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Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

Category: Financial Reporting Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 4200

Table of Contents

Question no. 1. 4

Factors Influencing Travel Decisions of Passengers. 4

Appeal: 4

Convenience: 5

Prior Experience: 5

Price: 6

Purpose of Trip: 6

Question no. 2. 7

Porter’s Generic Strategies. 7

Cost Focus: 8

Differentiation Strategy: 8

Focus Strategy: 9

Recommendation: 9

Benefits of Cost Strategy: 9

Difficulties in Cost Strategies: 10

Question no. 3. 10

A) Different Types Of Tours Operators: 10

Outbound Tour Operators: 10

Inbound Tour Operators: 11

Domestic Operators: 11

Specialise Tour Operators: 11

Mass Market Operators: 11

Direct Sell Operators: 12

B) Industry structure. 12

Structure of the Business Structure: 12

Major Operators of the Tourism: 13

Independent Operators: 13

C) Relevant legislations and role of trade bodies. 13

European Union Package Travel Directive: 14

Association of British Travel Agents: 14

FTO: 14

The Association of Independent Tour Operators: 14

Question No. 4 A.. 15

Retail Travel Environment: 15

Role of a Travel Agent: 15

Question No. 4 B.. 16

Types of Travel Agencies. 16

Independent 16

Multiples. 16

Miniples. 17

Home Workers. 17

E-Agent 17

Vertical and Horizontal Integration. 17

Agency Agreements. 18

Conclusion. 18

References. 20


Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

Question no. 1

Factors Influencing Travel Decisions of Passengers

It is very important for every airline company to provide quality services to their clients. This report is mainly consisting of those factors which most of the air passengers keep in mind before they make their travel decision. There are a lot of factors and features that people take into account when choosing a service. Some of the most important factors like price, convenience, purpose of trip, prior experience and appeal are discussed below.

Appeal of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

The popularity of an airline depends on a lot of factors. Some of these factors are within the control of these businesses but some of these factors are not in their control. As traveling through flights is one of the most easiest and convenient way to travel and travelers wouldn’t stop booking flights any time soon. Like in other industries, there is also a lot of competition in this industry and every airline company want to provide every type of services to their customers in order to attract them towards them. Owing an airline company is very difficult and to run this business successfully you have to come up with new ideas in order to expand their customer’s base. Although safety and accountability are the common services which every airline company is providing but in order to succeed these airlines should provide services like; passenger facilities, image safety, suitability, offers Wi-Fi, easily up gradation, go to extra mile to provide comfort etc. (Travelzoo.com, 2018)

Convenience of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

The companies which are providing transport services mainly airline companies such as Easy Jet, and then they should try to provide basic facilities to their passengers before the flight at terminal and during the flight. The air travelers not only care about the fair prices but they also want what services the Easy Jet airline offer to their customers before taking the flight takes off and during the flight. For example, the customers want to know about where there will be any layover, or is this a non-stop flight? What accommodation services Easy Jet airline provide while waiting for the flight? Will there be any WI-FI onboard or in the lounge? Will I be comfortable during the flight? These passengers traveling through the air also care about the comfort and convenience. Like they want to know that they are getting the best services for the amount they have paid to the Easy Jet airline company.

Customers traveling through Easy Jet airline have a lot of expectations from these airline companies and their expectations are rising day by day looking into the competitions of the market. So the transport operators of these companies should provide immediate facilities to these customers like what they want from them. For example they should provide 24/7 online booking services, providing wireless internet technology services at their terminals and on the board (Makowski & Finkl, 2018).

Prior Experience of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

Scholars have found that the perception related to risk significantly influence the intention to travel. The prior experience of these travelers with the Easy Jet airline company also has a major impact on their future decisions. Like they want that the Easy Jet airline company should be loyal to their customers in every type of situation. If these companies behavior is loyal to their customers then they would definitely use their services again. Also Easy Jet Company should try providing unique services to their customers in the future so that they can compel their customers by using their services again.

Price of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

For most of the people travelling through Easy Jet airlines, prices of the Easy Jet airlines will have a greater impact on the decisions of these travellers. When they use transport services they first look for important considerations and as told above price of Easy Jet airlines is one of the most important consideration. People who are having financial problems they always try to travel through cheapest flights of Easy Jet. In order save cost of the flight, these passengers usually try to travel through night flights, leaving for airport early in the morning in order to catch their flights etc.

These operators of Easy Jet airline company try to use variable pricing in order to maximize their revenue. To charge appropriate prices for their tickets they look into a lot of factors before setting their prices. They first look at the demand for their services. When the demand for their services increases then they try to charge higher prices. On the other side when the demand for their services decreases then they try to charge lower prices and sometimes offer discounts on their tickets in order to stimulate their demand (Catmedia.com, 2018).

