in Queensland, Australia is being lost at a rapid rate which is putting
significant pressure on species, habitats and ecosystems (Australia Wildlife
Conservancy 2017). It is important to Understand only a small part of the
biodiversity puzzle that is the Mulga (Acacia
aneura) Bioregion in Bowra, south west Queensland will aid in denoting reasoning
for the preservation of landscapes with visible bat functioning from being
cleared. The Bowra Wildlife Sanctuary (‘Bowra’) is a refuge for native flora
and fauna (Australia Wildlife Conservancy 2017). Prior to Bowra becoming a
protected area, the study site was used for five generations for cattle grazing
and thus subject to a mosaic of different ages of vegetation re-growth caused
by the prior land clearing.
The aged large old trees
dispersed across paddock in landscapes and they are widely appreciated for
their aesthetic appeal. Over the years they are also being recognised for their
economic benefits, such as lowering the risks of dry land salinity, reducing
erosion and providing shade and shelter for livestock (Bennett & Lumsden
2003). Insectivorous bats are found to commonly use paddock trees. Bats are
valuable mammals that regularly go unnoticed due to their small size, their
silence (to human ears), and the fact that they are hidden during daylight and
only feed in the evenings. Bats species consume a range of invertebrates,
predominantly moths, beetles, mosquitoes and bugs. A single bat can consume up
to half of its body weight in insects each night. It has been recorded that
some bat species have been seen to catching an average of 600 mosquitoes within
an hour (Bennett & Lumsden 2003).
The role that bats play in
reducing insects is likely to be particularly important around sparsely
scattered trees, because they are few insectivorous birds that occur in these
situations. We assessed environmental factors at two levels, first at the
landscape scale and second at a local scale where information was obtained
regarding the physical environment at each of the study sites chosen. Initially
we predicted that older and density rich landscapes will result in a greater
variety of bat species richness when in comparison to open spaces with minimal
vegetation cover.
1. Methods and Study Area and Site Selectionof the effects of bat assemblages in different age classes with
Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
The study area was situated at
Bowra Wildlife Sanctuary located northwest of Cunnamulla in Queensland,
Australia (AWC, 2017). Currently Bowra
is a conservation site owned by the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (‘AWC’) a hotspot
for inland Australian species. However, formerly the site was a cattle station
for five generations (Department of Environment and Energy, 2018). During that
period of time, the region experienced clearing and thinning for pastoral
fodder (cattle grazing) which has caused a mosaic of regrowth of different
ages. Currently this site is home to woodlands, shrublands, riparian zones,
grasslands, and vast regions of mulga. The study area has an elevation range of
190m to 240m above sea level. During the month of March 2018, the site has an
average maximum temperature of 32.7oC and the average minimum
temperature of 19.3oC, with a mean number of rain days being 3.8
(Farmonline Weather 2018).
A total of five monitoring
sites were used in the study, which were selected based on three varying
landscapes of Mulga classes: regrowth mulga (‘RM’) denoting recently cleared (<15 years cleared), intermediate
mulga (‘IM’) (>15 years) and
old/remnant sites (‘OM’) (>30
years). The study sites were chosen
using aerial photography and QLD Herbarium Regional Ecosystem vegetation
mapping and only areas with vegetation patches greater than 150m were selected.
The Sites were selected to be
similar with regards to geographical location as this alters the types of bat
species present, with the main difference across sites. This is being the
management history which has effects on vegetation, type, composition and
cover. It will demonstrate whether management/clearing history has an impact on
bat species richness.
2 Acoustic Sensor Deployment and Calibration of the effects of bat assemblages in
different age classes with Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
One SM3BAT (Wildlife Acoustics
2016) ultrasonic acoustic recorder was deployed at each site. Sensors were
evenly distributed along all sites; one sensor was secured on a tree
approximately 1.5 m above ground at each site. In particular, sensors were
placed in forks and away from branches to avoid any disturbances. Microphones
were attached to 2m leads and secured to branches away from sensor to avoid
echo/reflection of bat calls of recording device. The selected trees in which
the sensors were deployed were positioned as close to the centre of the
vegetation patch as possible to reduce edge effects. Recording occurred from 18th
March 2018 until 24th March 2018. The sensors were set to record
data of bat species consecutively between the hours of 6pm and 9pm (hours after
sunset) where the probability of bat activity is at its peak (Thomas &
West, 1989). In addition, a trigger recording was set to provide for the range
of species that fly outside this bracket gap (Szewack, 2004). This setting is
of particular importance as it minimised the chances of reaching storage
capacity and time spent thereafter sifting through large data sets with only
two researchers. All recorders were set to their default configuration and on
zero-crossing recording was selected to maximise recording time. Files were
then transferred onto an external hard-drive and manually analysed [1].
