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Introduction of report on Artificial Intelligence

Category: Financial Reporting Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 600

The term artificial intelligence (AI) can be defined as simulated intelligence used in the machines. The machines are designed on the basis of programs to work like human and to mimic the actions like a person. In the area of the computer science, artificial intelligence (AI) emphasis on the process designed by the intelligent machines (Future of life. org, 2018). The process used in the artificial intelligence is specialized as well as highly technical. The core problems in the design are certain computer traits of the programming computers. The proper functioning of the artificial intelligence (AI) is based on the categories, properties, and objects for the implementation of the engineering knowledge (Future of life. org, 2018)

How it help the community and business

The artificial intelligence induces impact on the business in many ways. In the business, the financial analysis through advance process such as google analytics provides more specified results (Becoming human. ai, 2018). The online help desks are provided for the operators, the voice activated fronts are provided in the companies to access technology for the help lines. The process finds the issues and solves them. The Artificial intelligence is used in the effective marketing strategy to reduce the human fatigue and to develop effective marketing strategy (Becoming human. ai, 2018). The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the trend prediction is increasing that is based on the compiled and measured technology. The logical prediction is used to cover the budget, marketing tactic, and law enforcement. In the planning process artificial intelligence (AI) is used for the management of scheduling, benefits, payroll, and the task management of the employees (Becoming human. ai, 2018).

The artificial intelligence have significant impact on the society, for instance the children are growing up in intelligent homes such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. The machine learning algorithms are improved and the society is transformed (Forbes. com, 2018). The significant impact of the artificial intelligence (AI) is on the transportation such as Lyft and Uber works on the basis of GPS navigation system. The tesla vehicles are also example of artificial intelligence (AI) (Forbes. com, 2018).         

Real life examples of report on Artificial Intelligence

In the real life, there are different examples of acritical intelligences such as in the branch of computer science, development, working process, speck recognition, planning and learning, and problem solving. In the real life, the examples of artificial intelligence (AI) are Siri, Tesla, Cogito, Netflix, Pandora, Nest (Google), flying drones, box ever, and Echo (Iqvis. com, 2017).

References of report on Artificial Intelligence

Becoming human. ai. (2018, 05 26). 5 Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Business. Retrieved from becoming human.ai: https://becoming human.ai/5-roles-of-artificial-intelligence-in-business-9102f56853df

Forbes. com. (2018, 05 13). Three Impacts Of Artificial Intelligence On Society. Retrieved from www.forbes.com: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestech council/2018/06/13/three-impacts-of-artificial-intelligence-on-society/#26f3cf046ec0

Future of life. org. (2018). BENEFITS & RISKS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Retrieved from future of life.org: https://futureoflife.org/background/benefits-risks-of-artificial-intelligence/

Iqvis. com. (2017, 01 16). 9 POWERFUL EXAMPLES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN USE TODAY. Retrieved from www.iqvis.com: https://www.iqvis.com/blog/9-powerful-examples-of-artificial-intelligence-in-use-today/

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