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Introduction of Effect of Horror movies on child psychology

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2200

Movies are one of the most important entertainment tools worldwide. This can be backed by the billions in revenue movies generate and the billions invested in them yearly.  Movies of different genre have different effect on the viewer’s mood and attitude.  Motion pictures or movies now come on different platforms with a far wide outreach than the olden times. Movies are not limited to Cinemas or DVDs nowadays but there are different online streaming sites and short movies on YouTube. With the advent of internet, the entertainment landscape has changed.

The purpose of the research is to bring to light and guide the parents about handling issues of horror movies and its effect on children.  The report will explore if the horror movies have an effect on children’s mental health or not. The topic relates to the course in the way it tells about the natural science and effect on human psychology. It will help us relate to the course concepts of how change in nature can alter the mindset and values of one

Effect of movies of Effect of Horror movies on child psychology

Movies have different triggering effect on different people and it may range in emotions of sorrow to love and even anger.  People use the mediums of movies to entertain themselves. The link between mood and movies is well established (Morgan & Moylan, 1987).

Effect on children of Effect of Horror movies on child psychology

Children are the vulnerable part of the society and are in constant phase of learning.  Children of today have far more greater access to movies and content available online. Parents have been skeptical about allowing children to view movies fearing the possible effect of it on children (Bierman, Gold, & Lessay, 1996). This is mainly because few of the movies have an entertaining experience whereas some may be potentially harmful. For example the Lion king had a developmental effect on the mind of children (Bierman, Gold, & Lessay, 1996).

Horror Movies of Effect of Horror movies on child psychology

Horror movies have become increasingly popular over the years and the demand for the genre has risen over the years.  The moves depict the supernatural events and convey a story that may affect the thinking and beliefs of the viewer. The genre started by the end of 19th century when short movies were made based upon the supernatural occurrences.  The genre developed from there based on stories and myths. Horror movies used special effects and sound manipulation to affect the setting of movie. The frequency of the horror movies produced has never been greater than they are today.

Modern VFX and better story lines in the IMAX or 3D setting makes the experience more real and scary for many viewers. The horror movies now are more popular than they ever were. Horror movies greatly affect the minds of people. Adults may experience no issues but children show ill effects. Horror movies contain blood, gore and scenes that may affect the minds of people and alter not only their emotions but beliefs too.

The Decision making process of Effect of Horror movies on child psychology

There are many things to consider when I chose the topic. To come about a point to analyze the true affects the narrative and counter narrative was formed. This was to encompass different point of views and not making a biased opinion. The reason for the approach was to have a scientific approach and not adding to the bias. Also the decision can help us evaluate the concepts of Natural sciences and how different kinds perceive different things. I will be continuing the analysis based on the opposing points and the narrative to build up my essay. It will discuss within the core concepts of natural sciences.  

The opposing Points of Effect of Horror movies on child psychology

Many argue that children should be allowed to watch horror movies and shouldn’t be isolated from the genre. The benefits they state are numerous.The very first benefit they give is that watching horror movies can make brain work more efficiently due to adrenaline rush. They back their claim by showing different researches those children who watch horror movies become more mature and develop mental skills from those who do not. Horror movies can make children appreciate life more in a better way. 

The other argument includes watching horror movies can make the immune system better. Stress can also be released by watching scary scenes in a horror movie. Best way to release stress is through screaming and children scream after watching something that can cause them to jump out of the skin. Another benefit they give of letting your children watch horror movies is that they can be able to know that how and when to react in real life situations.

They can realize how to tackle different situations when they are even alone at home. The last benefit is that they think children can get close to their religion by watching horror movies and because of this they can even pray more and develop faith. All the benefits stated effect human development.

The narrative of Effect of Horror movies on child psychology

Horror movies nowadays have become an integral part of life not just for the teen age kids but children as well. The adrenaline rush that the horror movies bring about is the highlighting factor for the movies. Children apart from emotional signs display physical symptoms of increased heart beat and rapid breathing as after effects of viewing horror movies.  Let it be any company that maybe friends or family, children displayed similar signs and the effects remain unchanged on them after viewing horror movie.  This has been a regular thing with the movies associated with the horror genre as adults display similar signs after watching the movie.

Children are in their learning stages and this time of life is the developmental phase of their life. Children tend to make ideals and role model from the movies and try to bring what they have learned from the movie to experience by action or replicating what is done in the movie. The horror movies contain subject they may greatly affect the learning process of the individual children.  The psychological effect of the horror movies doesn’t come in physical manifestation. But however it affects the mental process, values, attitudes and behavior of the children. This can alter the beliefs of the children and may result in disorders. There has been argument of whether the movies under the horror genre are harmful for children or not. Many find it not tough to realize but others have their arguments in place.

