Cyber security are processes, strategies and plans which are
employed in safeguarding internet connected systems, software and data and
hardware from cyber attacks. In IT (information technology) incidence response
is the systematized approach which is followed to address and manage the
aftermath of a cyber-attack or a security breach. Additionally, disaster
recovery (DP) is a security planning area which aims at protecting an
organization from various effects of adverse events (significant). In various
enterprises and all levels of organizations, there is a growing concern on these
cyber-attack incidents because when they occur, they can cause a lot of damage
to the companies because they produce a significant breach on privacy elements
of the organization.
Information technology faces a major problem in safeguarding
their data because of disgruntled employees or intentional data leaks from
misplaced laptops or other data storage devices. The priority of incidence
response and disaster recovery in cyber security is to contain and recover from
risks so that the possibility and recovery of cyber losses are mitigated and
avoided effectively. As a result, it is essential to stay informed and diligent
about breaches and hacks which might occur in organizations. When a cyber
threat incident is discovered, it is essential to ensure that the proper
process of reporting the attack is taken. Indeed, both incidence response and
disaster recovery processes should sequential, and they should be carried out
in a parallel manner.
Keywords-- Cyber security, Software, Cyber threat,
Information technology, Security breach, Disaster recovery, Ransom ware, CSIRT
(Computer Security Incident Response Team), IRP (incident response plan), cloud
computing and firewall
Introduction of threats and solution for cyber security
Cyber security is processes,
strategies and plans which are employed in safeguarding internet connected
systems, software and data and hardware from cyber attacks [10]. In
computing, cyber security involves the protection against computerized systems
including unauthorized access to data [9]. Co-ordination or efforts in an
information system is critical in ensuring cybersecurity
. In IT (information technology) incidence response is the systematized
approach which is followed to address and manage the aftermath of a cyber-attack
or a security breach[15]. Notably, it is also known as a security incident,
a computer incident or IT incident[12]. However, the goal of incident response
is to ensure that situations are handled with the least damage at a reduced
cost and recovery time[2].
CSIRT (computer security incident response team) conducts
incidence response in an organization[5]. Complying with IRP (incident response
plan) is crucial during incidence response[15]. Additionally,
disaster recovery (DP) is a security planning area which aims at protecting an
organization from various effects of adverse events (significant). Indeed,
it allows an organization to resume quickly or to maintain mission-critical
functions after a disaster[10]. However, disaster recovery enables businesses
to continue operating in a normal or close to normal[9]. It is a process which
includes both planning and testing though it may be involving separate physical
sites where operations are restored[6]. As a result, this article describes
critical elements in cyber threat incident response and disaster recovery
GOAL OF THE PAPER of threats and solution for cyber security
Incident Response and Disaster Recovery in IT
In today’s highly connected world, cyber incidents happen on
a daily basis. For instance, every corporation from the very large to small and
mediumcompanies need an incident response team. This paper describes critical
elements of incident response and disaster recovery and the basic plan of
operation after a cyber incident. The major goals of the research is to
identify that which assets are being protected and who needs to be on the
incident response team? The goal is to also identity the process for reporting
or detecting an incident. It will also study the risk management and policies
that are required. The aim is to find out the best practices exist for the
industries. Data securing has some challenges that can reduce the efficacy of
data security therefore the goal is to understand and elaborate the challenges
in securing data and they ways how the data can be prevented from the security
CYBER THREAT INCIDENT RESPONSE of threats and solution for
cyber security
Diverse tools such as ransomware, malware, exploit kits
amongst other methods are used by hackers to perform a cyber-attack operation[15].
In various enterprises and all levels of organizations,
there is a growing concern on this cyber-attack incidents because when they
occur, they can cause a lot of damage to the companies because they produce a
significant breach on privacy elements of the organization[6].