Overall, there were 7 nights
of recordings at each of the 5 sites, but only those collected on 3 nights (18th
of March 2018 to the 20th of March 2018) were utilised for the
purposes of this study.
The recorded files obtained
were analysed using the program Kaleidoscope (Wildlife acoustics 2016) and
species identification were undertaken using two keys (Reinhold et at2001; Pennay et al2004). Furthermore, the AWC’s survey listing bat species
within Bowra was used to seldom identify species known to be located within the
region (Table 1). This ensured that wrongful species identification is reduced
based on previous geographical bat analysis data. Consequently, reference calls
were collected from all species known from the region. Each call was examined,
and parameters were extracted from the search phase pulses, however pulse type
were also recoded such, as search phase or attack phase. All reference calls
could be identified for some species ( Saccolaimus Flaviventris, Chalinobolus picatus, Nyctophilus geoffreyi and
Scotorepens greyii), whereas identification rates for species with overlapping characteristics
were pooled ( Chalinobolus gouldii, Mormopterus sp “3” & “4” and
Scotorepens balstoni grouped as “CMB” and Vespadelus baverstocki, Vespadelus
troughtoni and Vespadelus Vultrunus grouped as Vespadelus). A minimum number of
four good quality pulses were required from a call sequence (i.e. a pass) for
an identification to be attempted [2].
Table 1. Table 1 Bowra Wildlife
Sanctuary Bat Species List (November 2014) Retrieved from
Saccolaimus flaviventris
Yellow‐bellied Sheathtail‐bat
Austronomus australis
White‐striped Freetail‐bat
"sp 3"
Inland Freetail Bat
"sp 4"
Freetail Bat
"sp 5"
Bristle‐faced Freetail Bat
Chalinolobus gouldii
Gould's Wattled Bat
Chalinolobus picatus
Little Pied Bat
Near Threatened
Nyctophilus corbeni
South-eastern Long-eared Bat
Nyctophilus geoffroyi
Lesser Long-eared Bat
Scotorepens balstoni
Inland Broad-nosed Bat
Scotorepens greyii
Little Broad-nosed Bat
Vespadelus baverstocki
Inland Forest Bat
Vespadelus troughtoni
Eastern Cave Bat
Vespadelus vulturnus
Little Forest Bat
2.1 Data analysis of the effects of bat assemblages in different
age classes with Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
The data summaries were
generated for total bat activity (i.e the number of times a bat of any species
made a pass (Law et al. 1998) and
activity type (i.e. the number of times a bat of any species was identified in
a search or attack phase). The Boxplots, histograms and pie charts were also
created to visually assess the relationship between bat activity and activity
type against the landscape, date and site. Additionally, the use of linear
models and linear mixed-effects models are to be used to quantify the
relationship between regrowth stage, bat activity and vegetation. All analysis was
undertaken in R statistical software (R Core Team, 2018).
Results and Summary of the effects of bat assemblages in different age classes with Bowra
Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
The Bats were detected at
every study site, and of the 721 files recorded 514 individual bats were
successfully identified of 6 species: Vespadelus,CMB, S. greyii, N. geoffroyi
and S. flaviventris). However, despite our initial assumptions of bat species
richness being greater in older sites in comparison to that of younger sites,
our findings have shown that bat species richness was consistent across the
three tested sites.
2. Overall number of files analysed
no. of files
no. of files success
(%) successful
no. of files failed
of different species groups found
3 Study site vegetation data
Tree Cover (%)
Tree Height (m)
DBH (m)
Shrub Height (m)
Shrub Cover (%)
4 Summary of data result analysis
Total Site Passes
Average passes per night
Species richness
Average species richness per
night per sight
Attack Calls
3.1 Results from each site of the effects of bat assemblages in different age classes with
Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
From the study it was evident that some species groups
were formed as an alternative to identifying individual species (Table 5; Fig.
