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Discuss the characteristics of emerging countries in the world market?

Category: Marketing Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: IEEE Words: 2300

 Definition of Emerging markets

 An Emerging market is country which has independent state and political borders and contains a criteria mentioned below can be an emerging market.

 1)      The level of economic development is low that can be explained in term of Gross Domestic Product.

2)      An intermediate economy for which government bodies try to develop a system of market economy by the satisfactory economic resources and plans.

3)      Rate of growth a high end that may be explained by the Growth Domestic Product development rate minimum 5 percent per year and which is reason of the government efforts to boost market economy [1].

4)      A country which has big space for the future growth and can be explained by differences among derived economic level development and through a middling Growth Domestic Product in most developed countries. The most big and highly appealing force of an emerging country is always the best quality political and economic planning that is also the highest risky area to consider while investing in the emerging markets.

 Definition by Cavusgil 1987

 “High growth potential countries that explain attraction for business opportunities to the western company’s .emerging market represents best ever economic growth optional for business beyond the boundaries.”

 Emerging markets for performing business operations in the most suitable and flexible market for the future through the world best competitive companies is called as emerging markets or (Ems).as per the US government bodies there are only top 10 emerging markets which will be able to twice their share of GDP from 10.2 percent to 20.7 percent globally in the coming 20 years onwards. This growth is so many far from the simple growing industrialized countries with the 2 percent per year. The countries which represents highest rate of GDP increment like 12 percent per year have more space and attraction for western multinational firms. These countries act for the world’s most competitive firm like magnet which are from US and Europe.

  Characteristics of emerging countries of emerging countries in the world market:

 Anyhow each emerging market contains some uniqueness but we are representing some most common characteristics of the emerging markets that may be presented in the following ways:

 1)      Physical characteristics of emerging countries in the world market:

 In the form of insufficient marketable infrastructure also same way lack of many other requisites of the bodily infrastructure like power generation, transportation and communication. These markets and countries are rich in natural resources but there is lack of machineries and advanced technologies to perform search of precious metals and materials that may put forth the major portion of the development in such countries [2].

 So these market are very big target for western countries and united states companies to investment  opportunities for them to enter and gain maximum market share and introduce their intellectual capital abilities and gain maximum profits and increase their per capital income up to 12 percent per year and more .we have clear example of gulf countries before 2000 there were very few developments in the region but these countries were having huge natural resources but not the intellectual resources and latest technology to develop their countries but there internal government polices were impressive and appealing for the multinational corporation to enter into the business and make the highest level of efforts to gain investments from expatriates and western countries and they got their goals as a whole through social and legal strong systems thereof [3].

 2)      Socio political characteristics of emerging countries in the world market:

 Characteristics which contains instable political environment ,insufficient legal rules and regulations ,very miserable social discipline and lower level of technology side by side sole cultural characteristics .increasingly change in the social roles comes from the basic three factor external price of shocks ,natural disaster and domestic policies instability. Normal old-style economies that are mainly based dependent upon agriculture are very much defective like earthquakes in Haiti and tsunami within land of Thailand and drought situations in Sudan .these countries has very old fashioned technology usage and no proper human rights and rule and regulations for the businesses to grow [4].

 3)      Economic Characteristics of emerging countries in the world market:

Lowest and limited personal earnings, capitally controlled currency through the influence of government roles in the economic life explained side by side others though managing by process of shifting market economy levels. People are earing very few amount as compared to their equation skills and abilities and are treated like very scare of the vicious circle of poverty .so government for the increment of the social status and living patterns of the residents put forth policies to attract the firm to start business hassle free and to achieve maximum of their work force be on work at all the economical levels [5].

 4)      Rapid Growth of emerging countries in the world market:

 The emerging countries have rapid growth opportunities for the international business to come and invest because still these markets have space for the development and investment and a bumper opportunity for multinational firms to invest [6]. During 2017 the most developed countries were on the economic growth less than three percent like united states ,united kingdom and japan .the growth for Egypt ,morocco and plan was about 4 percent and much more but on the other hand the growth of the developing countries were about 7 percent and more in china ,India and turkey.