ASSETS PROTECTED of threats and solution for cyber security
Data is the primary asset stolen in cyber-attacks thus becoming
the most protected asset. However, cyber threats can be conducted after a
cybercriminal accesses a network or a computer to take some or all of the local
files[9]. In this case, the other most protected items include the machines and
the systems [15].
The significant critical people in the CSIRT (Computer
Security Incident Response Team) are experts in monitoring the intrusion of
firewalls, sensors and any other security devices from the MSSP (managed
security services provider). With proper management support and funding the
CSIRT plays a critical role in because it provides business intelligence and
The first step of reporting a cyber threat incident is
mobilizing the CSRT team . In this case, the relevant stakeholder groups which
include the technical side of investigating the breach and the employee and HR
representatives who are affected by the breach are notified[3]. The
intellectual property, data protection, and public relations representatives'
experts are informed[16]. Moreover, external representatives such as the legal
teams and incapacitated internal teams should also be alerted[5].
Thirdly, a thorough investigation is conducted to determine
the facts surrounding the breach[12]. If a potential employee is involved in
the violation, applicable labor laws are considered, and then HR
representatives consulted[11]. Conclusions of investigations are reviewed and appropriate
notice and training given to the employees[6].
The fourth step is managing public relations[12]. When
customer data is lost, the management should announce the details of the breach
to the public. Last but not the last, the company incurs the liability of the
cyber threat incident, and this could be non-legal liabilities which occur due
to theft, blackmail attempts amongst others[4].
Some of the guidelines included in the cybersecurity policy
include the guidelines on password requirements, email standards and the
handling of sensitive data [9]. Besides, some of the other essential guidelines
in these policies include the instructions on when to lock computers and
devices and the handling of removable computer devices[1]. Moreover, others
include the handling of technology within the organization and internet and
social media access standards not forgetting to mention the management of
incidents especially on the procedure of responding to cyber incidents[13].
RISK MANAGEMENT NEEDED solution for cyber security
An organization has to determine the assets which have to be
protected[2]. As it is pointed out by the NIST (National Institute of Standards
and Technology), there is no particular size which fits the solution[5]. Assets
such as customer and corporate data should have additional protections. It is
recommended to use the Capability Maturity Model approach which has five levels
which include the initial, repeatable, defined, managed and optimized levels[2].
Among the other most features of risk management, others include risk
mitigation, consideration of the human element and reinforcing the incident
response team amongst others[3].
BEST PRACTICES of threats and solution for cyber security
In 2016, India had 53,871 cases of cybercrime as recorded by
the National Crime Records Bureau. One of the basic practices is that security
should be put at fore[6]. The workforce should be encouraged to build and use
systems or products in such a manner that the likelihood of cyber-attacks is
reduced[11]. The wireless internet used should be secure not forgetting to
enable the multi-factor authentication[16]. Secondly, cybersecurity should also
be incorporated into the organization's risk management strategy[12].
Moreover, the cyber security incident response team should
be adequately trained to follow the best protocol and practices for mitigating
a cyber threat incident[6]. Besides, running numerous drills and simulations is
also an essential practice towards cybersecurity [14]. Notably, estimating the
sheer amount of data collected by an organizations system is critical in
placemaking data within the system[4]. On the other side, compartmentalizing
data in the organization and restricting access using passwords, OTPs, and
multifactor authentication is also another best practice in the cybersecurity
industry. Establishing a BYOD policy, devising an adequate contingency plan and
the spirit of evolving with new software's is also necessary[16].
DISASTER RECOVERY of threats and solution for cyber security
Challenges in Securing Data
TARGETED CYBER ATTACKS of threats and solution for cyber
Most cyber-attacks are carried out by well-organized global
cybercrime syndicates [3]. The nature of attacks is always changing because the
character of the crime since the hackers do not need to meet and carry out the
attack but easily communicate through the internet when they are located in
different parts of the globe quickly[9].
