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Report on Stress effects and Management

Category: Operations management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2850

Introduction of Stress effects and Management

With the latest advancement of technology, the life has become far easier and comfortable. But on the other hand such advancements had made the human life more stressful and problematic. In the modern era of technology human life is always looks in a rush. From this mechanical and fast life style one can easily get frustrated and exhausted. There is a very rapid increase in the patients of stress and depression in last few years. Normally we do consider the stress as a negative factor which minimizes the performance and efficiency of an individual. But those who learn the art to handle the stress can produce wonders. Normally man puts his extra efforts to fulfill the tasks when the conditions are not very much favorable. If we learn the art to diagnose the stress and handle it properly we can get rid of the negative effects of the stress (Charles, 2013).

Stress is that condition from which every individual is suffered due to this modern and advancement of the technologies that created pressure on the humans as they develop the effective strategies for the development of the organization and it leads towards the stress which effect the performance of people at their work place. Furthermore, traumatic stress also occurred due to some negative events like rape, accidents, war, abuse and many other events that disturb the emotional feelings of the person and the person is unable to perform its responsibilities and enjoy the good and happiest moment of the life (Caggianiello & Spano, 2016). 

Actually stress does not means that everything has gone and cannot be corrected. Stress is just the indication of unfavorable circumstances. If we consider the stress as a harmful thing, we can never give our full devotion to the work and cannot fulfill the demands of the society and market (Javidi, Hojjatollah, & Yadollahie, 2012).

Few decades back people were unaware of the word stress. With the development of modern technology we were introduced the word stress. Previously this term was only used in physics to demonstrate effects of any force or pressure applied on a substance. But now a day stress is being considered as a serious mental issue, which may induce other medical problems as well. But in reality stress is just an indicator of unpleasant conditions and test how strong are nerves actually are. It is very important in our life like other factors we have to stay as positive as possible in the matter of stress (Jonathan, 2014).

Stress should be taken just like an opponent in a game. We nor ignore the opponent in the game neither we can afford to be horrify from it. Stress initiates from the challenges. If we face the challenges manfully and handle the situations intelligently then we can eliminate stress from our life very easily. But if we fails to respond accordingly then the stress will persist and can lead to serious physiological issues like anxiety and depression. Any physical or mental issue if new, is called acute in medical term. But if the issue or problem remains untreated then the problem may converts from acute to chronic that leads to metabolic and other hormonal issues like hypertension and diabetes (Pitman, 2012)

The research on the stress is wide by the neuroscientist and some psychologists that develop the effective results for the reason of the stress and its related harmful effect on the health and emotion of the human being. Moreover, the results of the research on stress described that chemical formation within the brain that has effect on the stress and the work on this research is in progress for the effective and accurate causes of the stress prevailing within the human body and emotions (Persson & Rossin-Slater, 2018).

However, the stress is not good for the human beings as they suffered from it for the long period and reduce the level of energy, absorbance capacity of the pressure which is not good for the life of an individual. The scientific research described the stress is started from the unwanted happenings and then lead towards the mental disorder that is the great loss for the humans. The mental health which is affected by the stress leading towards the chronic and sometimes acute disorders such as schizophrenia, depression and many others that reduce the efficiency of performance of human beings. 

The stress and mental were previously not being take that seriously. Not much of research has been done in this field around the globe in last few decades. The reason was that people were not suffering from psychological problem as much in recent past.  With very rapid rise in the mental and psychological issues scientists have started to research in this field and find out the answers of some mysteries related to mental health and stress. Stress can be of different type depending upon the socio-economic status of the sufferer. Stress can be due to work place tension, or it could be related to domestic problems. But whatever the stimulus of the stress is, we have to learn the art to counter the stress and its causes. We should not consider stress as a careless disease but on the other hand we cannot afford to leave the stress untreated. We have to get rid of it as soon as possible. if we do not treat stress in its acute state then it will persist and can be transformed into life threatening chronic state, which may cause other health issues.

The study described the term stress, its effect on the human health, mental disturbance and other factors that are the reason of stress. The scientific study by using scientific models on the psychological related problems of the stress that also effect the health of brain and its efficiency due to its persistent nature. The stress also has effect on the emotions and working ability which is the great loss of human being. Moreover, this study focused on the different types of stress which are chronic stress, traumatic stress and post traumatic stress which should be treated for the better life of a person (Knight & Mehta, 2017). Furthermore, by focusing on the types of stress is the way to treat the stress in a better way that improve the brain efficiency and also the routine life of the human being as they addicted and not considered it as the major problem and sometimes threat for life.

