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Introduction of Suspension System of a Vehicle

Category: Engineering Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: IEEE Words: 2000

The suspension system of any kind vehicle plays a significant role in increasing the performance of the car and also its engine life. The main aim of this system is to control the vehicle body from different road inputs. The vehicle’s suspension system helps to control the handling and break for smooth driving and also keep inhabitants comfortable also isolated from the road noise and vibrations [1].

There are two main parts of the vehicle’s suspension system. The one is the spring, and the other one is the damper. Three forces are acting on the suspension system of the vehicle the first one is the mass of the body the second one is the spring force, and the last one is the damper force. All these forces are essential in controlling the suspension system of the vehicle. The components that were acting on the suspension are the mass of the body the damper and the spring of any kind of vehicle. Through the use of a free body diagram of this system, the equations for this system will be formed through the use of law of forces. The differential equations for this suspension system will be developed through the use of Newton’s equation of motion [2].

 Literature review of Suspension System of a Vehicle

According to the author Rao, he has presented control for the suspension system of a quarter car that is done by sky-hook control technique that car will match the performance of LQR when traversing the rough road. All the primary parameter of this sky-hook damper is determined through the equating the control force of the feedback system for obtaining LQR. This shows that for enhancing the performance of the sky-hook dampers, this can be done by adjusting levels of LQR control [3].

According to the author Yoshimura, he has presented a method through the use of sliding mode control an active suspension system for the car is made. For this he has selected a quarter car models. The slide mode control is design through linear quadric control theory. The result of this theory shows that this control model is more efficient than the previous one that will able to lower the vibration isolation of the car more effectively [4].

In this paper, the author Shiller has proposed a dynamic motion planning of autonomous vehicles. There are some methods for planning the motion of these kinds of cars. The central planning of the autonomous vehicle is its speed and how it will react to any obstacles by considering the vehicle dynamics. Some examples will demonstrate the method of planning for these autonomous vehicles [5].

According to the author likhachev, he has planned along dynamically feasible maneuvers' for autonomous vehicles. He has presented an algorithm that will able to generate complex aggressively possible movements for these kinds of vehicles. In this paper, there are ideal properties with experimental results of an implementation of this method on an autonomous passenger vehicle that will be completed in the future [6].

According to the author Gaur, he has presented a vibration control method of the bus suspension system through the use of PID and PI controllers; he has use quarter part of the bus for designing this model. The open loop performance of the bus is based on the time response of the bus, and it has a lot of oscillations. To overcome this issue, he has designed a closed-loop system in which PI and PID controllers are used. The simulation results have been presented in this paper [7].

In this paper, the author then has upgraded the absorber vibration for the dynamic design of a car through the use of more inert along with vehicle suspension in primary application .An inverter is the most crucial mechanical element with two terminals. In this paper, a vibration model for the dual mass that includes the ISD suspension has been discussed in detail and the parameters are obtained through the use of a genetic optimizing algorithm. In the end, the result shows that IDM suspension played a vital role in improving the damping performance [8].

Methodology of Suspension System of a Vehicle

In this part, there is designing of a vehicle suspension system. For this take the value of the mass of the vehicle body, the spring and also the damper of the suspension system. For designing the system, we have taken the mass of the body as 10, spring value as 2 and the damper value as 5.

The free body diagram of the suspension system will be looked like this.

For checking the vehicle response on the road, the most important step is to formulate the equation of motion of the suspension system. In this case, three forces are acting on the suspension system so the equation of motion will be

Now substitute these values in the equation A and B


Through these equations of motions, it is straightforward to find the rate of change that how the x1 and x2 double dot value will be change as the input of the system changes.

In the next part, some car parameters need to be changed according to the requirements. The spring and damper force is directly proportional to the mass of the body if the mass of the vehicle body is turned so according to that these masses have to be replaced [9].

Sprung Mass (Ms)


Pitch moment of inertia (J)


Unsprung Front (mf)


Unsprung Rear (Mr)


Spring Front (km)


Spring Rear (KR)


Damping Front (cf)


Damping Rear (cr)


Tire Front Stiffness (kwf)


Tire Rear Stiffness (kwr)


Tire Front Coefficient (WCF)


Tire Rear Coefficient (cwr)







Limitation of numerical models in vibration analysis of Suspension System of a Vehicle

There are some limitations in the mathematical model for doing the vibration analysis. In the numerical models there is no range for different roads; also there are some factors like if the carload is increased more so what is the result of the suspension system. After this next significant limitation is that there is no use of suspension break in the numerical model. 

Autonomous vehicle of Suspension System of a Vehicle

These kinds of cars can control without human interference. These types of cars are also called as the driverless cars, the robotic cars and may be self-driving cars. This technology is implemented through the use of computer technology and has a vast area of research. There are some limitations in their applications in some of the areas like the self-driving taxi service and the Interstellar navigation.

Limitation in self-driving taxi service of Suspension System of a Vehicle

The current restriction in this self-driving taxi service is that the Google and other companies like that need to mold their services according to the new emerging technology so that this taxi service can be upgraded for future use. These taxis are unable to react against natural situations like raining, storms and many more[10].

Limitation in the Interstellar navigation of Suspension System of a Vehicle

The most critical flaw in the autonomous vehicle's reasonable restriction is in the interstellar navigation. The limitation is that it takes a lot of time in determining the distance and also the maximum speed is unable to achieve [11].

Conclusion of Suspension System of a Vehicle

Summing up all the discussion from above it is concluded that the vehicle’s suspension system is essential for any kind of vehicles this is because it helps in smooth driving and also increases the life of the car. Three forces are acting on the suspension system of the car the first one is the mass of the body the second one is the spring force, and the last one is the damper force. The free body diagram of the suspension system has been drawn, and through this diagram, the differential equation of motion of the suspension system has been evaluated, and according to these equations, the design of the suspension system has been simulated on the software. Then different parameters of this design have been changed according to the requirement, and the output of this design has been evaluated.

There is only one limitation of this design that this design of the suspension system is just for the half vehicle and also this design is limited to just one vehicle that is the car.     

References of Suspension System of a Vehicle


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B. L. Gysen, T. P. v. d. Sande, J. J. Paulides and E. A. Lomonova, “Efficiency of a regenerative direct-drive electromagnetic active suspension,” IEEE transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1384-1393, 2011.


L. Rao and S.Narayanan, “Sky-hook control of nonlinear quarter car model traversing rough road matching performance of LQR control.,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 323, no. 3-5, pp. 515-529, 2009.




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M. Likhachev and D. Ferguson, “Planning long dynamically feasible maneuvers for autonomous vehicles,” The International Journal of Robotics Research, pp. 933-945, 2009.


S. Gaur and S. Jain, “Vibration Control of Bus Suspension System using PI and PID,” Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management, ICETEM, 2013.


YujieShen, LongChen, X. Yang, DehuaShi and JunYang, “Improved design of dynamic vibration absorber by using the inerter and its application in vehicle suspension,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 361, no. 20, pp. 148-158, 2016.


N. Katal and S. K. Singh, “Optimization of PID Controller for Quarter-Car Suspension System using Genetic Algorithm,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), vol. 1, no. 7, pp. 1-30, 2012.


T. D. Chen, K. M. Kockelman and J. P. Hanna., “Operations of a shared, autonomous, electric vehicle fleet: Implications of vehicle & charging infrastructure decisions,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 94, pp. 243-254, 2016.


Y.Minami, “Interstellar Travel by Hyper-Space Navigation,” Int J Astronaut Aeronautical Eng, vol. 2, no. 007, 2017.



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