Purpose of Trip of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations 

Transport is one of the most important factors in day to day life of the people now a day. The concern of these people related to travel decisions depends on a lot of factors like the purpose of the trip they required to be fulfilled. The availability of the traveling mode is different and the people can choose these modes with their desire to complete their trip. Now people choose mode keeping many things in mind like comfort, security, availability of vehicles in time, trip distance, time reliability, cost of the travel mode etc. Since there are a lot of modes available for passengers so people have a lot of opportunities to choose their mode of travelling. Some of these factors are characteristics of the trip maker, characteristics of the journey and characteristics of the transportation facility.

Question no. 2

Porter’s Generic Strategies of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

EasyJet Company is a European airline company who deals on the bases of the low fares and has cost advantage over the other companies. According to them they have been supplying qualitative services to the people at charging low rates of fare and other charges. It is analyzed that EasyJet should focus on the porter's generic strategies so that there could be competitive advantage in the market scope (Moon, 2010). There are two effective strategies under the porter’s generic strategies however, the company need to follow the lower costs strategy as it will help the company to grow. Moreover, differentiating itself can be difficult to implement in the market segments. (Corporate.easyjet.com, 2018).

This strategy explains the ways in which the different companies have a competitive advantage factor by which they can compete with other companies. These factors are specific to the company and they can stand out in the market because of those qualities in services. Although there have been different critics found in this theory, this is still a good strategy to get up and be effective in a market.

The porter’s generic strategies include different factors which can be considered to get the competitive advantage. These factors were named as Generic Strategies. The generic strategies are as follows:

·          Cost Leadership

·          Differentiation

·          Focus. The focus is further divided in two strategies. The one is cost focus in which the cost is considered to compete while the other one is differentiation focus in which the product is considered for competition. These will now be discussed further in the explanation below:

Cost Focus of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

In this strategy the company considers highly the costs of the company to be considered and then take steps to reduce them. By this way the company will be able to decrease the costs and hence increase the profits. They will therefore charge the lower prices as they will be incurring the lower costs, hence gaining the modest and competitive advantage. However they company would not be gaining competition if other organizations decrease or cut the cost. The company would only benefit if they have good quality. However, good quality with low costs can be achieved by economies of scale.  

Differentiation Strategy of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

Differentiation strategy is followed in the situations when the company has the ability to produce products that is different than the other products of the competitors. They can gain competitive advantage over other companies if there products are more innovative than the other companies. The features that the company inserts in their product are only present in the subject company.

The differentiation could be either due to design, product quality or best performance or after sales services etc.

Focus Strategy of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

The focus strategy which different companies follows is one in which the company focus on a certain type of factor. For example the company may focus on either cost strategy to gain competitive advantage by the cost lowering strategy. However they can also focus on the differentiation strategy too to beat the competitors and get the competitive advantage.

Recommendation of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

As the EasyJet Company has maintained their company most approachable due to the cost strategy in the fast, they should maintain this strategy at these times too. For example they should not move from cost leadership strategy. This will enable them to compete in the market because of different ways. For example first of all they charge lower costs and as discussed they are providing the quality services, they will attract more and more customers towards themselves. Along with they can compete because they will be creating the barriers of entry for entering the market and hence the competition will come down.

Benefits of Cost Strategy of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

·          The EasyJet company can enjoy higher costs even in the competition

·          The airline company would have lower entrants due to higher costs of entry but the EasyJet company can get the other small players from the industry

·          Increase market share because of low competition which will be caused by cost leadership strategy.

Difficulties in Cost Strategies of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

·          Costumers understand the lower cost and price as lower quality.

·          The competitors may know the way of reducing the costs which will then be of no use for the business or company (Moon, 2010).

Question no. 3

A) Different Types Of Tours Operators of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

EasyJet Company can decide to provide the services of the tour operators as the operators can provide sightseeing tours as well as they can combines tour through focus on the travel components. Moreover, there can be tours on the package holiday, EasyJet Company can also advertise and produce brochures in this way (Perks, 2016).

Outbound Tour Operators of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

Outbound tour operators are the tour operators who manage the travel activities of the travelers around the world who are assisted by the different tour and travel agencies. They have the ability to let go the travelers all around the world. However the most travelling spot for the travelling is now Europe.

Inbound Tour Operators of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

Inbound tour operators are the tourism and travelling agents who arranges the travelling the foreign non-residents to the country. They actually arrange the different services that need to be offered to the foreigner travelers. This includes the pickup service, accommodation and other necessary service that a person would need.

