According to Weber and Lawrence, the meaning of corporate
social responsibility is” a corporation is responsible for all its actions
which affect the environment, communities and people” , and management is
responsible for all its stakeholders in all criteria which include some risk
factors and also beneficial for the organization. On the basis of this
definition, merck completely refuse for the act of catastrophically in a manner
for testing and developing vioxx, as company not only failed to make its
customers who support in need and risk with their actions but they also fail to
perform harming many customers lethally or to make sure about the harmed
lethally about any product which not going to buy. In 1997 during the early stages of
development of vioxx many dangerous shortcoming going to be discover when it is
going to be discovered that it is very serious and dangerous side effects of
medicine on heart and blood. After searching the side effects of vioxx,
different decision making personnals and Merch’s research directors learn about
the risks of it. But when the company going to realize about the side effects ,
it perform no any action for improving the formula of medicine nor disclose
this information to general public. And the most important and dark side of
this issue is that Merck did not agree on mention this problem on medicine and
try to avoid follow the instructions of FDA which may affect the life of their
customers in bad manner.
Good corporate governance and corporate social
responsibility is transparency related to all issues. As per Ticoll and
Tapscott, the real ethical value of company is transparency and if company not
does this, it will perform unethical actions. Merck has no social
responsibility and poor governance as it not do any action on development of
transparency related to vioxx. And the most important thing is that Merck
consider all the development issues of vioxx are ordinary instead of life
threaten products which shoe their unethical and socially
If we talk about the pharmaceutical company, it is very
important as it directly affects the health of people and its customers are
facing health issues. So it’s the major responsibility of all pharmaceutical
companies specially MERCK to accomplish their social responsibility and must
have effective governance to operate socially responsible manner. In case of
vioxx, we see that company not perform their social responsibility and its
management also not perform any action related to responsibility especially
when it affect the society in harmful manner. During the development of vioxx,
we see that MERCK also try to minimize their responsibility and accountability
related o stakeholder’s risk related to lethal risks belong to customers.
According to my point of view, the main reason behind the
irresponsible behavior of Merck during the development of vioxx is the
financial issues and its research activities not economical manage by company. Although, life threatening effects also
present in the vioxx but Merck also concern about its millions of dollars which
they invest in the development of product and hide the safety issues of vioxx
is more important for company instead of many human lives and company is more
concern about its reputation and development cost which is going to be lost
after expose all the defects of vioxx in front of government and media.
Social responsibility issues regrading relations with
customers and shareholders
According to Weber and Lawrence, it is the social
responsibility of all business to protect the customers during providing all
the services and goods at their required price. So with customers, the standard
of social responsibility is related with providing all goods and services at
their required price with proper safeguard. But, Merck show very irresponsible
and unethical manner related to all these standards which are important for the
safety of customers and product quality related to vioxx.
Social responsibility of company related to safety of
customers and product is main thing but Merck only concern about its profit and
move the product into market while knowing that its product may kill its
customers. As per case text, the price of vioxx is almost $3.00 equivalent to
aspirin and Advil medicines. We can say that Merck not only provide harmful
product instead also at so much reasonable price that everyone can easily
afford it. As we discuss earlier Merck try to provide less awareness related to
risky product and provide the product to its all customers in a huge quantity
which is harmful for their lives and not clearly mentioned all the dangerous
instructions on the product.
Also explain in above discussion that Merck didn’t use
transparency and this happen with all their customers, external stakeholders
and also with shareholders through not providing them true and fair information
until they supply their product to the market. We see that the management and
research and development areas are not sincere with the shareholders and didn’t
want to keep in touch for long terms as after releasing the harmful product
they didn’t maintain their relation with them. Management and research and
development personals know about the problem in product and also know about
economic and share price loss related to shareholders but they still move the
product into market and show their poor responsibility towards shareholders.
Social responsibility issues regarding to the marketing and
advertising of Vioxx
In online texts, we study that related to health and safety
issues of product is very much important to disclose all information and
advertise truthfully as it is important for consumer protection and related to
product and labeling ingredients it is important to present all the healthy and
safety issue information. Related to vioxx, Merck also hide its all side
effects and try to avoid mention all the safety instruction on the product for
providing awareness to customers. For its personal benefits, Mreck directly
advertise its product to customers without mention the bad effects of product
and for this purpose it spend hundreds of millions. So, Mreck act as very
irresponsible for the advertising and marketing of vioxx.
