Poe selected the criminal in his two stories as the narrator
and due to some reasons, madness possibly, the criminals have considered
themselves the victims getting some kind of revenge. In the reality, the
revenge of the criminal is a murder of some person who is known very well by
the narrator. The murders are elaborate in the psychological journeys of the killer
and in their commissions: the acts are not thoughtless. The stories were
written during the nineteenth century when such stories were not very common and
it was the first kind of story so it must have been gripping and horrifying for
the reader setting the standard.
The impact of having the perpetrator and the victim already
connected seems to be positively significant as it sounds realistic that
ultimately increase the impact of the story. On the other hand, the impact may
vary person to person as some readers found it realistic and interesting whilst
some other readers consider it as confining the world of a story that decreases
the story impact ultimately. Furthermore, having the established relationship
between the story characters increase the violence impact as it is really mysterious
to know what is going to happen or how the story is about to take turning point
at such violence stage. The victim should have seen this coming because of his
or her sixth sense and changes in the activities of the perpetrator. I don’t
feel worse for the victim as he/she is up to revenge.