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Mind the first impression

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 3500

Talent is not just a word but it is a potential in a person to achieve or do something for which he or she has motivation to achieve. In business talent is an ability to get excels at an action or a duty. Talent is a set of person’s own characteristics or abilities which can improve one’s abilities to achieve something through an accelerated way. There are the traits which allow one person to improve at quick rates as compared to the others in the same field who are at the same level as well like expertise, skills and so on.

This all is due to a reason that talent is the ability of a person to adapt him or herself towards the training and all the developing skills in their specific era. This world talent occurs when genetics as well as person’s desire to do practice come along for the creation of some superior ability for doing a particular activity. This can only take place when a person has his or her own interest to do so. Talent is not just one’s ability but it sharpens with the exposure and skills as well. Experience matters a lot along with the talent. (Bissonnette, 2012)

Some of the points through which talent in the employees can be assessed:

Mind the first impression

Whenever an employee comes for an interview, an interviewee can tell from the body language, how he or she speaks that how much a person is capable and has talent to achieve something. So first impression is what matters a lot. It is an intuition of an interviewee that tells a person that whether this person is capable for the job or not.

Make yourself a stalker!

Stalker word seems to be a bit funny, don’t consider yourself a real stalker here. Looking into a candidate’s social media is not stalking. It is just a part of the job. Seeing a candidate being active and his honest presence on the social media can evaluate their skills of communication and how that candidate behaves towards the other people around them. From these activities you can know that what interests and talents that particular candidate has. But what if that a person is not active on social media? Does it mean that person is not suitable for the job? Not everyone likes social media. This is a small way to know about the talents and potential of a candidate.

Go for the trickiest questions

Try to be comfortable with that particular candidate. Ask about his or her interests and all then jump on the tricky questions which can help them to sort out and know about the potential of a candidate. Trickiest question can be “What changes you think can make if you were the leader of the company?” (Bissonnette, Learning How to Perform at Your Best, Everyday!, 2012)

Through asking this question you can know about the soft skills of the candidate. Very first thing is to know that how well a particular candidate can handle the situation when it becomes challenging. In the given time period they are supposed to think and give answer and in the answer you can know about his or her talent that what capabilities a person have.

Well don’t consider this technique a magical solution as it can tell your or sort out your every problem but yes through this you can have an idea about the talents and potential of a particular candidate that how much he or she is motivated and want to achieve.

Just don’t limit all of the observations to the interview cabin

Many of the interviewees just observe the talents of the candidate in the interview room through the questions they answer but here you need to stop. Make sure to give them space and look at their profile along with it that how they communicate and act with others around them. many of the people just get scared by hearing the word of Interview and can make them panic enough due to which they can’t answer every question in a good way or can tell about their talents . Try to look at their previous activities and their output along with the interview. After taking the interview evaluate the results with their CV and the way how they communicate with the others and then conclude the result.

Observe beneath the surface

Try to notice their behavior, body language and their words that how they speak. Do their words match their body language or not? All these things can tell much about a person. Go for different questions through which they can reveal about their personality. How the person gives answer, the way of their eye communication and strength of the hand shake all these small things do matter and make up a complete personality. (Delgado, 2018)

It is not easy to differentiate between talent and talent potential (potential). Talent is basically the potential for any individual to achieve and display the skills. Talent is when one displays the skill within their potential and has credentials to prove the talent and skills. The performance and credentials come from talent that one possesses. Talent reflects the general aptitude, abilities, nature and the skills that define the persona of one.

Whereas the talent potential or the potential reflects the ability of performance one can give based on the talents and personality of the person. Potential is the capacity of individual to better his talents and acquire more to enhance performance and display better credentials. Potential may or may not be in the same field. It means a talented accountant and may have potential to become a great financial analyst that is in the same field but it may also be that he may have potential to become a great singer. Potential is raw and like unearthed resources. Potential is the unachieved level of mastery in one’s own skill. By hard work and acquiring the right skill one can polish his talents to reach the potential. Once polished the potential becomes the talent.

Difference between the talent and talent potential is the acquired skills and performance gap. Once it is bridged the potential turns into talent. Potential is basically unachieved talent or not displayed talent. There are different methods by which potential can be assessed. There are different ways organizations seeks to assess potential of employees for the best fit job. It is not just the fancy degrees and education that gives the insight but overall personality that serves as the package to assess the talents and unearth the potential. Smart organizations place employees in such a way that they are used to their maximum capacity or potential. Five ways to assess the talent potential in the organization are:

Finding well connected employee

Any organization seeks to find doers and leaders in the organization. Displaying managerial talent is not enough but having a social personality by being connected with the other members of the organization displays potential to become great leaders. To assess the talent potential it is imperative for the organization to see how well connected

One employee is to the others.