2-6). This was done to avoid the misidentification of bat species and
ultimately mislead our findings. For example, bat species grouped under CMB
were grouped together because it is well known these species have similar
calls. These species are almost impossible to distinguish from each other using
acoustics alone and they would need to be captured on site to be confident in
its identification. By grouping similar bat calls together, it avoids
potentially misidentifying one of these bats as another species. It also
provides the next best alternative other than individual species
identification, because it is as close as possible to the correct specie. Other
studies have grouped by Family or Taxon even though the calls are very
distinguishable from one another, resulting in very general findings. As
opposed to this study, where the researches in this study were confident in
identifying C. picatus as it has a unique call which alternates in frequency (Pennay
et al2004). Rather than grouping C. picatus
with other species of the Vespertiliondae family, it was left as individual
specie [3].
Using bats calls to assess species diversity and
activity is an effective way to analyse large data sets whilst working remotely
(away from the test site). However, it also means that it is difficult maintain
precision and accuracy throughout data collection, when many factors impact a
bat call and they are easily confused with other species.
5 Displays the individual species comprising of the ‘pooled’
species groups and explains their overlapping call characteristics
Chalinolobus gouldii
Mormopterus “sp 3”
Mormopterus “sp 4”
Scotorepens balstoni
All three species call at similar
frequencies (24 to 35kHz). C. gouldii is indistinguishable when in ‘cruise’
phase as alternating frequencies drop out. Can be distinguished from each
other depending on the way the pulse is sloped. In open areas or when in
‘cruise’ phase, these pulses will all flatten (Pennay,et al, 2004).
Vespadelus baverstocki
Vespadelus troughtoni
Vespadelus vulturnus
Limited reference calls means it
is difficult to distinguish V. baverstocki from V. vulturnus (Pennay, et al,
2004). They share characteristic frequencies (42.5 to 53 kHz). V. vulturnus may be distinguished from the
others with prominent up-sweeping tail however this can change when foraging
due to its tight circling behaviour (Pennay, et al, 2004).

3.2 Statistical Analysis of the effects of bat assemblages in different age classes with
Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
Vegetation data (Table 2) and bat data from (Table 3)
were used to undertake linear regression tests for three sets of response
variables: species richness; average passes per night; and attack calls.
The regressions conducted denote low R-squared values
for each test suggesting that there is a very low likelihood that the
vegetation characteristics can cause any response in species richness. The high
P-values (>0.05) confirms that changes in the tree height, tree cover, DBH
and shrub height are not associated with changes species richness (Table 6).
Similarly, the low R-squared values and corresponding high P-values (>0.05)
suggest that there is no linear relationship between vegetation characteristics
and average passes per night (Table 7). In contrast, R-square values between
vegetation characteristics and average passes per night (Table 8) show strong
linear relationships to exist between some vegetation characteristics (namely
tree height and tree cover) and the number of attack calls emitted. Contritely,
these regression tests also confirm that DBH and shrub height have little
effect on number of attack calls. This is shown in the low R-squared values
(0.01426 and 0.3313 respectively) and the corresponding high p-values (0.9483
and 0.3099) (Table 8).
A strong linear relationship is present between tree
height and number of attack calls emitted (Fig. 5). This was evident by the
high R-squared value generated (0.9165). This means that change in tree height
accounts for approximately 92% of the variation in the attack calls (Table 8).
The low p-value of 0.0105 means that the null hypothesis being that change in
tree height will show no response in attack calls can be rejected (Table 8). In
addition, here the line of best fit clearly depicts that as tree height
increases so does attack calls. Similarly to tree height a strong linear
relationship is also present between tree cover and number of attack calls
emitted (Fig. 5). This regression too produced a high R-squared value (0.7837).
This means that change in tree cover accounts for approximately 78% of the
variation in the response variable (attack calls). The low (but significant)
p-value (0.04584) means that it is safe to reject the null hypothesis that tree
cover will show no response in attack calls. Additionally, from the line of
best fit it is evident that as tree cover increases so do attack calls.
6Regressions showing the effect vegetation characteristics
have against species richness
Species richness
Tree height
Species richness
Tree cover
Species richness
Species richness
Shrub height
7Regressions showing effect vegetation characteristics has
against average passes per night
Average passes per night
Tree height
Average passes per night
Tree cover
Average passes per night
Average passes per night
Shrub height
8Regressions showing effect vegetation characteristics has
against attack calls

Figure 6 Linear regression denoting the relationship between tree
cover and number of attack calls emitted
3.3 Bat Activity of the effects of bat assemblages in different age classes with
Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
It was clearly evident that bat activity (attacks)
increased within our data set the older the land site was. This also correlates
with the findings that at older sites there are functioning’s that a bat can
carry out thus heightening the level of activity in comparison to recently cleared
sites with little vegetation and biodiversity.