Domestic Operators of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

Domestic tour operators are those that provide the services to the travelers that travel within the country. These travelers visit from one part of the country to another and hence the domestic operators arrange the travel activities for them. These services may include parking services, accommodations and boat travel etc.

Specialise Tour Operators of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

these are the tour opearators that provide the travelling searches to a specific niche area and just provide the services to the travelers for the areas that are they specialist in. for example a specialist tour operator would be the one who has specialities to travel different people to Switzerland. The specialist operators will therefore be providing the services of the tours and travelling to just a special specified area.

Mass Market Operators of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

Mass market operators are those that provide the services in a special package for example the accommodation, travelling and transfers. These are the operators that are well known in the market and provide the holidays to different travelers. One of the large market player in this criteria is Thomas cook travelers.

Direct Sell Operators of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

These are the opeators in which the travel company manages the travel and tourism activities by internet. They have a will modified website or internet platform that automatically processes the orders of the travelers. They can book the hotels and travelling media for example the airline tickets through the website.

B) Industry structure of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

There are various stakeholders in the tourism and travel industry, however, the industry structure is bigger because there are chances for the companies to expand in the segment. In the airline market, the EasyJet can follow the innovation in the technological factors, as there could be effectiveness for the company in this way (Archer & Syratt, 2012).

Structure of the Business Structure of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

The business structure needs the following six components:

1.        Attractions: these means the attractive spots that is present in a country.

2.        Transport: business depends on the transport infrastructure of a company

3.        Tour Operators: these include outbound, inbound and domestic operators as discussed above.

4.        Travel agents: these are the people providing the travel activities

5.        Tourism Development: this means the developments that take place in the industry of tourism.

Major Operators of the Tourism of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

The list of the major operators in the industry of tourism is as follows

·          Adventures by Disney

·          Voyages jules journey

·          Scott dunn etc.

Independent Operators of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

The people who work under the contracts which do not employ’s the people for working are called Independent operators. They get paid by the service providers. The payer does not need to deal with the funds that are invested and when and where are they invested.

C) Relevant legislations and role of trade bodies

In the travel and tourism industry there are beneficial legislations for the EasyJet because in the sector of commercial airlines, there are services from various companies and majorly focus on the transport supply chain. It is concerned that commercial airlines are given the values because there is increase in the revenue of country through the Transport Association. Therefore, for the EasyJet it is easy to follow the global aviation industry by taking advantages from the advanced scanning technology. The company can keep passengers through focused on the aspects related to the maintaining operational visibility (Wagen, 2015).

European Union Package Travel Directive:

This is the main commission of the European Union in which the travel and tourism industries are regulated. They rule over the service provision. For example they provide the customized travel packages, in which the travelers can book the travel packages such as accommodation and flights etc. on the website and then book the local transport facility on the other website.

Association of British Travel Agents:

Association of British travel agents is the leading provider of the service provision in the British. According to their narrative they are they supply the world and local tourism with safety and quality and has been promoting the tourism in global and home markets.

FTO of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

Currently the FTO has been merged with the association of british travel agents and according to them they have been strictly following the aims and views of the association of british and travel agents.

The Association of Independent Tour Operators:

AITO is the association in which more than 122 tour operators work. According to the association  these parts of the association work in a passionate way to serve the travelers around the world. all of the member of the association are required have an efficient customer satisfaction who will focus on three main pillars e.g. choice, quality and service (Mason, 2012).

Question No. 4 A

Retail Travel Environment of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

In the business of retail travel environment, providing efficient services to their client is a very important part of an organization. Providing efficient services to their clients is an intangible part of the assets and the Easy Jet airline company should try to rate these services for clients in order to increase the overall performance of their industry. It is very important for companies like Easy Jet Company to keep their customers happy at all levels. In the retail travel industry, the retail environment focuses on the customer service so that there could be increase in the profit through increase the performance. Moreover, in the retail travel environment several feedbacks are taken by the customer to keep customer happy (Huggett & Deborah, 2010).

Role of a Travel Agent of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

            Travel agent helps people in arranging their holidays. They are usually paid by the people who are arranging these holidays. They not only arrange holidays for their customers but also offer other range of services like they give opinions to their customers where to go and local tourist attractions. They also offer advice and information to their customers. They sell and administer bookings and on behalf of tour operators. Other roles and responsibilities of travel agents are;

·         Using online booking system to secure holidays of their clients

·         Keeping clients up to date with any changes in their routine flights

·         Collecting and processing payments


Question No. 4 B

Types of Travel Agencies of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

A travel agent is a person, who is involved in arranging and selling transportation, helps customers in their accommodation, tours and trips for travelers. Using the services of travel agents is very helpful for customers who are travelling international flights. It saves both times and money of the customers and most importantly it saves headaches problems of their clients.