Being the hub of activities in the organization can get oneself in the role of the leader. Not basically due to the talents displayed but the leadership potential. This is due to being able to be at heart of the activities and having way to communicate. (Parr, 2018)

Display of Character

Character is what defines the qualities of personality and is an important benchmark to assess the abilities and talents of one person. The potential of a person is reflected in the character of that person. Talent management within organizations help the companies break down personality traits to objectively quantify character of an employee. Roles of the person in the company can be identified helping assess the potential of the person in the company. Organizations pass employees through different tests to assess the personality and reveal their potential. Employees reflecting core values of company are considered more potent as their talent reflects well on the company.


One of the pressing questions that go in the organization is how much effort is being put by an individual. It is of concern if people are performing up to their potential and if there role is satisfactory. The talent potential is not just by having but also having passion to achieve and do what it takes to be at that level of the leader. Talent Potential requires commitment and the passion to learn to make it a talent that can be put to use. The best among the lot rise to become leader due to their potential and commitment to rise.

Have an example to follow

To truly measure the potential there needs to be an ascended benchmark for the people to follow. The employees should be given strategic goals and objectives and it should be up to them to take up their ways to achieve those goals. There must be subordinates who display character and become an example for others to follow. This is by when seeing the others the potential of the other employees can be seen if they can or they not become superior to what they are at that point of time.

Planning of Career

A potential of an individual can be measure and assessed by reflecting onto their aims and goals of their career. The way an individual sees themselves in future within the organization defines the scopes of his or her thinking regarding what they can do or not. A successful organization is never shy of recognizing talent and supporting the talent to reach its potential given the employee recognizes his or her potential. (Surbhi, 2016)

Talent and competency are very relatable terms and practically very similar but there are some differences that are worthy of debate and need to be clarified. The identity of both at the basic level is similar. Talent is the skill that one possesses and displays which are used as credentials and performance. Now talking about competency it is pretty much the same and both talent and competency are acquired through years of training and hard work. It is not in the meaning but in practicality and functional characteristics both differ having distinct meanings put to them.

Talent can be classified as ones skills and abilities as referred earlier but for clarity we can use examples to differentiate. For example talents of employee may include that he or she can do financial ratios with analysis. To be able to conduct financial analysis is the talent of the employee. The talent is result of the knowledge and experience that one has acquired. The organization having knowledge about the individual’s talent or skill help us identify that if they are best fit for the job and tasks related to the workplace. If it is to be said in different words it can be said that talent is what a person can do what are his or her abilities for the job and the role.

On the other hand competencies broaden the horizon of the though process and seeks to answer beyond what a person can do but how he can do it. How competent he is in doing and justifying talents. Another person may perform the financial ratios and analyst but what differentiates them when they both have the same talents. It how they do it and how successfully they manage the other factors around them. The end result is the ultimate goal but for a cohesive workplace environment the how defines it. (Differencebetween.net, 2018)

Talents may not be everything but our competency to do it the right way matters. The two persons may be talented enough but if one takes one day and the other one takes two days it reflects that the former person is more competent given the efficiency. This shows us that competency is the ability to carry out the talents of one in a better and efficient way. Competencies define the way talent is used and expressed. Without competency talent goes to waste.

There are different ways to measure talent and competencies of a person. First of all it comes from hard work and experience. The ability to carry out tasks is the best measure to assess both talents and competencies. Talent can be assessed by the means of evaluating the abilities of the individual and what are the able to do or not. It can be assessed by giving different tasks and scenarios and see which skills that the person applies and has he been successful in fulfilling the tasks or not. When it comes to competencies the situation is different as it is not limited to the final result but the overall performance of the task what matters.

Competencies take the talents of a person to incorporate them into the workplace behavior. It is the behaviors that reflect the ability (talent) to perform the tasks competently. Competency can be measured by seeing the job experience of the person and in what dynamics has one worked in. Resumes, tests, interviews and job performance at the workplace give one an insight about the competency of the person. Competency is displayed over time and there is no hard and fast rule to measure the competency until one is put up to the task however assessing the talent and how it is used in different jobs do give us a meaningful insight.

Talent and competencies are very close and essential for any organization. They are related in ways as they define the character of the employee. The talent defines the skillset and abilities of the person whereas competencies clarify the talents by defining how able the person is to put it to use. Competencies are a step further than the talents and many organizations are interested in knowing the competencies of the person. Competencies provide a broader view than talents. Competencies take in account different factors where talent is one part of it but it defines whether the person possesses the right attitude for the job or not. (Bindt.org, 2013)

In talent management it is of importance to realize the importance of both and how right training can polish the talents to make it more competent. The competitive dynamics of the business environment require the organizations to focus on the broader picture. Realizing the relationship between the two factors helps organization to work on development to turn talent into competencies and competencies to core competencies to increase overall workplace efficiency and environment.         