Children learn and pick easily, it is easy for them to record a certain event in their subconscious and memory.  They carry a memory for a long time and sometimes it may become a part of their personality.  In a study conducted in 1999 in the USA, it was revealed that one out of four students had developed a phobia. The participants told that they experienced lingering effects of a frightful movie experience from childhood. The effects ranged from sleeplessness to avoid of situations portrayed in those movies (Degrot, 1999). Apart from this the research showed children hallucinated and showed physical symptoms of distress and uncomforting behavior.  When  children  watch  horror  movies,  the  horrific  scenes  keep  replaying  in  their  mind  and  it  alters  how  their   feelings and emotions  (Victoria advocate).

Many children worry about stuff that doesn’t exist and they base their perception of life on these events. They imagine themselves as the weak child whom the demon in the movie is after.  They have their fears developed and are scared for the rest of their lives in most cases. Many children fear the boogey man at night, the monsters under the bed or the man in the closet. Many believe that they don’t exist and they are right about it but they develop fear and when the lights turn off they are scared of the unknown fear. Children show poor performance in class and are scared by certain voices or trigger events. They display restlessness and demand an adult oversight to ensure their safety.

Horror movie affect in the scope on natural science and psychology

Children experience the following after viewing a horror movie (Villani, 2011):

Abnormal heart rate


Rapid breathing


Imagining presence of paranormal

Phobia and fears (for example clown)

Scared of voices and events

Alteration of how mind reacts



Less confidence

Weaker belief system

The above stated are just a tip of the iceberg but what goes deep down is what the child grows into when he is an adult. The child will be less confident and scared more of things that do not seize to exist. It might seem funny to see a child getting scared of stuff that doesn’t exist but it creates emotions of distress and distrust in a child. The children tend to isolate themselves and have fears developing in the mind that will cause troubles in the future.

Research shows that children who have developed fears and trauma for a bad experience from the horror movies show poor academic performance and are less social. These children are less confident and do not fit into the society. This is about the effect of children on their mental health and personality but few effects can be violent behavior and moral crisis. Many children view the demonic personality as the bad one and the one to be shunned but few find the powers of the demonic presence overwhelming and want the same powers. This affects their pursuit of life and they want to be on path of devil (winter). Children who get inspired by the devil display violent behavior and anger in most cases. Parents do not realize the ill effect of these movies and continue to put their child at stake for mere entertainment.

Recommendations of Effect of Horror movies on child psychology

There are many things that can act as an alternate for children than horror movies which can be more entertaining and have a good effect on the mental health of children. Few of the recommendations for parents for the children are:

Alternate source of entertainment that can be outdoor activities:
Movies or digital viewing of movies result in poor eye sight and lack of creativity in children. Parents should provide alternate sources to their children and take them to park.

Informational and entertaining movies for children so they can learn good and bad:

Children should not be subjected to horror and scary stuff but informational stuff out there that adds value to their knowledge. Science fiction movies despite being fiction add to the creative mind of children

Help them understand the real and fiction:
This is one of the most important points that should be considered. Children should be taught the difference between the real and fiction as it will help them in future too.

Narrate them scary stories and caution them its fake:
The ill effects of horror movies should not mean that children should be kept away from them but instead should be trained to be able to enjoy the movie. Parents should narrate horror stories in a way that make them fell less scary and in way that makes it clear that they are fake and not real. So when the children watch a scary movie they can tell a difference between the real and fake.

The above stated are the recommendations for precautionary recommendations for parents but there are children who are suffering from the symptoms and after effects of the horror movies. It is recommended to parents to notice any change of behavior and be open to address the concerns of their children. Professional help of psychologists and psychiatrists should be taken for well-being of the children. Children should be provided sessions to recover and reality should be brought on light. Apart from this there should be responsible parenting. Young children should not be allowed to watch such movies that may affect their mental health and cinemas should also check that young children do not watch such movies.

Conclusion of Effect of Horror movies on child psychology

To conclude the essay, it is advised to work on the recommendations, horror movies are harmful and there is very less room for debate. Responsible behavior of the young can help save the children from such mental abuse. Children should not be left vulnerable to the harms of horror movies in the young age.

References of Effect of Horror movies on child psychology

Bierman, J., Gold, A., & Lessay, R. (1996). Effect of movies on children's emotional health. Md Med Journal , 218-221.

Degrot, B. (1999). Scary movies can have lasting effects on children and teens. The University Record.

Morgan, J., & Moylan, S. (1987). After the movies: transient mood and social judgments. Social Psychology Bulletin (13), 466-477.

Villani, S. (2011). Impact of Media on Children and Adolescents: A 10-Year Review of the Research. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry , 392-401.

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