There are mainly 5 types of travel agencies which are explained below;

Independent of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

In this type of travel agencies there is only one shop. The independent travel agents partner with the host agency and earn commission for all travel packages and deals sold. They offer limited number of services to their clients which may be specialized. Their services may possibly be family-owned or a single-trader business, with only one person who is the owner and manages the whole business. Examples of such agencies are Advantage Travel, Sackville Travel, and Hays Travel etc. (Smith & Warburton, 2012).

Multiples of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

These are a group of companies which operates a chain of retail outlets throughout the United Kingdom. These are also travel and tourism providing services agencies but at a higher level because they are usually managed by a group of members. Such types of agencies are Thomas Cook, TUI/Thomson.

Miniples of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

A miniple travel agent is a small company with only a few members operating this agency. They only have a limited number of branches and in a particular geographical area. Examples include Kyle Travel in north-east England (Holland & Leslie, 2017).

Home Workers of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

This type of agencies walks door to door in order to sell their leisure and business travel to their customers. They also lower the head cost of their products. They show flexibility and benefit their clients. Such type of agencies includes Future Travel, Travel Counsellor.

E-Agent of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

The world is advancing towards technological development. This technological development leads to E-Technology which is broadly based on internet services. These types of agencies work on internet and also called virtual travel agents because of their services on the E-Level. Such type of agencies is Last Minute, E-bookers, Expedia.

Vertical and Horizontal Integration

Horizontal integration is a process by which companies increases the production of their goods and services at the same part of the supply chain. The company may achieve this objective through acquisition, expansion and merger. While on the other hand in vertical integration the Easy Jet Company is engaged in different parts of production. In vertical integration the company controls more than one supply chain at the same time.

Agency Agreements of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

An agency agreement is a legal term which means creating a fiduciary relationship in which the first party agrees that the roles and actions of a second party binds the first party (principal) to later agreements made by the agent as if the first party had himself personally made the later agreements (Makowski & Finkl, 2018).

Conclusion of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

Overall, it is concluded that offering quality services to clients is very significant for the airline company. Additionally, the company has to consider factors such as appeal, prior experience, trip’s purpose, convenience, and price. Considering the European status of Easy Jet Company, it has been analyzed that the company should focus upon offering a cost advantage so to create a competitive advantage in the market. It has also been determined that the airline company must concentrate on porter’s generic strategies.

It is important for the firm to follow the low cost strategy as it will help the company in growing. This will enable them to compete in the market because of different and unique ways which will be adopted by them. For example, first of all they offer lower costs and as discussed, they are providing the quality services and this way, they will attract more and more customers towards themselves.  Easy Jet can follow the innovation in the technological factors, as there could be effectiveness for the company in this way Easy Jet Airline Company should try to rate retail travel services for clients for increasing the overall performance of their industry. The Company needs to focus on the vertical integration as the company controls more than one supply chains at the same time. Moreover, in the retail travel environment, several feedbacks must be taken from customers to keep them happy.

References of Airline, Travel Agency and Tour Operations

Archer, J. & Syratt, G., 2012. Manual of Travel Agency Practice. s.l.:Routledge.


Corporate.easyjet.com, 2018. What we do. [Online]
Available at: http://corporate.easyjet.com/about/what-we-do

Holland, J. & Leslie, D., 2017. Tour Operators and Operations: Development, Management and Responsibility. CABI ed. s.l.:s.n.

Huggett, C. & Deborah, H. C. P., 2010. Teaching Travel and Tourism 14+. s.l.:McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Makowski, C. & Finkl, C. W., 2018. Impacts of Invasive Species on Coastal Environments: Coasts in Crisis. s.l.:Springer.

Mason, P., 2012. Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management. s.l.:Routledge.

Moon, H.-C., 2010. Global Business Strategy: Asian Perspective. s.l.:World Scientific Publishing Company,.

Perks, J., 2016. How to Be an Award-Winning Tour Guide. s.l.:Xlibris Corporation.

Smith, J. D. & Warburton, F., 2012. Cambridge IGCSE Travel and Tourism. s.l.:Cambridge University Press.

Travelzoo.com, 2018. 20 Tips Before Traveling Internationally. s.l.:s.n.

Wagen, L. V. d., 2015. Events & Tourism Essentials. s.l.:Pearson Higher Education AU.

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