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Introduction of IKEA Furniture retail company

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1700

IKEA Company is world famous company in the field of furniture and home décor accessories. Company is working in the United States, United Kingdom, and India, turkey, Taiwan, South Korea, China, Canada and other geographical areas of the world. IKEA Company offers bold and stylish furniture for the household, offices and industrial use. The prices set for the furniture are set low to increase their market shares in the Sweden. The organizational management is contributing in building efficiency in the operations of the company and to ensure the progress in the market in order to attain the targets set as the mission statement of the company.    (Robert M. Grant, 2015)

Thesis Statement of IKEA Furniture retail company

The main purpose of the thesis is to introduce the most appropriate and effective organizational structure and international strategies for the IKEA in order to bring innovation and achieve the global expansion strategy of the company.

Organizational Chart of IKEA Furniture retail company

The organizational chart also known as organogram presents the structure of the organization in accordance with the job positions and ranks of its several parts. Organizational chart also presents the span of control of the organizational in the management system. Through the organizational chart we can understand the positions, delegation of the authority and power, of the various leaders and employees in the organization. There are three major kinds of the organizational charts that presents the organizational structure as divisional structure, matrix structure and functional structure. 

The current organizational chart of the IKEA is presented below in figure 1. The current organizational chart represents the designations and positions of various leaders in the organization. The chart also represents that who is liable to report whom. And who is working under the supervision of whom. Thus briefly speaking organizational chart represents the overall functions and delegation of the authority through the graphical representation. 


Figure 1IKEA organizational Chart

IKEA Structure of IKEA Furniture retail company

The organizational chart and structure currently used in the organization is a major reason for the success of the company in the market. However the chart is really complex and span of control is wide (Agarwal & Ansell, 2016).


In this above mentioned organizational structure projects that the whole structure segregated in the two major parts. The first part is operations and the second one is concerned with the franchising of the company. The organization should have the hierarchical organizational structure rather than the self-organizing team structure (Tran & Tian, 2013). Basically IKEA is a large organization that has several ranks and level in the hierarchy. The new organizational structure should be implemented in the organization because of these mentioned below reasons.

Fixed structure of IKEA Furniture retail company

Flexible or self-organizing team structure cannot support the organization in managing operations in a successful way. Because of the fixed hierarchical organizational structure organization can ensure elimination of the conflicts and ambiguity in the daily tasks. As because of clear positioning employees can understand whom instructions they have to follow and whom they have to report their progress and daily tasks (Janićijević, 2013). In the suggested organizational structure, span of control is relatively narrow in comparison to the currently used organizational structure in the organization (Mishra & Mishra, 2009).

IKEA’s International Strategies

The new organizational structure support the following international strategies

Contractual Strategies of IKEA Furniture retail company

The organization is working on the basis of contracts. There are contracts with the retailing supply chain and suppliers. Company is enlarging the operations in the geographical region on the basis of contracts with the suppliers. Contracts (short term and long term contracts) strategies support the organization to promote their products in the international market.  

Investment Strategies of IKEA Furniture retail company

The IKEA investment strategies as international strategies are also supporting the global expansion of the company as they are investing in the global market. The IKEA is investing in the other countries to build their strategic assets. Expansion of the strategic assets in the companies and countries is also a supportive and innovative strategy for the global expansion.

Export Strategies of IKEA Furniture retail company

Third but most important strategy towards expansion of the business in the international market is promotion of export business. Company is importing raw material, and exporting the ready to sell products in the international market that is supporting the expansion decision. In order to rapid increase the business and sales of the company in the global market the best strategy is to encourage export and trade (Naharuddin & Sadegi, 2013).  

The new organizational structure/ hierarchy is developed with the capability to support the organization in implementing the above mentioned strategies to expand the business in the world.

