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Summary of Effects of cannabidiol on schizophrenia like symptoms in people who use cannabis

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1600

The internal audit that was conducted by the major government health provider; it is noticed that for the effectiveness in the psychological sciences field, there is need to get the grants so that patients can be treated. In order to focus on the government policy and for the effectiveness of the health psychology there is need to provide benefits to the patients of schizophrenia; through the cannabidiol. It indicates that cannabidiol (CBD) has antipsychotic properties; CBD has beneficial effects in patients who are suffering from schizophrenia (Köfalvi, 2007).

However, for the benefits of the schizophrenia people; there is the need of grant; so that people can be treated by cannabidiol. Consequently, there is need of 1 and 3 years up to a maximum of £l00, 000 per annum for the application of cannabidiol; it is known as the new class of treatment can provide effectiveness to the schizophrenia people. Moreover, there are high levels of psychosis proneness and delusions as studies notice that people who use cannabis regularly can get better through the use of cannabidiol. There is needed to get the funding from the governmental institutions as there can be effects of cannabidiol on schizophrenia.

Therefore, the awareness through campaigns and other methods needs to be given to the patients so that the patients can told that how much the amount of CBD to D9-THC can be taken by the schizophrenia patient. Thus, people who use cannabis regularly can get better result use of cannabidiol. For the effective treatment of the patients, the sample of 100 individuals collected, and it is known from the hair sample of the patients that cannabidiol can be effective treatment for the schizophrenia people.

Background of Effects of cannabidiol on schizophrenia like symptoms in people who use cannabis

Several effects are found in cannabidiol on schizophrenia; as patient with schizophrenia can be treated with the cannabidiol in some ways. Cannabidiol amount depends on the disorder; the cognitive impairments including the schizophrenia can be treated through consumptions of cannabis. The psychotic symptoms can be increase or decrease through in-taking the medication, the chronically ill people are already tested in various studies and it is known by Morgan & Curran (2008) studies that through the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) that usage of 600 mg of oral cannabidiol daily cannot impact on the schizophrenia. The cannabidiol treatment also analyzed to improve psychotic symptoms; if the medication is taken in the maximum quantity example, 1000mg or less then there could be positive effects on the cognitive impairments.

There are various later phase of illness that can be due to use of cannabidiol. People with the Cognitive impairments and schizophrenia if use the contemporary antipsychotic drugs then there could be some or little effect on cognitive impairments. People suffering with schizophrenia can get results in effective cognitive impairments; however, samples of the patients were analyzed through considering the types of cannabidiol that are D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (D9-THC) or cannabidiol (CBD). Thus, it is known that people can be treated with the different levels of D9-THC and CBD. However, the analyses in the studies were done on the 140 individuals and it is analyzed cannabidiol can effects on the patients of schizophrenia because they can be treated in some way.

The study by Morgan & Curran (2008) showed that a schizophrenia patient with no cannabinoid in hair has the higher levels of the positive schizophrenia. Thus, it can be known that if schizophrenia patients do not take the cannabidiol then there could be effectiveness in their state. The cannabinoid group is focused with the cannabis use and psychosis treatment of the D9-THC. However, it is also known that cannabidiol is responsible for the majority psychotomimetic effects because patients can face more tensions in this way. There are elevate levels of anxiety as well as the psychotic symptoms that do not use the cannabidiol, moreover, healthy individuals can be affected by the use of cannabis.

Moreover, Morgan & Curran (2008) examined people can be unaware of the ratios that need to be taken, example, the amount of CBD to D9-THC can be taken by the schizophrenia patients so that there could be psychotomimetic effect in humans. There are elevated levels of psychosis proneness and delusions as studies notice that people who use cannabis regularly can get better through the use of cannabidiol. The study aimed to use hair of patient and some positive effects on the cannabidiol people can be seen (Morgan & Curran, 2008).

Another research was done on both animals and humans; it indicates that cannabidiol (CBD) has antipsychotic properties therefore; people can get be safe and can get effectiveness of CBD in patients. It is known that CBD has beneficial effects in patients who are suffering from schizophrenia. Cannabidiol is known as the new class of treatment (McGuire, et al., 2017).

Aims and justification for funding of Effects of cannabidiol on schizophrenia like symptoms in people who use cannabis

This study aimed to get the funding from the governmental institutions as there can be effects of cannabidiol on schizophrenia. However, in this way, the awareness through campaigns and other methods needs to be given to the patients so that the patients can told that how much the amount of CBD to D9-THC can be taken by the schizophrenia patients so that there could be psychotomimetic effect in humans. To treat the patients, there is the need of the cannabis and need to know the right amount of analytic techniques to examine levels of D9-THC and CBD.

The funding for the patients is important as in this way; people can be treated. The objective indicated cannabis use to measures of psychosis proneness and delusional thinking as patients can get the benefits. There is need to buy the cannabis for the patients treatment as people like symptoms in people who use cannabis. Therefore, to ask for the Grant for schizophrenia people is important; who can be treated by cannabidiol (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Health and Medicine Division, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Committee on the Health Effects of Marijuana: An Evidence Review and Research Agenda, 2017).

Outcomes of Effects of cannabidiol on schizophrenia like symptoms in people who use cannabis

There could be better outcomes of the cannabidiol on schizophrenia. Through providing the awareness to the people, patients and doctors; who treat the patients, positive results can be there as the researches on the schizophrenia patients told that there are elevated levels of psychosis proneness and delusions; people who use cannabis regularly can get better result use of cannabidiol. For the effective treatment of the patients cannabis can be effectively used.

Methodology on Effects of cannabidiol on schizophrenia like symptoms in people who use cannabis

For the methodology of the investigation on cannabidiol on schizophrenia; patients of schizophrenia and effects of cannabidiol is known on the patients. It is analyzed through investigating the sample of 100 individuals based on the ongoing longitudinal studies that cannabidiol drug users has positive impacts of the drugs, through the hair analysis of the patients, it is known that CBD and D9-THC has the positive impacts. Moreover, the individuals screened are known the effective; as the positive cannabis impacted; cannabidiol on schizophrenia has positive results. Through conducting the research on the people, it is known that cannabidiol on schizophrenia if focused as actual consumption then there could be benefits. The hair samples are tested and known effective amount of CBD and D9-THC can have positive symptoms in schizophrenia (Acton, 2013).

Costing’s of Effects of cannabidiol on schizophrenia like symptoms in people who use cannabis

There is need of 1 and 3 years up to a maximum of £l00, 000 per annum for the application of cannabidiol for the effectiveness to the schizophrenia people.

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References of Effects of cannabidiol on schizophrenia like symptoms in people who use cannabis

Acton, A. (2013). Schizophrenia: New Insights for the Healthcare Professional: 2013 Edition. ScholarlyEditions.

Köfalvi, A. (2007). Cannabinoids and the Brain. Springer Science & Business Media.

McGuire, P., Robson, P., Cubala, W. J., Vasile, D., Morrison, P. D., Barron, R., et al. (2017). Cannabidiol (CBD) as an Adjunctive Therapy in Schizophrenia: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Psychiatry, 175(3), 225-231.

Morgan, C. J., & Curran, H. V. (2008). Effects of cannabidiol on schizophrenia-like symptoms in people who use cannabis. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 306–307.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Health and Medicine Division, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Committee on the Health Effects of Marijuana: An Evidence Review and Research Agenda. (2017). The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research. National Academies Press.

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