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Regions-based Convolution Neural Network (R-CNN)

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1300

A multi-stag approach was proposed by Airsick, Ross et al. (2014) that followed classifications using paradigm of regions. There are three components in the system, SVM or Support Vector Machine as a classifier, CNN for extraction of feature vectors, and component of regional proposal. Within the period of training, the supervision of CNN is carried out on ILSVRC or a large dataset and honed on PASCAL or a small dataset. That is why when it comes to extracting feature vectors, CNN is more efficient for both negative areas from the background and positive regions of the ground truth while saving the disk for the upcoming stage of training. Moving on, such feature elements or vectors are utilized for training the SVM classifier. At the time of test, a proposal component of external region which is [28] Selective Search is used for generating independent regions with a fixed-size type which is external that might be containing objects. Then potential regions will be converted by an efficient CNN extractor into feature vectors on the basis of which, SVM is utilized for classification that is domain-specific. Lastly for the refinement of bounding box and appliance of a suppression that is greedy and non-maximum, a line regression model is used for eliminating duplicate detections along with the basis of IOU that is Intersection-Over-Union overlapping with a region of higher scoring.

Compared to other models of the age, efficient accuracy of detection is achieved by R-CNN. But the complex pipeline that is multi-stage of RCNN brings a lot of drawbacks as well. The components of CNN serve as classifiers. Still, the region of prediction depends on the external method of region proposal which is quite slow and drags the whole training system down. Nevertheless, each components’ individual training manner resulting in the part of CNN is tough to improve. When an SVM classifier is being trained, updating of the CNN cannot be carried out.

1:  Spatial Pyramid Pooling Network (SPP-Net) [13]

For increasing the convolution computation along with removing the fixed-input’s constraints, the proposed method was SPP-Net. CNNs actually needed input-images which were fixed-size before the SPP-Net. Generally, there are always 2 parts consisted in a CNN, Convolutional layers for feature man’s outputting and SVM or FC (Fully-connected) layers for categorization. Within Convolutional layers, some substitute pooling layers (Pooling of Sliding Window) and layout of convolutional layers are always present. Specifically, any size in terms of input pictures can be processed by convolutional layers. Meanwhile, SVM or FC layers need input whose size is fixed. For fulfilling requirements, cropping or warping region proposals are the common practices before feeding to layers which are Convolutional. The performance of CNN is affected both solutions. It is understandable that object’s cropping part might cause a failure in the recognition of the object while the outcome of warping concerns a loss in original ration that is quite important in objects that are ratio sensitive.

SPP-Net made the first progress for removing fixed-size input’s constraint. Convolutional part’s pooling layer of the final sliding window was replaced by them in SPP-Net with a SPP or spatial pyramid layer of pooling. Actually, BoW or Bag of Words’ spatial version can be perceived as a pooling of spatial pyramid [18] through which features can be extracted at various levels or scales. To the SVM or FC layers’ input size, the bins’ number is fized or SVM rather than recognizing the size of input image. Thus, the whole network and SPP-Net can accept arbitrary size’s images.

This spatial pooling has another benefit after SPP-Net’s convolution manner is the exchange of all regional proposals’ computation. As discussed previously, the regions are warped or cropped first by earlier CNNs and letting them pass through the layers of convolutional for extracting elements or features. Overlap regions’ duplicate computation wastes an excessive amount of time. As far as SPP-Net is concerned, the whole image is allowed to pass through the convolutional layers once for creating a map of features, and using project function for projecting almost all regions to convolutional layer which is last. Therefore, each region’s feature extraction is performed only the feature map. The SPP-Net’s idea in general could increase the agility of classification methods which are CNN-image-based at that specific period.

Improvements such as detection accuracy and speed of CNNs are made by even SPP-Net. But similar to R-CNN, there are some drawbacks as well. Still, region proposals depend on methods which are external. A classifier and convolutional layers are required by the strcture multi-stage for individual training. As back-propagation’s loss error is not allowed by SPP layers, the upgrade of convolutional layers it still not enabled.

2: Fast Region-based Convolutional Network (Fast R-CNN) [11]

For realizing the end-to-end testing and training, the Fast R-CNN was developed. Namely, it can be presumed as the SPP-Net and R-CNN’s extension. It is similar as they swap the extracting of region feature’s order and for exchanging computation, phasing through CNN. Later on, the last pooling is also revised for processing input images of any size. The difference is the use of RoI or region of interest pooling layer. For training, such a trick is significant to upgrade the layers of convolution. Additionally over every labeled RoI, mutil-task loss is used by R-CNN through the combination of loss of bounding box and loss of class score.

These results in practice prove that when it comes to testing and accelerating testing time, such innovations are efficient while optimizing detection accuracy as well. Meanwhile, slow proposal of region is exposed by network’s quick running time.

3: Faster-RCNN [21]

The problem of slow regional proposal was solved mainly by a quicker R-CNN. Rather than using methods of external proposals, an RPN or Region Proposal Network was actually introduced for performing the task of region proposal which exchanges convolutional computation of image with the network of detection. Basically, a class-agnostic quick R-CNN is an RPN. At each region, the n x n divides a feature map for gibing out nine proposals of the region of various scales and ratios. In an RPN, the feeding of all region proposals will be carried out for predicting objects’ existence source along with their positions. Afterward, RPN’s high-score output regions are made as the second R-CNN’s input for further refinement of bounding box and class-specific categorization. Now the classification is carried out in the network and there is end-to-end training. Due to it, detection accuracy at various datasets was achieved by R-CNN and it became efficient detection method’s foundation. 10 fps is the detection speed and compared to others, it is considered the fastest.

References of Regions-based Convolution Neural Network (R-CNN)\


 A. W. Selective search for object recognition. International journal of computer vision 104, 2 (2013), 154–171.

REN, S., HE, K., GIRSHICK, R., AND SUN, J. Faster r-cnn: Towards real-time object detection with region proposal networks. In Advances in neural information processing systems (2015), pp. 91–99.

 GIRSHICK, R. Fast r-cnn. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (2015), pp. 1440–1448.


 hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation. In Proceed-ings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (2014), pp. 580–587.

 HE, K., ZHANG, X., REN, S., AND SUN, J. Spatial pyramid pooling in deep convolutional networks for visual recognition. In European Conference on Computer Vision (2014), Springer, pp. 346–361.


 A. W. Selective search for object recognition. International journal of computer vision 104, 2 (2013), 154–171.

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