DATA BREECHES of threats and solution for cyber security
Businesses face a major problem in
safeguarding their data because of disgruntled employees or intentional data
leaks from misplaced laptops or other data storage devices[3]. According to
research, most data leaks come from within the organization[5]. As a result,
the companies must be more vigilant regarding who is accessing their data
especially when it comes to co-operating networks which are conducted outside
the firewall[11].
CLOUD COMPUTING of threats and solution for cyber security
It is hard for a business to operate without cloud computing
in the process of storing information about the company. Practicing cloud
computing gives rise to new sets of data something which introduces new
concerns about data security[6]. It is because a business must relinquish the
control of its information and data to the third-party during cloud computing[13].
Source: [15]
Figure 1risk associated with cloud
SOCIAL NETWORKS of threats and solution for cyber security
Almost all employees are on different social media platforms
such as Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and Instagram amongst others[10]. Most of
these employees are not only wasting time on the networking sites, but they also
indulge in some conversations which make them share business information on the
same platforms[15]. When this occurs, the direct recipient or the other people
sharing the same platform can be a threat to a business when they access the
information[3]. In connection to this, it has been challenging for different
companies to secure their information and data because it is difficult to
constantly monitor employee social networks[9].
Source: [16]
Figure 2 Chart presenting the
MOBILE DEVICES of threats and solution for cyber security
The use of smartphones is ubiquitous in various workplaces.
Smartphones are the most widely used networking personal gadgets[14]. They are
capable of sharing extensive information and data within a short period in a
secretive manner. As a result, employees are capable of downloading company's
information and sharing it without any noticeable alarm[9]. Since it is not
easy to police the smartphones, IT administrators in many businesses are facing
very hard when addressing different matters connected to data security within
the organization[14].
CREATING INTERNAL POLICIES of threats and solution for cyber
In most cases, employees' nature and actions create the
major flaw through which business data and information land in the wrong hands [5].
As a result, the firm must ensure that it implements effective policies which
control and prevent employees from leaking company's information to the
outsiders . Besides, the company should check and monitor people who install
the business servers to make sure that the right protections are considered[16].
KEEPING COMPUTERS UPDATED of threats and solution for cyber security
Companies are supposed to make sure that the entire computer
network used in the firm is up to date . As a result, it is expected to pay
attention to all notifications which regard updating of the operating systems
used by the enterprise [5]. It is because updating these programs such as
firewalls and web browsers, antivirus software and the others help in
safeguarding the system from cyber threats[9]. However, ignoring them weakens
the defense system of the business computers[15].
LEARNING FROM MISTAKES of threats and solution for cyber
A business should be observant and learn from its
environment . In this case, it is supposed to learn and hence set the
appropriate security measures before the danger strikes[14]. It is a good
measure because it can protect huge financial loses which can be incurred after
the attack [15]. Besides, more informed decisions should be made to safeguard
any hacking issues. Other methods of preventing cyber threats and attacks
include the use of cloud services, increasing employee awareness, creating
strong passwords and changing them frequently and hiring security experts to
work for the firms[10].
SOLUTION for cyber security
CSIRT teams should always be ready to respond to cyber
threat incidents [3]. It is critical to ensure that the proper plan, methods
and strategies of incidence response and disaster recovery both mentioned and
unmentioned in this paper are employed when responding to cyber threats [11].
When a cyber threat incident is discovered, it is also essential to ensure that
the proper process of reporting the attack is taken .
CONCLUSION of threats and solution for cyber security
Cyber-attacks issues affect the entire business inclusive of
all teams in the organization . Besides, it is not just a technical issue but
also an operational issue[14]. However, the process
should be sequential, and it should be carried out in a parallel manner at the
initial aftermath of an incident[12]. However, the priority of reporting a
cyber threat is to contain it so that the risks involved are mitigated to avoid
any further loss of damage or data[16]. It is essential to stay informed and
diligent about breaches and hacks which might occur in organizations[1]. Generally,
the CSIRT should always ensure that it protects all company information with
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