The problem related to direct advertisement is that
information is transfer from customers to pharmaceutical companies in a proper
way. All professionals and doctors know about all the effects of medicine and
not give wrong or incomplete information to users which sometimes missing in
advertisement commercially. Normally, consumers have no professional knowledge
about the medicines and get easily trapped in the direct advertisement case by
considering that this medicine have little bit effects or may not any effect. But according to advertisement point of view,
this direct to consumer advertisement is
not suitable specially for those type of medicines who have some hard and
dangerous side effects related to consumers and that thing not mention on the
Another problem is that Merck make its product as
Blockbuster model and engage different doctors illegally to advertise their
[product unethically against high charges. These type of promotion and
marketing activities include different financial and educational benefits given
to doctors against wrong product promotion and huge financial support given to
doctors who give their medicines to more and more patients. All these promotion
activities are illegal and socially irresponsible as they force doctors to only
concern about their personal benefits and not even think about their patients.
In mention case, in 2003 Merck utilize almost $422 million for the
advertisement of vioxx between doctors and hospitals. This is the major
responsibility of all the doctors and hospitals to be sincere with their
patients by through the influence and financial support of pharmaceutical
giants, they become economical greedy and only concern about the financial
benefits which they get from such companies. It seems very bad that when
millions of people want medical help , such type of companies spend millions of
dollars for advertisement of wrong product through wrong ways and this vioxx
example of Merck company is a major example of socially irresponsible and
unethical practice.
Social responsibility
issues regarding Vioxx in its relationships with government policy makers and
Merck and many other
such type of companies also use millions of dollars to get the favor of retire
politicians and policy makers who are part of some legislating bodies or
government agencies and such activities also include in social irresponsibility
and unethical manner.
We study in different modules that the role of government is
to protect the vulnerable participants related to market by promoting the
social welfare and economic growth in economic and social system. In case of
pharmaceutical giants, the consumers are considering as vulnerable participants
in a huge market of medicine. In such cases when these type of companies spend
many millions in influencing the government instead of helping activities for
poor people who need great medication and government also influence by such companies
then the protection of patients and welfare system of government is going to be
weak and making economic and social system more unethical.
In the case text, Merck also influence FDA for not
mentioning the side effects on product and also stop scientist to present this issue in front
of all. A business that is socially responsible must protect the interest of
its shareholders and stakeholders. But Merck failed to keep secure the interest
of its stakeholders and also influence different government sectors to help
them in hiding this fault from stakeholders and also hide the harmful effects
of vioxx from all of its customers and users. And when FDA face many serious
issues related to side effects of vioxx and ask Merck about mentioning on
product it’s all effects in 2002, Merck refuse to corporate with FDA who
protect the interest of all patients and general public. Instead Merck try to
provide such type of wrong and faulty information to all its stakeholders which
secure the economic condition of company and not mention proper labeling on the
product. And after huge advertisement, vioxx going to market and company make
huge profit due to wrong advertisement.
Merck's voluntary public recall of Vioxx
Merck perform many actions d activities which are unethical
and socially irresponsible for the customers and economy, and with huge
marketing and advertisement activities they increase its sales and influence
many government agencies related to vioxx development and after sometime
provide only some little information about the side effects of vioxx. But after
sometime, Merck present the side effects of medicine in front of all and show
how much this product harful for the users. Some reasons behind this recalling
Merck want to keep tie some of its stakeholders who are very
important for the company and having a huge reputation in the market. All customers,
family members, shareholder sad n general public are important for the company
and they don’t want to lose their trusts. And they are badly affected with the
wrong advertisement and poor product promotion of company.
Merck also recall the vioxx as they know that the interest
of stakeholders is more important than the interest of company and they want to
accept the loss of hundreds of millions related to economy and many legal and
ethical laws they were broken due to their personal interest. This decision is
not as easy as it seem because they have to face a lot of problem and loss
related to financial issues and also related to their reputation.
The recall of Merck also show that pharmaceutical companies
must concern about the social and ethical responsibility related to society and
all their patients. They must follow their social and ethical responsibility
and also concern related to health factors of all their customers and patients.
Company wants to reveal all the side effects of vioxx and they want to maintain
the trust of their customers and their stakeholders on the company. Merck has
to show their social and ethical responsibilities which are important for their
economic and social reputation.