These lines from chapter 2 and the writer explains that
experience is dependent on the belief system of the individual, for example a
car accident survivor with belief in God might say that it was God who saved
him. Whereas an atheist might say that it was the braking system or his luck
that saved him.
Collins book name is Language of God which has a very clear
description about God and the book has debate between the Atheistic and
agnostic evolution's and mostly it tells about the creationist of Americans.
Chapter 1 is about his whole story which tells that he had
no proper schooling and how he himself became a Christian believer by studying
different books.
Chapter 2 is about the four different objections to the
Hypothesis of God which are:
What is all of the harm which has been done on the name of
Idea of God is just a wish fulfillment?
Why God who is so loving would allow people to suffer in the
How a person who have rational beliefs can believe in the
miracles of God?
Chapter 3 is about the origin of this whole world that how
it was created. The origin of the world has been discussed in the theory of Big
Bang and what things came after this theory. This chapter is good about the
issue on “Fine Tuning” for example may different kind of physical constants
which includes the force of gravity and the speed of light, all these need to
have specific values in order for a stable universe which can sustain complex
lives in it.
Chapter 4 have different arguments in it which are about the
elegance behind the complexity of life. Writer himself is the one making
different arguments about this and how he don’t support the argument.
Chapter 5 tells about the history of the very famous project
which is called as human genome project. Writer in this chapter describes that
viewing and then denying the evolutionary theory is considered to be a very
untenable position in the field of genetic science.
Chapter 6 is all about the debate related to evolutionist
and creationism in the USA. Writer endorses Augustine’s remarks in the light of
science. Augustine is a writer who states that Genesis is a process which
didn’t have to be literally interpreted and then he thought for the Christians
that it is totally unwise to adopt themselves to a rigid stand which can undermine
the progress in the knowledge.
Chapter 7 describes about the historical rise of all the
militant atheism. They suggests that science is a field which demands atheism.
Writer himself outlines three main contentions of the Dawkins and then rebuts
And so I gradually shifted from agnosticism to atheism. Pg.
These lines lay the foundation of the basis of the book in
which Collin describes his journey from what he refers, darkness to the light.
The sentence of this chapter 1 tells that how he completed his journey from
agnosticism to belief in God. He had no proper schooling and had no clear
concept of God but then after studying he started to belief in the God.