This case study is all about the assembling of the personal computers
which is also known as the small computer manufacturer and the firm is located
in the south east. Being the Supervisor of eth Assembly unit I have maintained
the target to sell out the 80 units of the computers per days which would be
according to the 95 percent quality assurance and operational inspection. This
firm is distribute according to all department of the firm which is performing
all the function to running this business All the task are dived to the various
employs of eth firm according to their skills and capabilities.
These all tasks are assigned to these all members or employees
of eth firms to maximizing eth efficiency of the firm. Meanwhile these tasks are assigned as the Fred
is selected for assembling the hard drives of the unit and he has 16 years’
experience in the field of electronics. For assembling the CD rooms and floppy
drives bill had been selected because he has degree of electronics from
technical school. Sherry is involved in assembling the mother board because she
has years of experience in the related work. Many other employees are selected
for assembling the parts of the computers according to their skills and
abilities. All the tasks are assigned to the employees of the firm according to
the training and coordination skills and by implementing these all criteria the
assembly unit is able meeting their goals.
Statement of the problem of case study is all about the
assembling of the personal computers
The problem is occurring in this unit which is observed by
an events and this problem was identify as the assembly unit is not meeting to
production goals because it’s achieving the quarter’s production goal which
would be huge problem for the firm. From several weeks it has been observed
there is only 62 computers are assembling per day from which 15 are returning
to the unit claiming as warranty. This issue would be considered as the serious
issue for the firm because all the productive of the firm are based upon the production
and quality of the firms.
Causes of the problem of case study is all about the
assembling of the personal computers
Now the supervisor is trying to find out the cause of this
problem for which he have started investigation by questioning the all
employees who are involved in assembling tasks. The major causes of this
problem are the communication gap between the team work of the assembly unit,
mismanagement of the supply department and little bit about the culture of the
Decision criteria and potential solutions of case study is
all about the assembling of the personal computers
This assembly unit has required decision according to
several Decision criteria which must have potential solutions for resolving
this problem. There must be HR for applying the management change in this
assembly units which would be pay attention on the communication of the team
work it will resolves the problem of the communication gap of the members if
the team. The departments of the supply chain must be accurate because if the
supply of the parts of the unit will not be good than performing all activities
of the business is impossible.
Recommend solution of case study is all about the assembling
of the personal computers
The supply of the parts of the computer must be accurate,
There should not be any type of the communication gap in the
team work.
The rules of the organization must be same for the entire employee
of the organization.
There must be strong and environment friendly organizational
What would I do?
I will follow the all of the rules which are discussed above
in the part of the recommended solution and in the decision criteria. I will
try avoiding the discrimination in this organization and this firm has required
management to which I Will follow to achieving the task of the organization. Most
importantly I will hire the permanent outsource supplier for this firm who will
supply the parts of the computer on time. I will try introducing the good incentive
scheme for motivating the employees and decrease their boredom.