In this article, the researchers have focused on the
moderating role played by status inequality in the teams for their knowledge
diversity as well as creativity. The primary focus was given to see the
relationship between teams’ creativity and knowledge diversity keeping the
status inequality’s moderating role in view. The process chosen to develop hypothesis
was based on the framework of input-process-output. The researchers wanted to
know about the creativity potential, team knowledge diversity, team creativity,
and team status inequality. Therefore, they first reviewed the relevant
literature to develop their hypothesis. The first hypothesis for the study was
that there will be positive association between team creativity and teams’ task
knowledge. Seemingly, the hypothesis two and three were also developed on the
basis of literature (PARK, LEW, & LEE,
next part of the article is about using the research methods to test these
hypotheses. For this purpose, the participant members were taken from 492 teams
of 10 Korean companies from different industries. The survey method was used to
collect data from these participants. Due to some issues, the final sample used
for the study was comprised of 325 teams. Seven functional tasks of different
kinds were taken from these respondents of the study. The measures selected for
the study were team creativity, team task knowledge, team status inequality,
and control variables. Once the data was collected from the respondents, then
results were compiled by using the ordinary least squares (OLS) analysis so
that hypotheses can be tested accordingly.
study came with some interesting results in the discussion section after detailing
the results. The findings of the study were good enough to support the claim
that team’s creativity is enhanced by the team’s diversity in task knowledge. The
prior research has also been determined that there is a relationship between
team’s creativity and task knowledge diversity, and it was again proved true in
this study. The other finding of the study was that team’s creativity and task
knowledge was negativity affected when there was status as well as
organizational tenure inequality. So, the study found that when teams had
higher level of status inequality, then there team creativity was at lowest
level. But when teams were enjoying the equal status, the team creativity was
at the highest level. The article has proved to be a good one for the future
research on the team creativity that how mangers can sue this information to
make sure they enhance team creativity with relevant procedures
(a) Reaction of Knowledge Diversity and Team Creativity, The
Moderating Role of Status Inequality
In my
opinion, the article is a good one for organizations, managers, leaders and researchers
in so many ways. I believe that teams creativity is crucial in today’s dynamic
business world, where things are changing quickly, and organizations have
creativity are differentiated in the market. So, this article is a good insight
for the concerned people to see that what can affect the creativity and
performance of employees. As per my acquired knowledge, I was quite known to
the importance of team creativity for better output of organizations, but this article
gave me a chance to look at more important aspects in terms of teams and their
performance & creativity. It was nice to get an overview on status
inequality among team members, and how it can affect their creativity. I
previously had a thought in mind that creativity is concerned with just the
creative abilities of an employee. But what this article has found out, it
means that even a creative mind will not be able to do well, when team would
have status inequality. Now, I very much agree with the findings of the article
that when teams will be diverse in task knowledge, but there is no status
inequality, then creativity is the most likely thing to happen. But when statues
inequality or organizational tenure inequality would be there, then creativity
would be affected negatively. I must appreciate the efforts of researchers of
this article that how well they have defined everything with detail, which is
going to be crucial for future research in this area.
(b) Application of Knowledge Diversity and Team Creativity,
The Moderating Role of Status Inequality
It is
always great to get some practical knowledge from the research studies to
compare with the theoretical knowledge that we gain from the course texts and
materials. We have learned about so many concepts in the class regarding team managements
and the role of leaders as well as various other relevant aspects. So, it was
good to review this article in terms of mapping the creativity and performance
of teams based on different factors. To be precise, here the main point was
regarding the status inequality that when team members had different statuses
or had enough difference in organizational tenure, then team creativity was
impacted by these things. It is important for every organization to understand
that they could not achieve their goals, if their teams are not working well. The
team members need to get together and feel at ease with each other so that they
can perform well collectively. The research findings of the article can be
applied in the practical fields by organizations to work their best to ensure
that there is as minimum status inequality between team members as possible.
Reference of Knowledge Diversity and Team Creativity, The
Moderating Role of Status Inequality
PERSONALITY , 46 (10), 1611–1622