 Definition of Stress 

A large number of scholars, psychiatrists, psychologists and other professionals have defined stress in slightly different ways and following are some of the definitions of stress;

The stress is defined in many ways. It is defined, as stress is a complex phenomenon. It can also be defined as the tear and wear of everybody life (Blum, 2015).

In the normal routine, people have to pass through wide range of pressure. Same like this there are also a wide range of strategies and resources for adapt with pressure. In few times people adapt well and did not feel that the pressure is having any unfriendly impact upon them. Then term “stress” is used when the person fails to deal with the situations at the time (Bessel, McFarlane, & Weisæth, 2012).

A situation that technically puts pressure on humans mind and body is called a stressful situation. Stress is not really horrendous or destructive. People find the stress in a positive effect when they are able to adapt satisfactorily with stress, stimulation or challenge are the words used at that time. With respect to this the accurate and simple definition of stress is (Dhabhar & Firdaus, 2014);

When the pressure upon us surpasses our assets to adapt up with pressure then stress occur.

Stress effects

Effects of chronic stress

Many of the studies are available that shows the research result about the effects of chronic stress on the body and mind. The effects and causes of chronic stress, which are on the body as well as on the brain or mind of a person are given below in detail (Charles, 2013).

Stress Effect on physical health

Stressful activities are almost present at everywhere also around us but almost all people can make a way to deal with the stress or to go through the stress in an effective way. If the person is in the stress due to the problems like pressure of work, deadlines to meet or any other thing like this then the body of the person always reacts in the same way. The chronic stress responds when the release of the stress hormones from the body of a person takes place and it goes on until it is resolved (Bessel, McFarlane, & Weisæth, 2012). The prolonged chronic stress releases more and more hormones in the body if the stress increases and this continuous flow of hormones are harmful to the body. The continuous flow of hormones disturbed the body system and causes, a rise of heart attacks, strokes, blood pressure level. The physical effects that are usually seemed due to the cause of chronic stress are weight losing, insomnia, skin conditions like eczema and pain. Dr. Richard Weinstein who is the member of American Chiropractic Association’s Council on Nutrition and the National Institute of Chiropractic and a private chiropractor says that the effects, which are due to the cause of chronic stress, can return, “If the cortisol imbalance is not addressed” (Charles, 2013).

Stress is that term which is avoided by the individuals due to its negative effects and consider as the disturbing agent in the life. Stress has many routes that come from the home, work place and from institutions. The challenges raised from these places lead towards the stress and illness of the individuals. The stress contains different categories due to its problems in which the major stress is chronic stress which is prevailing for long period. It is also defined as that stress which is prevailing due to unwanted happenings and events and it becomes involuntary that is out of the order of the individual. In the chronic stress the corticosteroids releasing from the human body that trigger the high level of stress as well as the role of endocrine system is prominent in the stress. These hormones are beneficial for the human beings for short period but it may harmful when they are releasing continuously and long period causing severe and fatal side effects that may lead towards the death of the human beings.

Effect on behavior on Stress 

Behavior pattern can also be disturbed due to the effect of chronic strain. Many changes are detected in the behavior of the peoples who are affected by the chronic stress. It is seemed that the patient that are suffering from the chronic strain on the daily basis they have particular behavior and habits (Javidi, Hojjatollah, & Yadollahie, 2012). For example, their behavior and habits are like irritability, isolation from friends and family, moodiness etc. The people who are the victim of the chronic stress may sometimes become anger to almost everything.  These people are unhappy about everything that is available around them and these people are prone to impulsive decision and angry outburst. They develop the bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, pacing and biting nails and their eating and sleeping pattern also changed. These things also effects on their personal and social lives.

Effect on brain

According to the researches and studies of University of California, certain permanent changes occur in the brain of a person due to the chronic stress and with the continuous flow or excessive release of hormones, through which the people becoming prone to other mental diseases. UC Berkeley associate professor of integrative biology, Daniela Kaufer and her colleagues, after conducting a series of experiment, has concluded that fewer neurons than acceptable and the generation of more myelin-producing cells are the causes of chronic stress. Chronic stress may often leads to an increase of white matter or myelin in certain parts of the brain, which can cause a negative effect in the critical function of the brain such as nervous system or neuronal system (Charles, 2013).

