1) Have your P,Q (Principle motivating question) submitted to
me via email
・( What are the causes of
miscommunication between eastern and western countries and how could they be
prevented? )
・Can business and political
relationships not be affected by miscommunication among eastern and western
2) Find at least 3 background sources related to your topic.
You do not have to have them all thoroughly read by next Tuesday, but you
should be familiar with them. Send those sources to me via email. Use me and
our reference librarian in Waldo to assist you if you wish.
References of You do not have to have them all thoroughly
read by next Tuesday
P. (2008). Analysis of Cultural Differences between West and East in
International Business Negotiation. International Journal of Business and
Management, 3(11), 103-106. Retrieved from
Zheng, R. (2014). An Investigation of Perceptional
Differences between Eastern and Western. Computing Research, 49(4), 501-526.
Bates, H (1995). International Communication Studies.
(Mis-) Communication across Cultures: East and West, 89-99.
Tingqin, Z and Hui, Z (2008). International Journal of
Business and Management. The
Significance of Cross-cultural Communication in International Business
Shum, K and Rashad, Y. The Significance of Intercultural
Communication for Businesses and the Obstacles that Managers should Overcome
in Achieving Effective Intercultural Communication
3) Write out at least 3 sub-questions inspired by your PQ.
Send those to me via email.
・How is culture becoming a barrier in the communication issues
between western and eastern countries?
・What are the differences with respect to perspective between
western and eastern countries?
・What are the differences with respect to value and benefit
consciousness that leads to miscommunication?
・What are the reasons behind miscommunication among cultures
and nations?
・Whether miscommunication is a cause of pronunciation,
language, lexical,
social-cultural or
any other differences?
・What do researchers think about the causes of intercultural
4) Write out your hypothesis as inspired by your PQ and send
it to me via email.
Understanding and preventing miscommunication between
eastern countries and western countries has a positive correlation with
increasing beneficial business and political relationships.
5) Write out your null hypothesis as inspired by your
hypothesis and send it to me via email.
・( Understanding and preventing miscommunication between
eastern countries and western countries has no relation with increasing
beneficial business and political relationships. )
・Business and political relationships are not affected by
miscommunication among eastern and western countries.
Different Types of negotiation styles and five keys variables and provide a summary
Cross-Cultural Communication
The way
of living of the people and the social legacy they get from their ancestors can
be referred to as "culture." In another approach, culture can be
defined as a collection of behaviors, habits, beliefs and living patterns which
are commonly followed or held by people of a particular geographical area.
Communication and culture are inseparable because a culture represents the process
of communication, who talks to whom and about what. In reality, the whole communication process
and our communicative behaviors depend primarily on the culture in which we
live and have been raised. Therefore, the basis of communication is culture; and,
when a culture varies from the other, the communication process and practices
also differ. Thus, it affects the cross-cultural
communication among nations. As the
difference in culture represents different communicative behavior, it brings
several problems for the individuals who try to communicate and results in
cross-cultural miscommunication (ÖZDEMİR-ÇAĞATAY & KÜLLÜ-SÜLÜ, 2013, ).
In the communication process, the most critical aspect is
language. Undoubtedly, a communication process has several features and is not
just about language, but the primary means of communication is language. In the
past few decades, linguistics emerged and developed from a limited study of
language history, comparative language studies, lexicon, syntax, morphology,
phonology, and so on. In the middle of the past century, linguists looked for
topics as systematic variances among the cultural systems and linguistic
systems as arrayed in the languages lexical systems (Bates, (1995).). In general, the
study of culture and language are the primary means for sorting out the
cross-cultural misunderstandings and miscommunications.
The difference of thinking pattern
Behavior, rule, value, view, and the thinking mode
constitute the distinct characteristics of a nation which differentiates it
from another country. In this regard,
thinking styles and the cultures cause apparent differences in the social lives
and behaviors of people and thus affect the communication process (Luo, 2008). As the western
culture emphasizes induction, the eastern culture emphasized deduction. The
western culture prefers analysis thinking and opposition, and its priority is
the portion of thought. While the eastern culture favors comprehensive ideology
and unification, and its priority is the entity of thinking. Thus, these
differences affect communication between cultures and nations.
The difference of value
An essential component of a culture is its values. These
values dominate social behaviors and human ideas. In business activities,
western countries and eastern countries pursue different values. For business
relationships, they depict different behavior as western countries believe in
equality and views the purchaser as of the same status seller while the eastern
countries represent inequality because of the grading consciousness influence (Luo, 2008). Thus, these
differences affect the communication among nations and results in
misunderstandings and miscommunications.
Initiation are different because of the differences in
cultures. As a result, negotiation styles differ from nation to nation and even
region to region within the same nation, and the culture influences the
negotiation patterns of people.
Negotiations between different regions and nations are referred to as
international business negotiation (Tingqin, (2008).). Because each
country has a different political system and has different cultural tradition
and history, when they negotiate they have a different style. States must
evaluate the practices of the nation which they are going to communicate with
so that they can avoid miscommunication and misunderstandings.
References of You do not have to have them all thoroughly
read by next Tuesday
H. ((1995).). (Mis-) Communication across Cultures: East and West, International
Communication Studies. , 89-99.
Luo, P. (2008). Analysis of Cultural Differences between
West and East in International Business Negotiation. International Journal of
Business Management.
EXPERIENCES. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET),
1(1), 39-52.
Tingqin, Z. a. ((2008).). The Significance of
Cross-cultural Communication in International Business Negotiation. International
Journal of Business and Management. , 103-109.