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Introduction of Optimization on vapor cycle performance using TEST

Category: Computer Sciences Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1800

The vapor compression cycle (VCC) is useful for the removal of heat through the region of low temperature to the high temperature reservoir. The load variation in the system makes capable for the peak cooling system.  In case of standard vapor compression cycle there are four major processes including compression, condensation, expansion and evaporation (Jain, Neera; Alleyne, Andrew G., 2011). The coefficient of performance is basically efficiency metric for the first law of thermodynamics. The optimization of vapor cycle performance was carried out by using The Expert System for Thermodynamics (TEST) on the online webpage http://www.thermofluids.net/ .  

The efficiency for the low and higher temperature consideration is a function of temperature and the metric based analysis are according to first law thermodynamics. The present work measures various factors having effect on the efficiency of the vapor cycle. Two parameters are selected for the optimization of the vapor cycle. The vapor compression cycle is formulated by using vapor compression cycle. The evaluation begins with formulism of appropriate functions (Jain & Alleyne, 2011).

Vapor cycle performance using test

The first step is to identify the objective function for the working principle of life cycle, the second step is to formulate the equations to deduce the problem solving strategies. The goal of project is optimization of cycle efficiency or meaning of coefficient of performance for the parameters. The evaluation process of vapor properties for the vapor cycle is carried out by using a web Brower based program that is The Expert System for Thermodynamics (TEST) (Diva-portal. org, 2011).

 The Expert System for Thermodynamics (TEST) is a web based services provided through the HTML pages and provides equations, schematics, embedded Java applets, animations, and thermodynamic and these functions are known as daemons . The general objective of the Expert System for Thermodynamics (TEST) as a visual tool is to solve the thermodynamic problems (Zietlow, 2014).

Figure 1: Online daemon selection

In case of Rankine cycle the analysis contains regenerative cycle and reheating process. The heat pumps and the refrigerators works on the basis of complex cycles of multistage (refrigerator-freezer) system (Peer. asee. org, 2003). The significant performance of the vapor compression cycle is due to saturation temperature, effective temperature and coefficient of performance. The drop is saturation temperature of condenser results in increase of heat transfer on the surface area with increase in coefficient of performance (Jain & Alleyne, 2011). The efficiency of mechanical devices provides information about ratio of input and output performance. The typical values of efficiency for the mechanical devices are mentioned below,

Mechanical device



80 % - 95 %

Pumps and compressor

70 % - 85 %

Boiler efficiency

90 %

In order to perform the measurement for the vapor cycle performance by using the Expert System for Thermodynamics (TEST) the working fluid was first considered for the flow. The variables were added for the state of the fluid and the extended set of variables was according to the local thermodynamic equilibrium. The complex material model is used for the phase change fluid, the ideal gases are considered as intermediate variable and composition is applied.

The temperature plot is given for the non-refrigerated fluids and superimpose of inlet temperature is given. The outcome of the analysis is to measurement of specific enthalpy and components of the systems. The isothermal processes and the isentropic process are considered for the performance of system. The isentropic process measured the component performance and the heat exchanged in the process. The saturation line data was obtained through the online calculation.

Conclusion of Optimization on vapor cycle performance using TEST

The TEST analysis for the optimization of vapor cycle performance is carried out by using freely accessible online source http://www.thermofluids.net/. The input parameters for the heat cycle is provided to the TEST on the SDSU server. The output curve of the analysis consisted of four processes was analyzed. The four cycles includes compression, evaporation, condensation, and expansion. 

References of Optimization on vapor cycle performance using test

Diva-portal. org. (2011). Optimization of performance and assessment of material cost of the refrigerator condenser. Retrieved from www.diva-portal.org: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:441222/ATTACHMENT01

Jain, N., & Alleyne, A. G. (2011). THERMODYNAMICS-BASED OPTIMIZATION AND CONTROL OFVAPOR-COMPRESSION CYCLE OPERATION: CONTROL SYNTHESIS. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 01(01), 01-08.

Jain, Neera; Alleyne, Andrew G. (2011). Thermodynamics-Based Optimization and Control of Vapor-Compression Cycle Operation: Optimization Criteria. American Control Conference, 01(01), 1352-1357.

Peer. asee. org. (2003). TEST - THE EXPERT SYSTEM FOR THERMODYNAMICS. Retrieved from peer.asee.org: https://peer.asee.org/test-the-expert-system-for-thermodynamics.pdf

Zietlow, D. C. (2014). Optimization of Vapor Compression Cycles. American Society for Engineering Education, 01(01), 01-23.

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