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Introduction of Common Threads in Literary Texts

Category: Accounting & Finance Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2200

In this section, it will be introduced in detail than what the common thread is between three literary texts: Woman at Point Zero, a novel by Nawal El Saadawi, Chicken with Plums, a book by Marjane Satrapi, and Howl, a poem by Allen Ginsberg. These three literary texts are different as they are all telling the different stories, but there is one common thread between these three texts, and that is the misery of life. It is common in three books that how life can be cruel in so many different ways.

This section of the essay discusses the three texts in details which selected from the four books. These three texts are; Howl is the poem written by the Allen Ginsberg, Woman at Point Zero is novel which is written by the Nawal El Saadawi and the Chicken with Plums, a book by Marjane Satrapi. These three texts are the representing the literature and good claws of the research. These three texts are different according to their nature because these are telling various stories as one is the poem of the famous writer; one is leading toward the novel, and the last one is the book of the renowned writer. This essay is written for defining similar threads among this literary text. This common thread is leading toward the misery of the life, and this concept is familiar in three versions with is related to the liver may be cruel according to the different ways.     

In the book of the Chicken with plums, the excellent writer Satrapi has written a biography of her uncle which is the famous and well known Iranian musician named Nasser Ali Khan. He has the will of living the life according to his beloved violin. When the Violin is broken, Nasser Ali Khan has started to lose the will to live his life. He is going to be used for finding the replacement of the instrument. Nasser has decided for retreating to his bed for awaiting the death. This book was also discussing the story of the Nasser when he was waiting for his death he has he has visited hallucinations, memories of the family. He was a little bit worried about his family he tried to solve the puzzles of the life in his dreaming and all the emotional secrete of the Naseer’s life was emerges.

How is the poem written by the Allen Ginsberg this poem is also having the misery of the life which becomes naked for challenging the ordinary of the culture. He has a lot of expressions which is almost against the Americans culture because he doesn’t like the Americans culture due to their few of the sexual matters. He discusses the culture of the American for having the repulsion toward the life and attraction for the death. By the facts of the suicide, the wants to abusing the culture done by the Americans.

Women at point zero discussing the actual description of women who are waiting for the execution of the Cairo Prison and she won't tell him horror story of to be poor due to the raped by a family member to being mutilated genitally. She has continued to tell her story to make the murder of man while a show was waiting for her execution in the prison of the Cairo. This fictional story is also similar to the poem of the Howl because these both stories are discussing the social commentary as well as manifesto revolutionary to the beats of the generation.

These literary texts have a common thread for the mystery of the life as well as for the resonation of across culture and tome as well. These all texts are discussing the death of the someone due to the social evils and according to their wills as the death of Nasser in Chicken with Plums, Death of the Firdous in Woman at Point Zero and the death of the of the people who want to suicide in Howl.  These all text are common for discussing how life can be cruel according to three various ways. There can be different theories to explain these three texts as they are different stories, but having one universal concept that is the misery of life.

Implementation of the literary theories

The woman at Point Zero

In the Woman at Point Zero novel, the story is about a woman, who is facing a death sentence after killing a man, but she was never like that. The woman name is Firdaus, and the writer meets her in the jail to know about her story. When Firdaus reveals her whole life story, it is quite a sad one as she has been betrayed, and faced so many cruel situations throughout her life. Her miseries never ended, and in the end, she was waiting for her death sentence with open arms (Saadawi).

Queer Theory of Common Threads in Literary Texts

For the novel, Woman at Point Zero, the selected literary theory is Queer Theory, which is very close to the ideas of feminism. This novel describes the misery of a woman, and Queer theory would be interesting to apply with this novel to see that one gender is being suppressed in the society (Selden). Queer theory is one the fields of critical theory which have bed e emerged in the earliest 1090sfro the studies of the women's and queer.  It also includes the theorization of the queerness and the reading of the text. To define the origin of the queer theory is hard it has come fro9m the critical, multiple and cultural contexts that's why its best fit to implementing on the novel of the El Saadawi which is related to the story of the Firdaus.

This theory is also leading towards feminism and post-structuralism. This novel is discussing the criticism and harassment of the Firdous this theory is addressing for the feminism for providing the rights to women’s of the society it leads the human being everyone is free to get their right it doesn’t matter either there man and women no one can enforce anyone to commit any the crime. All the violence practices are celebrating by the queer theory which is seen in the results of the oppression.

Queer theory is implemented on the “power of the women” just because it supporting to the Feminism which means the women have equal rights to the men.  They are free to get their rights, and nobody can enforce them to committing any crime even this theory is addressing about the everyone is open to concerning with their private realm. Infect the Queer theory is being based on the liberal individualism which doesn't recognize by the relating to with it (Jeffreys).