Discussion of the effects of bat assemblages in different
age classes with Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
Overall, this study has
illustrated that bat species richness across the three varied sites did not
differ (Refer to figure 8). However, across the various landscape assessed in
this study, bat activity (nature of call) was highest at the OM site, medium in
the intermediate sites and the lowest in the regrowth sites. Although the
vegetation analysis was not the predominant focus of this study, the data
gathered are indicative of activity levels per site rather than the particular
activity around specific vegetation, the high activity of insectivorous bats
found in old regrowth suggest that richer vegetation landscapes produce higher
biological benefits. These key findings, discussed, have implications for the
conservation of beneficial biodiversity through strategic vegetation
restoration and future land clearing designs in vegetation dense landscapes.
Regrowth Mulga Sites of the effects of bat assemblages in different
age classes with Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
The two study sites RMA and
RMB represent the newly cleared (>15 years) landscapes found within the
study region. Within the RM sites a high presence of the pooled group of
Vespadelus was found. A large presence of Vespadelus was found at both sites A
and B in comparison to their presence in either the intermediate or old Mulga
sites. Reasoning for such occurrences is due to the characteristics of
Vespadelus being medium fast aerial feeders whom forage below, alongside, and
inside canopy and sub-canopy cover (Kutt 1995: Dwyer 1965). Given the high
shrub height and cover recorded at RMA (3.1m and 33% respectively) this has
allowed Vespadelus species the opportunity to forage in its ideal habitat.
Vespadelus species are ones which thrive in open spaces rather than highly
dense and cluttered spaces. This also explains this species absence in the OM
site as there is no understory for it to forage in its ideal habitat. Given OM
densely covered undergrowth (shrub cover = 31.51%) and dense tree canopy (tree
cover = 61.8%), this site is thought to be too dense for species belonging to
the Vespadelus group and may explain the absence of Vespadelus [4].
Additionally, a high presence
of CMB group was present in all sites but more so in RMA and RMB. Within CMB,
Morm sp “3” and “4” are known to be fast aerial movers with low manoeuvrability
(Kutt, 1995). Morm sp “4” are often the more common species at a site and like
to share roosts with S. balstoni (Susan’s book, pg 497). Similarly to
Morm sp “4”, Morm sp “3” fly over canopy, over water-holes or along the borders
of tree-lined creeks, they generally don’t fly through dense forest because of
limited manoeuvrability (Susan’s book, pg 494). Thus, it can be assumed that
these species enjoy open spaces similar to the ones of RM. Species such as Morm
sp 3 will find insects on the ground or over the trunk of a tree and scurry
towards it on its hindfeet (Susan’s book, 494). In a study conducted by Kutt
(1995), identified that the occurrence of Morm sp in thinned forests means that
these species enjoy accessible, open spaces where they can fly under the
canopy, just as they would fly above dense canopies (as they are also known to
do). This versatility denoted by this species ability to adapt to different age
classes of Mulga goes forth to explain the large presence of CMB percentages
across all classes and sites [5].
Furthermore, a presence of Nyctophilus geoffroyi at A (3%) was found in
RMA. N. geoffroyi are known to roost in dead trees, under exfoliating
barks, or in hollows (Susan’s mammal book, pg 520). They also move roosts every
fews days. N. Geoffroyi was ID’d the most at RMA (5 times), this may be due to
land clearing as RMA has more fallen and dead trees present which add to the
complexity of its vegetation profile which in turn allows for more suitable
roost sites for N. Geoffroyi.It is important to note that Geoffroyi was
consistently found at IMA and OM (although less times) and never at RMB or IMB.
This is evidence that there may be a high chance of observation bias for this
particular species. Meaning, the researcher that identified calls from RMA and
IMA was more inclined to ID N.geoffroyi than the researcher who ID’d
calls from RMB and IMB [6].
4.2 Intermediate Mulga Sites of the effects of bat assemblages in different age
classes with Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
In terms of species
richness, as previously stated both IMA and IMB results were in line with both
regrowth sites and the old site. However, previous studies have shown the
opposite with intermediate regrowth sites sharing similar characteristic as old
sites in comparison to older sites rather than with regrowth sites and should
exhibit changes in species richness or presence between both IM and OM sites in
comparison to RM sites.
In IMA, CMB accounted for 71% percent whereas in IMB
it accounts for 47%. S. Balstoni is
likely causing increases in CMB here as IMA is close to a creek (100m
away) and this specie enjoys habitats that are close to waterways (susan’s
book). Given that IMA has relatively sparse tree cover (32.2%) and shrub cover
(12.2%) the vegetation profile at IMA seems to have satisfied S.
