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Introduction of Anthropology Report

Category: Science Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 800

Anthropology seems like a difficult word but its meaning is very simple and clear. It states that it is the study of the human beings and their interaction with one another and how they behave in an environment.

Many people don’t consider it an important era, it is important due to number of reasons which includes:

·         To know about the origin point of the human beings that how and when they were born and what were the circumstances when they were originated.

·         Traditions and values can be known through studying it.

·         It also gives a brief description that how languages are related to one another. Through studying this, anthropologists are capable of telling the links among the different languages and the differences that how words are being manipulated.

1.      This era gives us an insight about the human culture and behavior for the better decision making. The basic concept of anthropology revolves around the knowledge of human characteristics and behaviour in human societies. The amount of knowledge that comes from anthropology gives us a better insight about culture and cultural differences that can help us in expanding our knowledge base and improving system. This is the key point of motivation for public relevance as it will help in public administration and Public Relations in knowing about people through extensive knowledge of the past and the present by comparing the cultures, behaviour and societies. Not only this but it helps us take better decisions and learn about the historical evolution of humans when it comes to behaviour and the cultural differences. We can evaluate by the insights how the society has changed over time and adopted to different conditions and forecast how it will adopt to future situations. The public relevancy of anthropology lies in the fact that how the knowledge about it can be used for betterment of society

2.      Anthropology relates itself to the study of society and culture but it is not restricted to the historical context but the rights and duties of societies and role of individuals can be studied. Public relevance to the field of anthropology meaning recognition of the rights and duties of different individuals assuming different roles in the society also it will help define the attitude and behaviour of society. The society is treated on macro and micro levels when it comes to anthropology. Such kind of knowledge help identify the strengths and shortcomings of the society. In such a situation anthropology helps charter rights and duties to the society and people which is necessary for harmony in the society. It helps maintain the balance in society and that is one of the pressing interest of public relevance in the field of anthropology.

3.      Anthropology in the historical context helps us understand different stages through which humans as individual and society have passed to be at this stage they are today. Historical data of different societies and cultures helps us improve in the present time by learning from their mistakes and adapting the positive attitudes in the modern times. It also helps us know about different people and culture on a larger view aiding us to understand the characteristics of the people and what shaped the culture of the society as whole. We get to know about the interaction of different cultures and we can learn from past on how to improve and resolve conflicts of past. Public relevance can be gauged as it directly impacts the issues of people and somehow the concept of anthropology exists in the masses without them knowing. Their knowledge will help they grow not only as a person but also improve as a society.

Conclusion of Anthropology Report

Anthropology is a science that has gone beyond the knowledge and come in to application. It is far impacting the lives of individuals around the world. In today’s era it is of utmost importance to acknowledge public impact and relevance of anthropology. It will help society perform better and improve over time.

 References of Anthropology Report

Borofsky, R. (2000). Commentary: Public Anthropology. Where to? What next? Anthropology News , 9-10.

Scheper-Hughes, N. (2009). Make anthropology public. Anthropology today , 1-3.

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