In this lab report,
the objective of this lab is that, to analyze an acid dissociation constant for
an indictors by using a Spectrophotometric techniques, acid absorption characteristics
of the and base form of the Bromophenol Blue, as an acid base indicators .The opportunities
which is applied through the various aspects of the acid-base chemistry’s, for the
light absorptions through providing the opportunity. Spectrophotometric is used to calculate the
ionized concentrations basic, as well as unionized acidic forms of indicators
that are used on the behalf of determinations for the acid dissociation
constant by using the Henderson-Hasselbach equations.
Experimental data of
Spectrophotometric Determination of the Dissociation Constant of an Indicator
In this lab experiments,
the experimental data proceeded as follows, in the 100ml volumetric flask
transferred the 5ml; Bromophenol blue solutions, and also add the 0.05M KHP
where its pH is 0.4 buffer solutions to measure the volume of the total exactly
100ml. now close the stopper of the flasks and mix the solutions well, then
prepared the two clean 100ml beakers, along with labeling of A, B. Calculate
the 50ml solution by using the 50ml graduated cylinders into the every beakers,
and also use the pH meter to calculate the pH for the solution A where its pH
is same as the pH B. Then calculate the solution of the absorptions spectrums for
the A solutions up to 380 to 650nmduring the 109nm intervals, by using the spectrophotometers
that is assigned from the laboratory.
During lab, there
should be focused on the one student will work on the Solution A and the other
will work on the solution B, that students who work on Solution A should label
the test tubes A1, A2, A3, in the lab manual that table is provided, according
to this add the solution A, KHIP as well as 0.20 M HCL. Exactly calculated the
pH of every solution and then calculated the solutions absorbance of A1, A2 at λ1
and λ2 along with the spectrum solution about the 380 to 650nm.when pick the
solution A3 then took the clean test tube and label them A4, A5, A6 plus added
the solution of the A3 of the 0.20 mHCL regarding to that is provided in the
table during lab manual. Those students that is working on the solution B, the
entire step is similar expects use of the NaOH instead of the HCL .The
deviation which is reported; for B3 data of spectrum is used from Parinaz
Irani. “On the behalf of extra information refer to a lab manual. 2
Results and
Plot Absorbance vs.
Wavelength of Spectrophotometric Determination of the Dissociation Constant of
an Indicator
Concentration of solutions (mol/L)
Molar Absorptivity Constant (refer to
graph 2 and 3)
1.25 x 10-5 M
0: 440 nm
λ2: 590 nm
9.36 x 10-6 M
6.25 x 10-6 M
3.12 x 10-6 M
3.1 Absorbance at λ1
vs Concentration of solution A3-A6
λ2 slope = 34206
Slope = Molar
Absorptivity Constant
Sample calculation:
Concentration of solutions (mol/L)
Molar Absorptivity Constant (refer to
graph 2 and 3)
1.25 x 10-5 M
λ2 = 440 nm
λ2: 590 nm
9.36 x 10-6 M
6.25 x 10-6 M
3.12 x 10-6 M
3.3 Absorbance at λ2
vs. Concentration of solution B3-B6