Chicken with Plums of Common Threads in Literary Texts

Then there is a story of Iran's renowned musician named Nasser Ali Khan in the book Chicken with Plums. The writer reveals the story of Nasser Ali Khan that how a great star player became sick for knowing the fact that any other same kind of tar would never replace his broken tar instrument, and he gets sick. After finding this fact, he died within eight days, and the book describes the misery of these eight days as Nasser waist for his death (Satrapi).

Formalism Literary Theory

The literary theory selected for Chicken with Plums is called Formalism Literary Theory, which would critically analyze the text. Formalism Literary Theory referee as the dominated by the American literary scene which is used for the twentieth century. This theory has critically examined this text for implementing this theory because it’s most relevant to the formalism and this theory has engaged its great influence for several academic quarters. This theory is approaching the “chicken with Plums” as the unique way of the human knowledge which has needed to be examining according to its terms. All the characters or elements of the story are necessary to understand the work which is contained on their work. This theory is the best match for analyzing critically to the Chicken with plums (Gioia).

Howl of Common Threads in Literary Texts

The poem Howl is the third text being analyzed. This poem discusses the fact that how the best minds of the writer's generation have destructed their minds. The verse goes through the misery of those destructed minds of world travelers, drop out, drug users as well as poets.

To explain the meaning of Howl poem, the Literary Critical Theory will be reviewed in this paper. The theory will be applied to the poem Howl, and its purpose would be derived accordingly. Literary criticism is the description, analysis, evaluation and interpretation of the literary works. It’s commonly used for writing the critical essay. This theory is also used for the book reviews in-depth which can be considered sometimes according to literary criticism.

This criticism also can be examined for the specific literary work, and it also used to look at whole towards the author’s writing. The critical analysis of the Howl by applying the literary theory it will be used for a more natural understanding of the poem "Howl." It used to practice for the unnoticed aspects which are established for the literary criticism. It is possible by applying his early experience for marketing. The poet of this poem is trying to comment on his ideas with formulated theories, books, and thinkers and according to its powers which precisely lie in the poetry. 

The “best minds” setting is establishing at the starting of the Howl.  As the reader, it can be analyzed critically being a witness of the urban context which is focusing on the movement and frenzy, which is used for the dominating city landscapes it mostly opposite to the natural environments. Though out the first part of the “Howl," Ginsberg wants to go according to the feelings of the grey urban motion just because of it’s considering as great thematic background for creating this work. This is also focusing on the setting which has a lot of feeling for speed and motion which are control in the Howl. This poem has paid particular emphasis on New York by considering the main setting for the description of the poem.  New York is the best place for meeting many of them (Rivas).

Conclusion of Common Threads in Literary Texts

It is concluded that the three texts have common two threads which are related to the misery of life. These three texts have common toward in the way cultural issues. It also discusses the little crimes of the society as the poem “Howl” concluded the sexual matter of the New York which shows this crime has become the normal thing the people of the new york don't feel shy. Doesn't hesitate to commit this they considered it the normal thing as the basic need of the life even they are “free speech for emotional expression.”  This poem is formed for providing the voice to those people who are silenced due to the dominant culture. While the Woman at Point Zero also structured for giving the voice to those who are silenced by the dominant culture and they want to produce something from their silence, and they won't cry like that which can shiver the whole city.

The chicken with plums has common threads with these dual texts just because of committing the suicide as Nasser wants to die while Firdous have committed murder whenever she knows the result would be the death and the Howl stated as “Through suicide, they want to abuse the culture done by Americans." All these three texts are addressing for the end except for taking this as a challenge and protesting against these crimes. These stories were written for reducing the violence which is created in the society for which h several types of the theorie3s are also applied to these text for relating these and reducing the rate of violence. It is concluded that these three literary theories are the best match and compared to these text by highlighting the common threads of the book.  

References of Common Threads in Literary Texts

Gioia, X.J. Kennedy, and Dana. Critical Approaches to Literature. 2018. <http://home.olemiss.edu/~egjbp/spring97/litcrit.html>.

Jeffreys, Sheila. Queer theory and violence against women. 2004. <http://sisyphe.org/spip.php?article1053>.

Rivas, Sara Iglesias. "ALLEN GINSBERG’S HOWL A Literary and." 2017.

Saadawi, Nawal El. The woman at Point Zero: Second Edition. Zed Books, 2007, 2007.

Satrapi, Marjane. Chicken with plums. Pantheon, 2009.

Selden, Raman, Peter Brooker, and Peter Widdowson. A reader's guide to contemporary literary theory. Routledge, 2013.

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