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Introduction of How to Write

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1700

Writing something new and unique is not an easy task particularly when quality writing is desired. People in the present age are eager to be a writer to write short stories, plays, and books. But writing require some efforts and rules that can make a person able to write efficiently. In this paper, I have discussed several rules and ideas for creative writing. Other than writing my advice or ideas I also presented the views and rules of Stephen King who is known as the famous English writer of short stories and books (LAHEY, 2014).    

Rules of How to Write

The first rule to write short stories and essays is that writer pay attention to himself/herself rather than worry about the audience as writer should thought what he/she wants to present in the story or book rather than thinking that what audience is desiring to read and how they want interpretation of something. in the views of Stephen King when a person is going to write something a book or story he/she should write in such a way as he/she is telling that story to themselves not to the audience (Passell, 2013).

Writers should thing about the audience as secondary factor. As in my views, I will advise that writer should write something that he/she love as food, traveling or sports. A person who loves sports can write about the sports in better way as compared to writing about the science field in which he/she do not have any interest. Similarity a food person can write piles of books about the food in unique and different ways that audience will definitely like. Writing about the favorite things and places also develop motivation therefore writer can write in better ways with maximum information and logical views. 

“But Don’t Obsess over Perfect Grammar” is another important rule presented by the Stephen King that emphasis that writer should not over perfect the grammar. In his views, writer should not use passive sentences when he/she can use active. Passive voice seems safe for the write but active voice shows the confidence of the writer in the writing. Stephen also presented the example of announcement for the meeting to elaborate that how the active and passive writers write something.    

King also presented a rule of reading before writing. Without reading, one cannot write effectively. When we read books and quality material new ideas come into our mind. We start thinking in new and different ways. Reading not only support in idea generation but also provide assistance in idea formation and idea presentation. As through reading one can understand how the various events presented in the story can be integrated altogether and how the idea can be presented in the book or short story.

In the views of King (Stephen King famous writer) reading is the key. Without reading one cannot gain new knowledge, and one cannot increase vocabulary that is necessary in writing good short stories and books. However, writer should also read his/her own written material a number of times to remove the unnecessary and useless words from the written material in order to bring refinement and more accuracy. In the views of King, if a person want to write a 2500 words story he/she should firstly write 3000 words. Then remove the useless and irrelevant 500 words after again and again reviewing and reading the written material. 

The fourth important rule relates to the environment. Writer should write in the comfortable environment. Writing in front of television, radio or at the public place is not a good idea. Surrounding and environment directly affect the mind of the writer. Creative writing require noise free environment. Working television can cause distribution and sometimes divert the attention of the writer (LAHEY, 2014).

Therefore, writer particularly beginner should avoid such circumstances that can divert attention or create uncomfortable environment for thinking and writing. Thus in my views, writer should choose a good environment for writing as they can select the area that is free from noise and other disturbing factors. Library, reading room and study tables can be used as good and supporting environment for writing (Passell, 2013)

Before writing one should consider and determine that what is really important for him be a writer or to listen the news about the political affairs, stock market conditions or sports blowhards. If the priority writing then there is no need to let the television turned on. In fact, turn off the television and concentrate on the writing rather than mess up the mind in useless news and programs that has secondary value in your life. In my views or advice one should make goals first, why he/she is going to do this? Making goals can help them out in understanding their purpose of writing and may support them in focusing on the writing rather than other activities. after making goals and setting out the plans for writing one should just get rid of the useless excuses as “I am tired” “I am feeling sleepy” and “I have other important work”. One should strictly follow up the schedule even a number of excuse are there. Following schedule and working hard can help the person earn success in real life.         

There are can be several of ways, several of secrets and methods that can take us to the success, but the two most important and appealing secrets to success are presented by the Stephen King. In accordance to him, good health and stable relationship is the key to get success in the field of writing (Passell, 2013). Obviously, if the home is full of conflicts, and writer is disturbed by the circumstance then how a stressful mind work efficiently to support the writer in writing quality material as short stories or books. 

Similarly, poor healthy condition produce barriers for the writer and writers having poor health condition cannot sit enough long time to read books, write their ideas and then review the written material several times to make refinement.       

Sticking to your own style is the best idea for effective and quality writing. While writing rules for writing, Stephen King emphasized that writer should focus on his/her own style rather than adopting or following the style of other famous writers. Supporting the idea he presented the example of Cruise Missile, as no one can aim a book like this. Feeling are really important in writing something. One can better present his/her own feelings and ideas in his/her own way (Passell, 2013). We can present our ideas in a better way while adopting the style of other people. 

In my views, we are the only person who care. Therefore if I want to be a writer and write something extraordinary or astonishing I must have to follow up my own style. I have to take care of my ideas and feeling. And I should present that ideas and feeling in my own style while writing (Passell, 2013).  

Taking break while reading or writing something change the whole situation. I writer may not recognize his own work when he/she is going to read that book after so long time. While sometimes we feel that we are reading our own writing. Such situations indicate the importance of taking break and its effect on the mind of reader/ writer. In my views or advice one should have proper reading plan (LAHEY, 2014).

Schedule for reading a book or writing a chapter of a book. Timetable for taking break or rest and specifically identified time for start writing again. As if I talk about myself, I usually make time for my writing on my week schedule. I make schedules for the whole week and set time for writing in advance thus meanwhile I think about the topic and write according to the timetable selected for the week activates (Passell, 2013).     

Thus according to my personal experiences the most important rules are to write something on the topics of your interest, make time table/ week schedule, do hard working, no excuses, and make goals. However, I will also recommend that beginner and even experts should select good environment for writing. I learned this rule from my teacher. My teacher himself is a creative writer who ever recommended me to select the appropriate environment before starting writing even a short story. According to him human mind can work better and a writer can concentrate on imagination (related to story plot as while integrating all areas of story or thinking about new event) if the surrounding is free from disturbance and noise.    

Conclusion of How to Write

After the whole discussion we can conclude that one should follow up the rules presented by the Stephen King and my advices discussed in this paper to make improvement in his/her writing and to be a professional writer in reality. In a summarized way, we can say that to be a good write a person should write his/her own feelings and ideas in his/her own style rather than following up the style of other writers. Noise-free environment, good health, appropriate timetable for reading and writing, reading maximum reading materials, and making goals can help out a person is becoming successful writer and without these efforts can go all in vein. While reading more and more on the topic before writing, turning off the television, taking break, and sticking to own style are also the important rules presented by the King that should not be ignored if person is willing to be a creative writers. 

References of How to Write

LAHEY, J. (2014, 09 09). How Stephen King Teaches Writing. Retrieved 12 06, 2018, from www.theatlantic.com: https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/09/how-stephen-king-teaches-writing/379870/

Passell, L. (2013, 03 22). Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules For Writers. Retrieved 12 06, 2018, from www.barnesandnoble.com: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/blog/stephen-kings-top-20-rules-for-writers/

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