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Literature review of article on hazard simulation of Mount St. Helens

Category: Political Science Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1500

In 1980, Mount St. Helen suffered the eruption of a volcano at the height of 9,677 feet. The blast at Mount St. Helens is considered one of the most explosive volcanoes on record, as it destroyed the whole structure of Mount St. Helens. Rock, gases, and lava debris erupted on a large scale because of the flank vents and summit shape of Mount St (R, Crandell, & Mullineau, 1978). The level of destruction and the subsequent side-effects of the eruption have led researchers to consider it one which should not be repeated, as it poses a significant threat to human life.

Because of the scale of the event at Mount St. Helens and the subsequent research which has gone into it, volcanologists have resolved that an alert system should be developed which would allow vulnerable places to take precautionary measures against eruptions. In accordance with the findings of the literature review, hazard simulations can support the government and relevant departments in controlling the situation and reducing the possible risk factors. Recently, the USGS has been working to minimise the risk of the volcano at Mount St. Helens (Pallister, Hoblitt, Crandell, & Mullineaux, 1992). In pursuit of this goal, they have organized security and monitoring systems such as GPS systems, seismometers, and cloud simulation. According to the USGS, cloud simulations can help with modelling and build ash paths in case of Mount St. Helen faces the same situation again. Models of the cloud simulation provide the basis for graphical explanations of the eruption and its potential paths (Ongaro, Clarke, Voight, & Widiwijayanti, 2012).

According to the research conducted by R, Crandell, & Mullineau, (1978), Mount St. Helens has become more vigorous and volatile throughout the past 4,500 years than any other volcano in the contiguous USA. Volcanic eruptions thousands of years ago were frequently the creators of mountains, the generators of large quantities of pumice, and lava flows from most mountains in the USA have occurred over the past 2,500 years. This information explains the natural construction of much of the USA and illustratesthe uncertainty and danger to populace and possessions for those in these regions; the supplementary map demonstrates areas likely to be, or to have been, affected by eruptions from Mount St. Helens (R, Crandell, & Mullineau, 1978).

Anexplosive eruption that manufactures great volumes of pumice has an effect on large areas for the reason that wind can carry these light materials many kilometres away from the volcano which produced them. Because of common wind patterns in the area, the 180-degree quadrant east of  Mount St. Helens will be most frequently and harshly affected byblasts of this type. On the other hand, the pumice from some explosionsmight affect only a tiny part of this wider target area. Pyroclastic flow and mudflows also can have an effect on areas around volcanoes like Mount St. Helens, but the region they influence is lesser for the reason that tends to move through valley regions. Mudflows in Mount St. Helens and perhaps pyroclastic flow moving quickly down Pine Creek might displace water in Swift Reservoir, which could cause catastrophic floods farther down the valley in the areas of the volcanoes (R, CRANDELL, & MULLINEAU, 1978).

According to the research conducted by Pallister, Hoblitt, Crandell, & Mullineaux (1992), the evacuation which allowed the majority of people to abandon their homes and escape was one of the best recorded in the history of volcanoes. Simulations of the Mount St. Helens eruption have the potential to save lives in that they can help us predict when other, similar volcanoes might erupt. One scenario that of a grenade-type eruption failed to replicate the area of destruction at Mount St. Helens when it was modelled, but it is likely that some volcanoes will behave according to predictions. In some instances, then, replicas will prove good predictions of what may occur (Pallister, Hoblitt, Crandell, & Mullineaux, 1992).

All of the geologic data offers a cut-down replica of the present system of examining Mount St. Helens and its volcanic potential. This new geochemical information provides the basis for new ways of appraising the danger levels here. The appraisal is based upon the magmatic chemistry exhibited by the volcano over the past 500 years, for which detailed geochemical information is obtainable. The most recent study takes into account the Kalama Goat Rocks and the context of the period in which each eruption took place. In every era, silica content is observed to diminish, but then return greater than before. The Kalama rocks seem to perpetuate a sort of cycle of chemical amplification shaped by the addition of dacite and basalt.  The Goat Rocks and the present cycle of eruption are connected both to each other and to the dynamics by which liquid magma is removed from the basin of the volcano (Pallister, Hoblitt, Crandell, & Mullineaux, 1992).

According to the research the significant damage to the local area caused by acts of God frequently provide the main impetus for community security to be assessed. This was absolutely the case at Mount St. Helens subsequent to the eruption in 1980. The outbreak set off an instant response which required the identification and liberation of as many humans and human possessions as could be evacuated from the danger zone. Observable physical danger and the potential of future threat to the community drew the attention of the USDA Forest Service and many other organisations who began assessing who should have access to the danger area, how hazardous it was, and how long it would remain so (Dale, Swanson, & Crisafulli).

As the activity of the volcano ceases and changes to the geomorphic area begin, the viewpoint of ecological scientists becomes increasingly relevant to land and water administrative bodies. The success of the organised response to the Mount St. Helens eruption forms a foundation for the future organisation in the region, with a role for ecological scientists. Prior to March 20, 1980, one hundred and twenty-three years had passed since the last eruption of Mount St. Helens, and most bodies in the area were more concerned with the forestry industry in the region. Between March 20 and May 18, 1980, a period of continuous volcanic instability generated apprehension as to the danger the volcano might pose to the area; the result of this concern was that the area was relatively well prepared to respond to the eruption when it happened (Dale, Swanson, & Crisafulli).

Following that eruption, apprehension has turned into a long-term interest in organising the region productively to ensure that as much as possible is known about future volcanic activity and how best to respond to it. This has involved ecological scientists, who were heavily in demand soon after the eruption, but less so throughout the 1990s and 2000s. The diminishing concern for the perspectives of ecological scientists was a result of changing attitudes to the volcano's eruptive potential, the development of a scheme to respond to future eruptions, and an environmental shift in how high ground, rivers, and water are cared for (Dale, Swanson, & Crisafulli).

According to the research conducted by Ongaro, Clarke, Voight, & Widiwijayanti (2012),  arithmetical models of the eruption explain the explosive material as a high-velocity pyroclastic thickness, going through a fast-growth phase at the point of rupture, and subsequently changing in constituency as it moves down the mountain into areas of lower gravity. The output of the model shows consequences in line with what really happened during the explosion, both in terms of its swiftness and in terms of how it expanded across the damaged area, at speed capped at 170 m/s (Ongaro, Clarke, Voight, & Widiwijayanti, 2012).

In topographic areas further down the mountain, pyroclasts increasingly collect at the bottom of the gorge, forming an opaque basal outflow. As the area becomes increasingly full with this material, this can force sedimentation to begin, resulting in a gradually weakened flow and a change to the topography of the area (Ongaro, Clarke, Voight, & Widiwijayanti, 2012).

In this area of dense sedimentation, the topography will become sufficiently blocked to force other particles to move quickly from side to side, making them unstable until they settle in layers. Through the arithmetic-based replica model does not allow a direct imitation of exactly how the materials compacted following the eruption, they can help us to understand the stratigraphic pattern we see in the area (Ongaro, Clarke, Voight, & Widiwijayanti, 2012).

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