Satyam is the
company established in 1987, the company was the fastest growing information
technology company in India ranked as 4th. There were 53,000 employees working
for the company, Satyam had a 9 per cent market share and its revenue earned
was around 2.1 billion dollars. Satyam is the first company of India that was
listed in the top three international exchanges of the world i.e. EURONEXT,
DOW, and NYSE and it had development centres around the world. Fortune 500
companies have served by Satyam which are 163 out of total 558 international companies.
Satyam Scandal of
Independent Directors in Satyam Scam, Fallouts
Chief Executive
Officer, Ramalinga created 71.36 billion in the billing that was fake and cash
accounts were missed by the cash PwC auditors. In the balance sheet of the
company, there was a scam of 71.36 billion and this scam was the result of
accounts manipulation that was actually done multiple years back. Board, accounting
standards, government invention, investors, and ethics and code of conduct,
everything in Satyam became questionable. It was the duty of the board to monitor
the ethical policies of the company and the way how the company is maintaining those
ethical policies. The board was accountable for the information regarding
finance that was being projected.
Role of the
Independent Directors in Satyam Scam, Fallouts
There are no any
specific provisions in the Indian Law regarding the role of the independent
director. Although listing agreement’s clause 49 have made some provisions
about independent directors, any specific provisions cannot be found regarding
the obligations and duties of the independent director. The independent
director must act and perform honestly with the skill and diligence degree is one
of the basic provisions. Broad obligations of the independent director involve:
promote the company success; exercise the reasonable skill, diligence, and care;
avoid the conflicts of interest, and declare interests in arrangements and proposed
transactions with the company.
Role of Independent
Directors in Satyam
The role of the
independent directors has put in the spotlight after the Satyam scandal. Lack
of commitment was shown by the independent directors in Satyam. Independent
directors, as well as corporate governance, was failed to perform efficiently
and effectively. It is observed in the Satyam incident that the company’s
independent directors have relinquished the posts and responsibilities that
were given to them thereby jeopardizing the independent director’s position and
role. It was suggested in the report by Higgs that directors who are
non-executives should debate constructively, question intelligently, challenges
rigorously, and then ultimately decide dispassionately. These qualifications
and quantities, unfortunately, are not specified in the Indian Companies Act
regarding independent director. Board of Satyam was blamed by the shareholders
and media for agreeing to a Maytas transaction. Such incidents can be avoided
by specifying the roles and obligations of the independent board.