 Lack of Capital Investment of emerging countries in the world market:

 The growth of any economy based upon the lot of capital investments but unfortunately the markets for the capital investment are very less mature in such countries than other developed countries .such countries also don’t have any permanent and regular record for FDIs means foreign direct investements.most of the times it is very much problematic to obtain the evidence about the firms registered in the stock market of these countries. Also it cannot be much easy to trade the debt like corporate  bonds in secondary market .collectively these mechanisms increase the risk factor.it means that there are more recompense for investors who are willing to perform research on the ground level [7].

Elaborate the impact of Globalization on emerging countries in the world economy?

 Globalization of emerging countries in the world market:

 A state of boundary less and border less business economy where one country perform his business operations in other country partially or wholly and earn the market space for new market development a best suit fit for the companies or countries whose local markets are matures enough and don’t have space for more business to grow [8].

 Since many years varied discussions has been made on opening or not opening their doors to the term of globalization .these discussion has been observed by same effect of globalization upon many countries and economies in the whole world. There are some view which are against and same time in favor of the globalization as it same times favors globalization brings prosperity and development but also same time exploit the right and wealth of the developing countries. Below is mentioned the elaboration of the effects of globalization on the imaging market and focus upon major five categories [9].

 Economic Impact of emerging countries in the world market:

 As per the economists many of the global procedures are connected through globalization and incorporation. Any nation depends upon the business atmosphere in which it exists. Whatever it has huge local trading trade or have wider variety of investments through international firms. Globalization integrates the economies of the different countries to become top standard.as an example the right to international trade allows to maintain foreign currencies setup in their economies.

 More and more the impact of being citizen of one country and buying property in other country also became reality. The loans and advances and international trade trough International Letter of Credit has become the growth reasons of globalization and development of emerging markets. The gross domestic product of many countries like china have been increased as an outcome of globalization.as per the 2017 world economic review 2017 the Gross domestic product has reached on 10 percent which is fastest growing rate in the world.

 Socio cultural impact of emerging countries in the world market:

 Second and most important effect of globalization is that it has affect upon the culture of many societies across the world. Globalization has become as main driver for the change of cultures in low developed countries to reach like more developed countries. If we say more probably it has seen as implication of the pop culture (west culture) on other countries. For instance the method of people speak, wearing and walking has varied [10].

 Environmental impact of emerging countries in the world market:

 This impact of the globalization has been considered very vague in the development of emerging markets but it must be more focused. Every business has its own waste substances and materials which are the cause of environmental pollution and are very harmful for the people health .through globalization in the merging countries there are obvious chances of the environmental pollution if there are not legal restrictions for the waste and harmful stances to eradicate. For example there is ban on Europe to deal with environmentally harmful products but these companies were selling to the counties as Tanzania not get loss. This was major source of eradication of their waste materials.

 Technological Impact of emerging countries in the world market:

 Due to globalization there has been many advancements of the technology throughout the world .many developing countries became technological advanced through the globalization impact .all world is aware of technology used in all parts of the world like technology used in china can be found in Europe and even south Africa .globalization has given rise to the correction and advancement of many technologies which were born in one country but are modified by other cou8ntries researchers and scientsists.in this case japan people are very well organized to modify the technology of the USA made products. The Chinese are now a days are well versed in the development of the copycat for the Japanese and American technology.

 Political Legal Impact of emerging countries in the world market:

 The last and fore most effect of the globalization upon the legal and political environment. Due to globalization in many countries has increase the international laws that are exist. Many global organizations are working to provide principles and basis for the international laws and labor laws and criminal laws. These are United Nations, World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Due to globalization many countries internal legal and political situations are hurt and many time face difficulties and troubles to implement .so business agreements and employment agreements are also exploit due to globalization in the emerging countries.

 Conclusion on emerging countries in the world market

 At the last nobody may refuse the reality that globalization is unavoidable in the recent competitive environment of business. There is issues only how the emerging countries host the guest countries and get their best suit for economic growth, technological growth, environment growth. Political growth and infrastructure growth.

 From the above report we have seen that there are many benefits of the globalization as well there are also some drawbacks of the globalization as well.it is clear that there is special terms in which globalization takes place in the development of any economy and how they control it.many issues are there which are relevant to country’s loss of freedom and sovereignty which is playing very vital role to accept and reject globalization. Anyhow as per report there are also many economic and technological benefits are there which cannot be neglected while moving for the globalization. The increased sales where the emerging markets have big markets for the products is the rational decisions for globalization.

 References of emerging countries in the world market


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