Ever year large percentage of the employees leaves their job without making it to a half year due to the burden and load given by the company. Talent retention is a major task which needs to be done in the employees. To make sure that the talent retention remains in the employees so that they remain focused on their work three different kind of the strategies are listed below:

Benefits and Salary should be competitive

It has been found that the biggest reason due to which the employees leave their job is that on the top of the list, reason is salary. Yes, salary is important thing in every employee’s life but is it always about the money and salary? According to the different studies which have been conducted states that the biggest motivation for any of the employee is the financial stability that attracts an employee to continue their job. Benefits other than salary do matter but what matters on the top of the list is “Money”.

Now here is one thing which should be considered that make sure that the amount which you are paying to specific candidate must be comparable to the other business in your area. Salary and benefits both play an important role in the life of an employee and both of them should be considered or else they will look for the better option and avail it at the first chance. If a company is playing less salary than make sure to cope up with it by making other benefits. (Wheeler, 2006)

Put less burden on the employee

People these days expect in companies that employee can work like a robot if you are paying them which is wrong totally. Obviously no man can do or work like this. When the life of an employee and work both gets out of the jack than the real pain starts. If your employee starts to think that he or she is spending most of the time on job rather than on the life than trust me job is the one that becomes a bad guy here.

Schedule of the work should be made and make sure to give free time to the employees as well. Obviously working every time can make person sick physically as well as mentally and it can cause a big problem so one should be clear about it. Ask their recommendations as well that what they think should be done and all. Make them a part of team not just for the sake of work but for other activities as well that can make them happy and motivated towards work. One thing which needs to be done is that work or tasks should be given to the employees by looking at their talent and interest. Apart from the work different other activities should also be planned that can make them clear their mind and make them happy like small group tours, dinners and all. (Leddy, 2014)

Have leaders but not Bosses

There are just few people who want to be leaders but many who wants to be a boss. One thing which should be kept in mind that people like to follow and they do follow the leaders and in the case of boss they abandon them. There are few of the points that can help in the employee engagement that can help them remain focused by the actions of the manager of the company.

Give clear directions to the employees towards their future. Only good leaders let their employees know that where does their company stand and in future where it can be headed. While boss don’t do anything and leave all of the work on their employees.

One should know how to face the challenges. Only leaders know that how challenges can be faced without giving stress to their employees.

Only good leaders offer their employees best services, products and experience while bosses are behind the curve, where they scramble to meet up the minimums.

A belief should be present in the importance of the employees rather than just counting the numbers of the employees.

Confidence should be given to the employees by giving them free hand and opportunity to show that what they can do because at times you never know who can tell or guide you better. Let them be confident about their talent and abilities to lead them towards a good place.

Make sure to be always available for the employees whenever they need your you or ask for your help rather than just sitting and relaxing and leaving the whole burden on their shoulders because they can remain focused only when they see their manager motivated to achieve the goal

References of The Human Resource Management

Bhatnagar, J. (2007). Talent management strategy of employee enagement in Indian ITES employees: key to retention. Emerald: Employee Relations , 29 (6), 640-663.

Bindt.org. (2013). Do we require competence or talent? And what do we get? Retrieved from http://www.bindt.org/Coffee-Break/On-the-Job/Do-we-require-competence-or-talent-And-what-do-we-get/

Bissonnette, C. (2012, October 03). Defining the Terms: Potential, Skill, Talent and Ambition. Retrieved from http://9creativelives.com/2012/10/potential-skill-talent-and-ambition/

Bissonnette, C. (2012, October 2). Learning How to Perform at Your Best, Everyday! Retrieved from http://9creativelives.com/2012/10/living-an-holistic-lifestyle/

Bono, J., & Judge, T. (2003). Toward understanding the motivational effects of transformational leaders. Academy of Management Journal , 554-571.

Delgado, K. (2018). What's the Difference between High Performing and High Potential Talent? Retrieved from http://www.selectinternational.com/blog/whats-the-difference-between-high-performing-and-high-potential-talent

Differencebetween.net. (2018). Difference Between Talent and Skill. Retrieved from http://www.differencebetween.net/language/words-language/difference-between-talent-and-skill/

Julia Christensen Hughes, E. R. (2008). Talent management: A strategy for improving employee recruitment, retention and engagement within hospitality organizations. International Journal of contemporary hospitality management , 20 (7), 743-757.

Leddy, C. (2014, 16 5). 7 EMPLOYEE RETENTION STRATEGIES FOR KEEPING YOUR TALENT. Retrieved from https://www.middlemarketcenter.org/expert-perspectives/7-employee-retention-strategies-for-keeping-your-talent

Parr, A. (2018). What You Need to Know When Identifying High Potential Talent: An Expert Interview. Retrieved from http://www.selectinternational.com/blog/identifying-high-potential-talent-expert-interview

Surbhi. (2016). Difference Between Talent and Skill. Retrieved from https://keydifferences.com/difference-between-talent-and-skill.html

Wheeler, K. (2006, April 26). What Is Talent, and How Do We Measure It? Retrieved from https://www.ere.net/what-is-talent-and-how-do-we-measure-it/

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