How to manage stress

    It is important for an individual to improve itself by reducing the level of stress by develop effective strategies like self-talking that improve the personality of individual and construct the flaws which occurred due to the stress. This practice enhances the self-improvement and reduce the level of stress by absorbing the pressure in an effective way. The self-talk improves the thinking and idea of the individuals. 

Stress is related to the different factors that enhance the level of stress like external and internal factors. Many other factors that are causing stress within the people are illness for long period, poverty, bad time of life, work pressure and other negative factors that trigger the stress and disturb the mental and body health of the individual. These factors have long lasting effect on the emotional and physical life of the human beings which is sometimes not recovered and become fatal.

It is the responsibility of human to avoid the stress that badly effect the normal life routine and lead towards the abnormality if not controlled on time. So, it is necessary for the better life of human being to avoid stress by enhancing the stamina to absorb the pressure and resolve the problems in an effective way.  Otherwise stress become persistent that disturb the life (Li & Sullivan., 2016).

So, it is our responsibility to develop learning techniques that minimize the impact of stress that are prevailing due to the internal and external factors. Moreover, these factors due to learning ability become the strength that overcome the effects of stress on the individual mental and body health.

Exercise to manage Stress

Another important stress reducing method is exercise for those who are suffering from the stress for long period. Exercise is important not only for stressor but also for healthy people. It is the way that fit the person and reduce the stress and other negative impact that disturb their thoughts and working performance. It is effective method to reduce the stress but it is temporary method and its efficiency depends on the condition and environment of the event.

Relaxation techniques and meditation for Stress

The therapy and mediation techniques also way the reduction of stress and improve the physical personality of the individual. It is possible to learn these different and effective mediation techniques to learn itself or by the group of the individuals. Moreover, to learn and obtain the mediation techniques by using CD’s of audio and video to improve yourself that fit the person physically and mentally. There are some programs that enhance the relaxation capacity that are described below.

Autogenic training to avoid Stress

The autogenic training is developed during the era of 20th century which is based upon the passive technique that plays important role by aware the different sensation of body. However, the autogenic is that term which focus about the awareness of the sensation within the body repeatedly. This training is commonly used in Europe and now started in the United States due to its efficiency. In this no physical exercise and skills involved but this training is learned by using time and patience for the effectiveness of human being. So, this training method is complex to some extent because it is different from other relaxation method.

Imagery of Stress

In this method the treatment of the individual is done by the usage of the calm pictures that relax the mind and body. In this method, the stressor is treated by visualizing by controlling the breathing. This method is easy to learn for the stressor and easily overcome the stress. This treatment is also known as imagery method.

Other stress-management strategies

Time management of Stress

Another effective stress control method is the time management which is important for the stressor as it focus on its commitment on the workplace and ignore the negative thoughts that are the reason of the stress.

Organizational skills to manage Stress

The organizational skills are also stress reducing treatment because if your organization is managed properly you are not under stress as managing tasks on time and no mess is creating. This technique is efficient to minimize the stress.

Support systems of Stress

Strong social support is also reducing the stress as people do not suffered from the negativity and improve their living style as avoiding the stress that keep the mind and body of human healthy.

References of Stress effects and Management

Bessel, McFarlane, A., & Weisæth, L. (2012). Traumatic stress: The effects of overwhelming experience on mind, body, and society. Guilford Press.

Blum, A. (2015). Stress, strain, signaling, and adaptation–not just a matter of definition. Journal of Experimental Botan, 562-565.

Charles, F. (2013). Compassion fatigue: Coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who treat the traumatized. Routledge.

Dhabhar, & Firdaus. (2014). Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the bad, and the beautiful. Immunologic research, 193-210.

Javidi, Hojjatollah, & Yadollahie. (2012). Post-traumatic stress disorder. Int J Occup Environ Med.

Jonathan, B. (2014). Psychological therapies for chronic post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .

Pitman, R. (2012). Biological studies of post-traumatic stress disorder. Nature Reviews neuroscience, 88-99.



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