system. In such conflicts once you entangled, in his current goal the human operator will do everything to get success even it is just the endanger mission. Through an experimental setup these indings would be confirm, and consists of the unmanned vehicle, and developed a ground station. The robot is proposed a situation including a specialist struggle among the members. On the members' insight examination of the impacts of the contention as well as excitement is surveyed through pulse estimation along with the strategies of  eye-following. Our outcomes plainly demonstrate that the event of the contention prompts perseveration conduct as well as can initiate higher pulse and in addition over the top attentional core interest. In terms of task commitment issues these results are discussed as well as also increase the arousal.

    Discussion of Human automation integration

    The reports concluded that the incident happened due to over reliance of crew on the automated system of the ship. The accident was known to be inappropriate high trust of crew. The point of discussion here is the over reliance of sailor and crew on autopilot and lack of attention, this points towards lack of work action from the responsible parties. The findings suggest that automation and heavy reliance on it can be beneficial in some respect but it can go drastically wrong and cause harm beyond repair. It is a key concern. Such systems are installed to ensure security and safety but it does not assure complete reliance without any harm.

    In the form of artificial intelligence the robots are rise and certainly enhancing sectors for example transportation & logistics as well as manufacturing. For transportation and logistics the automation has many clear advantages. Automation is driven by mobile computers as well as scanners in the warehouse. By consumers depending within the hour delivery as an industry this is a challenged. Due to the use of mobile computers inventory checks have become more efficient (Hilton, 2018).

    It is observed that humans as well as automation both can make mistakes. So the question of replacement of a human being with a robot still remains unanswered. Option one is to utilize robot power and effort and replace it with humans. A question remains that how many humans will a single robot will replace? Some human work can be replaced with robots reducing the work load on human beings and making all the actions automated. There is a thought if human force is replaced with robots and human efforts with automated systems then today’s cab drivers can be replaced with robot drivers and these drivers will be maintaining robots in future.

    Idea of Human automation integration

    Integration of automated system without any human interference in National system of air giving humankind relieve from expected risk.

    Description of idea of Human automation integration

    The idea includes the removal of human interference from the control office in an air plane, distinctive functioning, several accessible command and control links. Training, supreme knowledge and clear understanding is required to fly an automated plane without being part of it. Logic of the aircraft is the focal point as a human will not be part of it.

    Important gaps of Human automation integration

    There are some shortcomings present to the model idea of human automation integration. For idea like this to be implemented it is important that has greater potential outcome and low expenditure. The system should be smart enough that if hacked by any foreign body or terrorists it remains protected and free from any harm. It should include; eye tracking, sound tracking etc. human force will have to learn more about the technology which will cause greater load of work but it is expected to reduce once the technology and its functioning is understood. (Parasuraman R. , Human-Automation Interaction, 2005)

    It will be a highly sophisticated technology which cannot be readily available to a common man with limited wealth. In order to integrate smart, extensive and broad-spectrum functioning in automated plane electronics, exceptional yet smartest software technologies and flight systems will be incorporated. In order to meet any ugly situation controllers will be responsible for the correctness and efficient working, uniquely designed planning is required, and risk factors will be calculated and mitigated and the system will be programmed to fight any harm, if it occurs.

    Resolving issue is the most important section of serving the public. As compared to the robots the human can listen as well as understand the situation so this is gap that can’t be fulfill in my point of view may be in future this can be enhanced. The other reason is the human empathize. For the public there is another gap that automated or robots don’t have any emotions. From a soothing voice it’s the warm feeling that ensures you understand the problem and could fix it (Walline & Knudsen, 2017).

References of Human automation integration

Baquero, D. S. (2009). Human Factors Issues Relevant to. 1-19.

Dehaisa, F., Caussea, M., Vachonb, F., & Tremblay, S. (2012). Cognitive conflict in humaneautomation interactions: A psychophysiological. Applied Ergonomics , 588-595.

Hilton, j. (2018, june 11). human-robot-glove-pensive Getty ImagesHuman and robots to work together in the near future. This combination will accelerate developing technology. Businessman and cyborg organizes global communication. Retrieved from https://www.newequipment.com/industry-trends/why-human-interaction-matters-automation

Parasuraman, B. T. (2006). Human-Automation Interaction. 89-129.

Parasuraman, R. (2005). Human-Automation Interaction. 1 (1), 89-129.

Parasuraman, R., & at.al. (2010). Complacency and Bias in Human Use of Automation: An Attentional Integration. Human Factors and Ergonomics .

Walline, C., & Knudsen, M. F. (2017, june 13). Mind the Automation Gap: Why the Human Touch is Critical in the Public Sector. Retrieved from https://www.jabra.com/blog/mind-the-automation-gap-why-the-human-touch-is-critical-in-the-public-sector/                                                                                                       

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