Balstoni’s preference for open woodlands and shrublands and ultimately
caused an increase in presence of CMB as opposed to IMB (susan’s book).
4.3 Old Mulga Sites of the effects of bat assemblages in different age
classes with Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
Larger evidence of CMB
species are found in this study region and especially S. greyii in comparison
with other sites, this is because denser vegetation and canopy suit these
species groups. Within CMB, S. Gouldii
is known to have strong correlations with tree canopy cover and local roost
potential (Milne, 2005). Within CMB, as explained above details that Morm sp “4” are fast, adaptable aerial
feeders and like to fly above dense canopy. This is another reason for a large
percentage of CMB species found at the Old Mulga site. S. Greyii and S.
Flaventris are known to exhibit the same correlations between local roost
potential and tree canopy cover as Gouldii.
With tree height, cover and DBH being highest at OM (12m, 61.8% and
19.45cm respectively) it is likely that there the dense tree coverage and
potential to roost in larger trees have attracted more S. Greyii and CMB to the
site [7].
4.4 Chalinolobus Picatus of the effects of bat assemblages in different age
classes with Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
C. Picatus is found everywhere and evenly across age
classes (10% at RM, IM and OM). C. Picatus are agile, fast bats whom
forage along woodland canopies, taking insects’ mid-flight (susan’s book, pg
540). This species roosts in hollow trees, with an apparent preference for dead
trees (susan’s book, pg 540). This preference of dead trees is explanatory to
the findings of this species in the RM studies sites. Furthermore, it is known
that C. Picatus will travel long distances to forage and drink where small
pools of water is present (susan p540). This trait within C. Picatus therefore
also is explanatory for its occurrence in IM site as the study site was located
in close proximity to a river. Finally, this species is known to enjoy roosting in mulga - in fact it’s been recorded to
travel 17km every night to return to the same mulga roost in Bourke, NSW. Their
greatest relative abundance in mixed woodlands and mulga - see Australian Bats, pg 122 (book by Sue Churchill,
2009, available on line from QUT). They
are known to fly close to vegetation and glean the top of the canopy, or among
the foliage and will swoop down to 2-4m above the ground (likes all types of
vegetation). C. Picatus predominantly eats
moths, as found in an analysis. Species decline because of habitat loss in the
eastern parts of the species range (which is Bowra) loss of roost and
Anatomy of the
effects of bat assemblages in different age classes with Bowra Wildlife
Conservancy Queensland
The lower limb consists primarily of the shin, the fibia being
undeveloped and amalgamate to the shin. The limb is turned through 180°, thus
once walking knees purpose ventrally. The complete limb is capable of a large
angle rotation, permitting an entire 360° flip once hanging. The toes of this
limb have claws that are extraordinarily robust and laterally compressed. A
connective tissue that runs through rubbery rings connected to the phalange
enable associate automatic lockup system. Its bone structure is analogous to several
different kooky, with minor variations that outline the species. Its os is just
tiny, with a os breadth of solely seven millimetre. The cavity swellings aren't
pronounced and there's no median crest on the brain case. the full os length
around is eleven.7 mm. very little varicolored kooky have seven cervical
vertebrae, eleven body part vertebrae, four body part vertebrae and are thought
to own three caudal vertebrae that form up the little tail structure. The
pelvis bones (ilium, ischial bone and pubis) are powerfully amalgamate,
additional thus than in different mammals [6].
Habitat of the
effects of bat assemblages in different age classes with Bowra Wildlife
Conservancy Queensland
It is best-known to vary from North Western and South Western New South
Wales but they're solely in an exceedingly few massive remnant of environment
that stay during this space. Some specific places the small varicolored bat is
found include; Willandra lakes government agency, Idalia parkland QLD and Sturt
parkland government agency. It usually roosts in tree hollows of the assorted
bushland trees of government agency and QLD like semi-arid tall shrublands and
vascular plant forests, however, are usually found in eucalyptus and tree open
4.5 Inland Forest
Bat of the effects of
bat assemblages in different age classes with Bowra Wildlife Conservancy
The inland Forest Bat is one amongst variety of tiny (3 to seven grams)
myrmecophagous wacky within the genus Vespadelus. it's usually sandy-brown on
top of, with the underparts being paler (cream to pale brown). Identification
is troublesome, with overlap in size and fur colouration with some species
occurring within the same space, significantly Southern Forest Bat V. regulus
and tiny Forest Bat V. vulturnus.
