In this design problem, an automatic starter circuit is to
be designed for a 4-point shunt motor rated at 20-hp, 240-V, and 60-A. The
armature resistance of the motor is (0.62) Ohm, and the shunt field resistance
is (121) Ohm. The motor is to start with no more than (151) percent of its
rated armature current, and as soon as the current falls to its rated value,
the starting resistor stage must be cut out.
a) Draw a neat diagram of a 4-point dc shunt motor starter?

b) Determine the number of steps required in the starter and
the value of the resistors in each step?

The started current of motor is supposed to be 151 % of the
rated armature current. On no load conditions the terminal voltage and armature
voltage is same.
Shunt field current

Shunt field current 
The field current is corresponding to the current and

In case if there is no load,

Starting condition
For the nth stage

Solving for n gives

The number of steps yields 2.82.