The source titled as “Hunger” is from “The Oxford companion
to the body” that is encyclopedia. A variety of meanings about hunger are
demonstrated in the source and it occurs due to lack of food. The hunger can be
referred as need of food in the body for proper functionality and sensation of
body. The symptoms for hunger are growling stomach, aching, weakness, and
grumpy mood. According to the definition of oxford English dictionary, hunger
is painful and uneasy sensation for the need of food. The sensation motivates
the person to consume food. The hunger can be described as individual
experience due to food craving. The source provides accurate understanding of
hunger. The world is facing challenges to improve the food production process
and to reduce the hunger at global levels. I chose the source because it
provides valuable information about hunger and how it can be identified. The
source provides information to manage the challenges and to eradicate the
tricky issues.
1:Globalcitizen. org. (2016, 08 09). Everything You Need to
Know About Food & Hunger. Retrieved from
The article “Everything You Need to Know about Food &
Hunger” is selected from a website “Global Citizen”. The article provides
information about the important factors effecting the food and hunger issues.
The needs of a person is to have sustained life through global support. The
increasing effect of the climate on the human life is due to the drastic
variation in the temperature and use of technology to achieve the goals. The
website provides an overview about the role of citizens at global scale to
reduce the poverty levels and to end hunger. The availability of sufficient
food brings the humankind close together and share cultures between people. I
selected the article because it provides information about the function and
reforms in the world to empower the farmers and to reduce the hunger poor and
wealthier countries.
2:Lambie-Mumford, H., & Dowler, E. (2015). Hunger, Food
Charity and Social Policy – Challenges Faced by the Emerging Evidence Base.
Social Policy and Society, 14(03), 497-506.
The article “Hunger, Food Charity and Social Policy –
Challenges Faced by the Emerging Evidence Base” is written by Hannah
Lambie-Mumford and Elizabeth Dowler. The research provides issues related to
the household food levels and insecurity in the response of food charity. The
elements for the development of work are provided in the article that provides
evidence of gaps. The research examined charitable responses of food and
insecurity of food. I have selected the article because it provides elemental
information about the food skills, nutrition, food charity, and food
3:Langeveld, M., Ta, C. Y., Soeters, M. R., Virtue, S., &
Ambler, G. K. (2016). Mild cold effects on hunger, food intake, satiety and
skin temperature in humans. Endocrine Connections, 05(02), 65-73.
The article “Mild cold effects on hunger, food intake, and
satiety and skin temperature in humans” is collective work of researchers to determine
the impact of environmental factors on the hunger. The research demonstrates
the influence of temperature on the hunger sensation and actual food intake
process. The metabolic rate is linked with the temperature and energy intake
after exposure of cold. I selected the article to understand the impact of
environment and temperature on the hunger sensation. The effect of temperature
on the sensation of hunger enables me to understand the global effect as
countries having higher and lower temperature undergoes through certain levels
of hunger and food production as well. The source is useful to identify the
levels of temperature and impact on sensation. I would prefer to learn more
from this article to have deep understanding of hunger and its relation with
environmental constraints.
4:Sadliwala, B., & Waal, A. d. (2018, 11 15). The Emerging
Crisis: Is Famine Returning as a Major Driver of Migration? Retrieved from
The source “The Emerging Crisis: Is Famine Returning as a
Major Driver of Migration?” is an article of newspaper that provides overview
on the emerging crisis and how the famine is effecting the migration due to
hunger issues. The news demonstrated demographic impact of hunger on the
devastated states. The mass starvation disturbed life span as death due to
starvation is increasing. The resource provides information about the great
hunger and Nazi hunger. The complex effects are demonstrated for the
humanitarian efforts. The hunger compels the people to have generalized vision
about the improvement and mortality effects. I selected the news from the
newspaper to learn about the impact of hunger on life and mortality rates. The
source is useful to identify the lack of uniform and systematic research. The
extensive research demonstrates the history of hunger and how it is reshaping
in the current era.
5:Stamoulis, K., & Hemrich, G. (2016). Hunger, Food
Insecurity and Malnutrition: New Challenges for International Organizations.
Rivista di Economia Agraria, Anno LXXI, 01(01), 13-18.
The research article “Hunger, Food Insecurity and
Malnutrition: New Challenges for International Organizations” was written by
Kostas Stamoulis and Gunter Hemrich. The source provides information about the
roles and challenges of organization in solving the hunger issues. The research
work considers the role of FAO and analytical work of the organization to
examine the architecture. The challenges involves nutrition security and food
system are recognized at global system. According to the article food
insecurity and hunger are interchangeable and depends on wide range of
situations. The global cost for the malnutrition is increased 5% from the
previous years. The research describes that 161 million children are facing
chronic nutrition issues and 51 million children are malnourished. I selected
this article to measure the social protection and safety methods for reduction
of hunger. The research provides information about the root causes of
6:Thp. org. (2018). HUNGER. Retrieved from
The source “Hunger” is from the website “The hunger Project”
that describes deeply about the hunger and malnourishment. According to the
source hunger can be defined in certain dimensions. The hunger project provides
tools along with the training of employees to utilize the sustainable methods
related to the self-reliance. In the world, 98 percent are living in the
developing world and faces issues of chronic hunger, invisible conditions and
emergency aid requirement. The nutritious food requires proper farming process
for the growth of good food. I selected the web site because it provides
statistical values about the hunger and how it can be resolved. The source
provides extensive and reliable information about the hunger and management of
issues related to the problem.
7:Vernon, J. (2009). Hunger: A Modern History. Harvard
University Press.
The source “Hunger: A Modern History” is a book written by
James Vernon. The book provides baseline information about hunger and how the
issues of hunger emerged in the modern society. The modern history introduced
in the book includes political, cultural, and social aspects of hunger. The
book provides information and methods to overcome the problems. The book
reminds us about our responsibilities to achieve a welfare state through the
development of international institutions. The book is insightful and extremely
informative. I selected the book because it is based on real research of James
Vernon. The source is valuable to get basic knowledge about reasons and methods
to reduce the problem.
com. (2001). Hunger. Retrieved from
Globalcitizen. org. (2016, 08 09). Everything You Need to
Know About Food & Hunger. Retrieved from
Lambie-Mumford, H., & Dowler, E. (2015). Hunger, Food
Charity and Social Policy – Challenges Faced by the Emerging Evidence Base. Social
Policy and Society, 14(03), 497-506.
Langeveld, M., Ta, C. Y., Soeters, M. R., Virtue, S., &
Ambler, G. K. (2016). Mild cold effects on hunger, food intake, satiety and
skin temperature in humans. Endocrine Connections, 05(02), 65-73.
Sadliwala, B., & Waal, A. d. (2018, 11 15). The Emerging
Crisis: Is Famine Returning as a Major Driver of Migration? Retrieved from
Stamoulis, K., & Hemrich, G. (2016). Hunger, Food
Insecurity and Malnutrition: New Challenges for International Organizations. Rivista
di Economia Agraria, Anno LXXI, 01(01), 13-18.
Thp. org. (2018). HUNGER. Retrieved from
Vernon, J. (2009). Hunger: A Modern History. Harvard University