Habitat & Ecology of the
effects of bat assemblages in different age classes with Bowra Wildlife
Conservancy Queensland
Roosts in tree hollows and abandoned buildings. famous to roost in
terribly tiny hollows in inferior trees solely some metres high. The
environment necessities of this species are poorly famous however it's been
recorded from a spread of earth formations, as well as eucalyptus, Mulga and
stream Red Gum. Most records are from drier earth habitats with bank areas
peopled by the miscroscopic Forest Bat. However, different habitats could also
be used for forage and/or drinking. Colony size ranges from some people to
quite sixty. Females congregate to lift young in November and Dec, with young
carried for the primary week following birth. Young are freelance by January.
These wacky fly quickly and canopy an intensive forage space and are plausible
to kill flying insects
6 Limitations and Conclusion of the effects of
bat assemblages in different age classes with Bowra Wildlife Conservancy
In this study, the focus was to identify
that what effects land can have on the assembling of bats in particular sites. There
are certainly few environmental factors, which play their part in shaping the
richness of bat species. The assumption for the study was made that bat species
richness will be on great level especially in older as well as density rich
landscapes, whereas open spaces will result in minimal vegetation cover for bat
species. The study used overall five monitoring sites, where results were
obtained to see whether the assumption made by the study is correct or not. The
total bat activities along with their activity types were done. The results of
the study showed that Bats presence was evident on each selected for the study.
The six species of bats were also identified with the help of this study. The
assumption made earlier in the study proved incorrect regarding bat species
richness on older sites would be greater as compared to younger sites. On all
sites, the richness of bat species was consistent and there was no significant
difference between them.
In terms of species richness, as previously stated
both IMA and IMB results were in line with both regrowth sites and the old
site. However, previous studies have shown the opposite with intermediate
regrowth sites sharing similar characteristic as old sites in comparison to
older sites rather than with regrowth sites and should exhibit changes in
species richness or presence between both IM and OM sites in comparison to RM
sites.The inland Forest Bat is one amongst variety of tiny (3 to seven grams)
myrmecophagous wacky within the genus Vespadelus. It’s usually sandy-brown on
top of, with the underparts being paler (cream to pale brown). Roosts in tree
hollows and abandoned buildings. Famous to roost in terribly tiny hollows in
inferior trees solely some metres high. The environment necessities of this
species are poorly famous however it's been recorded from a spread of earth
formations, as well as eucalyptus, Mulga and stream Red Gum
Overall, this study has illustrated that bat species
richness across the three varied sites did not differ. However, across the
various landscape assessed in this study, bat activity (nature of call) was
highest at the OM site, medium in the intermediate sites and the lowest in the
regrowth sites. Although the vegetation analysis was not the predominant focus
of this study, the data gathered are indicative of activity levels per site
rather than the particular activity around specific vegetation, the high activity
of insectivorous bats found in old regrowth suggest that richer vegetation
landscapes produce higher biological benefits.
7. References of the effects of bat assemblages in different age classes with
Bowra Wildlife Conservancy Queensland
Attack calls
Tree height
Attack calls
Tree cover
Attack calls
Attack calls
Shrub height
Crisol‐Martínez, G. Ford, F. G. Horgan, P. H. Brown and K. R. Wormington,
"Ecology and conservation of insectivorous bats in fragmented areas of
macadamia production in eastern Australia," vol. 42, pp. 597-610, 2017.
B. Law, P.
Eby, L. Lumsden and D. Lunney, Eds., The Biology and Conservation of
Australasian Bats, Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, 2011.
A. Zubaid,
G. M. McCracken, G. F. McCracken, T. H. Kunz and T. Kunz, Eds., Functional
and Evolutionary Ecology of Bats, Oxford University Press, USA, 2006.
Jackson, Australian Mammals: Biology and Captive Management: Biology and
Captive Management, Csiro Publishing, 2007.
T. B.
Reardon, N. L. McKenzie, S. J. B. Cooper, B. Appleton, S. Carthew and M.
Adams, "A molecular and morphological investigation of species
boundaries and phylogenetic relationships in Australian free-tailed bats
Mormopterus (Chiroptera : Molossidae)," pp. 109-136, 2014.
S. Parish,
G. Richards and L. Hall, A Natural History of Australian Bats: Working the
Night Shift, Csiro Publishing, 2012.
Churchil, Australian Bats, Allen & Unwin, 2009.