Authority Ladder of IKEA Furniture retail company

 New structure has strong and clearly defined authority ladder that will support the employees in working as a team. Through the clearly defined ladder and authority information system and communication channel of the organizations gets betterment (Cathcart, et al., 2004). The corporate level of the hierarchy will be responsible to communicate the strategies and policies for the overall goals and mission of the company to each level of the organization through hierarchy.  Thus each person will be reasonable work according to the strategies set by the directors and presidents of the company (the corporate management).  

Clear Path of IKEA Furniture retail company

Through the new hierarchy management at each level is responsible for the work performance of their subordinates. Therefore they will lead, monitor, control and motivate the employees in such a way that ensures the successful attainment of the corporate level strategies and goals. for instance the GM operations will get the instructions directly from the directors and president about the cost cutting strategies or improvement of the quality and will enforce his subordinates the assistant managers and employees team to bring efficiency in their performance and reduces the cost and improve the quality standards for the products. Corporate level management of the company will also develop the strategies to address the risk factor in the market that can affect the expansion decision of the company (Klein, Ziegert, & Knight, 2006).

Skilled Managers of IKEA Furniture retail company

In the new structure skilled management will be given importance. The staff will be hire on the basis of skills and qualification related to the job description. In the organizational structure HR department will support all departments through providing the strategies related to employees motivation, incentive systems and career development opportunities of the employees.  

The new organizational structure will support the decision of the expansion in the global market through building performance efficiency in the employees by improving the monitoring system. In accordance to the Korsgaard, Ferguson, and Gaddefors resaerch conducted in 2015 the organizations should understand the market before taking the decsion of investment in internal markets or expansion (Colombo & Delmastro, 2004). The organization must have understanding towards the circumtances that support the activities of the enterprenues/ organizations in the rural areas.

Summary of IKEA Furniture retail company

The IKEA company as the funiture selling company has business all over the wolrd. After the analysis of the operations of the business and its current operational system it is concludded that the organizaaiton is doing well in the market however to expand their business in the international market thye have bring more imporvement in their organizational structure. The main focus of the organizaiton is to bring improvement in their international stratgies and introduce a new organizaitonal structure that support the current and future operations of the company. in accordance to the analysis the organization need to bring few changes in their organizational structure. New orgnaizational structure has capabilties to improve the communication system and implementation of the international strategies by the managemnet of the IKEA company.

References of IKEA Furniture retail company

Agarwal, R., & Ansell, J. (2016). Strategic Change in Enterprise Risk Management. Strat. Change, 25, 427-439. Retrieved 11 02, 2018

Cathcart, D., Jeska, S., Karnas, J., Miller, S. E., Pechacek, J., & Rheault, L. (2004). Span of Control Matters. JONA, 34(09), 395-399. Retrieved 11 02, 2018

Colombo, M. G., & Delmastro, M. (2004). THE JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS(1). Retrieved 11 02, 2018


Klein, K. J., Ziegert, J. C., & Knight, A. P. (2006). Dynamic Delegation: Shared, Hierarchical, and Deindividualized Leadership in Extreme Action Teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 51(4), 590-621. Retrieved 11 02, 2018

Korsgaard, S., Ferguson, R., & Gaddefors, J. (2015). The best of both worlds: how rural entrepreneurs use placial embeddedness and strategic networks to create opportunities. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 27(9-10), 574-598. Retrieved 11 02, 2018

Mishra, A., & Mishra, D. (2009). Customer Relationship Management: Implementation Process Perspective. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 6(4), 83-99. Retrieved 11 02, 2018

Naharuddin, N. M., & Sadegi, M. (2013). Factors of Workplace Environment that Affect Employees Performance: A Case Study of Miyazu Malaysia. International Journal of Independent Research and Studies, 2(2), 66-78. Retrieved 11 02, 2018

Robert M. Grant, J. J. (2015). Foundations of Strategy, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Tran, Q., & Tian, Y. (2013). Organizational Structure: Influencing Factors and Impact on a Firm. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 3(2), 229-236. Retrieved 11 02, 2018 

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