If we talk about succession planning most of the companies
takes this as replacement of anyone, they take it very wrong, either they are
hiring from outside that may not be suitable for job or leading the company or
they overpromote anybody that is not fully qualified. So here are some of the best practices that
should be followed.
Board of Directors and CEO should
also be involved other than HR:
Board of Directors and CEO of the company should be involved
the succession training, it is not only entirely an HR paperwork job but it is
something that everybody should be involved with commitment so that a right
candidate could be replaced. Board of members can ask possible question related
to the position so as to see how the successor is getting along (Noe, 2006).
Regular performance reviews.
A regular performance reviews should be done starting from
board of directors reviewing the performance of the CEO and then CEO takes the
review of the team of executives and so on till the last level. This will
ensure peak performance from every one plus those who are not performing well
can be pin pointed (Cohen, 1996).
Case Analysis
Before we do a comprehensive study and analysis regarding Succession
planning, what are the best practices and other things like that lets first
describe what is Succession planning for better understanding? So, to define succession planning is a process
adopt or evolve specially to fill in the key positions in the company from
within or may be from outside without being company or organization disturbed.
To talk further succession planning has now becoming very
important in every organization, because it definitely helps the organization
to ensure smooth operations. It is also known as management succession
planning. It is a whole process in which an individual in promoted from inside
the organization through proper process or may be hired from outside but after
a through scrutinizing so that organization can get a very skilled person and
ensure smooth operation. (Miles & Bennett,
Here are some very important phases of succession training that
if followed will ensure smooth flow. First step in this regard is called starting
or in other words, a new role is defined. Then comes initiation of the process,
then selection of right candidate and finally yet importantly educating the
person. So now, let take a deep insight on each step for better understanding. The
first step is to define the role the company CEO or leader tells the potential
successors about the company another necessary thing like company culture
ethics etc (Agon, 2017).
Then comes the next important part of this and very curtail
that one possible successor or key player is identified that will be going to
lead ultimately. Once the right candidate is selected for the role then there are
thorough trainings and steps are taken so that he can properly take the role
without any problem. Once the candidate is gone through this process and
finally ready, he is ultimately replaced on that position. (The economic Times,
Nominate only the best
Once the performance review will be done regularly this will
help in identifying the best resources for the job that may not yet be
available but once there is any situation arise you can be sure that you have
some pools of best performing individuals that are ready to take the position
or can be elected the best among them.
Talent development
Talent development approach should apply to all level so
that every level is streamlined for best approach and productivity.
Make sure that Executive Team is
performing their duty
Executive team is responsible for the training and
development of there successors. So, they have to continuously analyze if their
team is performing well. Or they are not performing up to the mark and if they
are not, they (Executives) should be held accountable (Buller, 2012).
Make sure Executives are working
according to the business goals
Executives are the key players in the organizations and if
they are not performing according to the business goals defined by the organization
it means they should be held accountable. They should be preparing their
Deal with the effects of succession
Succession planning comes with a price we must say that
people may feel the fear of letting go. This is not something that can be found
in academics, but this is the thing you have to deal with your own experience
and emotional intelligence. Every CEO, Manage or other executives feel the
political or social pressure about succession and if it is not catered
effectively. End results may not bas anticipated (Cohen, 1996).
Ongoing performance Evaluation
Good leaders or HR persons always jot down the best
performances, keep a track record of consecutive progress or performance in
other words of the anticipated successor so that actually when the time comes
it is like a factual thing rather than just a blind decision on the base of
past performance.
Succession planning with Rewards.
Succession planning is something that should be done
performance evaluation, Hiring. Electing the right candidate, continuous
development and last but not least with rewards. So as to ensure good results
and smooth transition (Bratton & Gold.,
Spending more time and resources on
the development of the nominated successors/ Employees.
A good succession planning means continuously spends efforts
and resources on the employees so that they could perform more and do more than
they are doing. (McCarthy, 2013)
Organization Plan for Succession
As we know that succession panning is becoming of utmost
importance in every organization regardless of their size or type of
organization. but unfortunately, very small number of organizations plan for
succession planning well in advance. Those organization that do plan for
succession planning in advance are not following it in a systematic way in fact
they are just following on the bases of past performance evaluation that is not
sufficient (The economic Times,
They need to follow in a very systematic ways like some of
the ways cited above and do ensure they plan it well in advance so that when
the time is right it is just the right kind of transition and smooth rather
then just haphazard transition.
Q 1) b political appointment Effect
We know that there are political appointments every where
and there are certain reasons for that before we look into those reasons, we
know that almost 4 out of 5 companies are led by management investors or stake
holders and only 1 company may be like founder is the CEO of the company (Jayaram,
We know that company CEO doesn’t want to be changed and it
is sometimes disastrous, because employees’ interests are mostly with the CEO
of the company and when he is changed without any proper planning things don’t
go well. According to the recent studies most American CEO’s were not there in
the companies in there fourth year.
Most of them were forced to let down by investors or
management to be replaced with others. CEO’s like Bill gates etc. who remained
as a CEO and founder for such a long time. In order to make the change smooth
there should be a proper plan devised for it in addition to that if investors
or management is also loyal or in other words, they are honest (Ezhilarasan,
Everybody motives are to make money or in other words money
or management are the main source of motivation behind the startups. But what
happens is that some of the CEO’s or Founders are not clear about what they
want? They want to be either in the Leadership role or make money and
ultimately lose both.
So, what happens is that every single-phase Company CEO or
founder is challenged for both. The reason behind this is that investors or
management interests most of the time conflicts with the investors or
Management thus they are forces to be leave the organization or Leading role (Jayaram,
Besides this there are some other reasons why political
hiring’s are made some of them are that to support those who have been helping
the government and now they have to be rewarded in one way or other and mostly
they are rewarded in this form by giving them the leading roles. (Wasserman,
Then sometimes as discussed socio-economic pressure that
leads to political hiring. But whatever the reasons may be results are not as
expected. Now let see some of the effects of political hiring on the
Less productivity and higher cost.
The first and foremost effect is less productivity, because
they are not aligned according to the organization goals plus, they are not on
merit or they have not been given proper expo so what happens is that their
decisions will lower the productivity thus end results will be at higher cost
and lots of damage.
In fact, what happens is that since they are politically
assigned, they spend more time in preparing things or doing things that deem
necessary to make those happy those have appointed him. The will be either
doing noting or may be doing such things that are not productive according to
the company agenda (Bratton & Gold.,
Unnecessary delay and waste of time
and resources
There is an enormous amount of resources are sometimes spend
to just fill some positions, there is sometimes an unnecessary chain of hiring
and firing is started because once the top level position is filled with a
non-competent person. As a result he may elect those employees or senior
executives that are in favor of him and thus a complete chain till end is
followed as everyone wants to have a person that is in his favor (Ezhilarasan,
So, this means that uncountable number of human hours will
be spend for unnecessary hiring and this will not only delay further the
important tasks that are due timely. In addition to that each new hiring is
costing money to the company and that is another negative element. Aside from
this sometimes there are positions that are created that were not necessary,
which could be another burden on, company financial (Ezhilarasan, 2017).
Nonproductive time is spent.
As we know that since political hiring is made, they will
spend more time on those aspects that are not productive for the company,
mainly securities are the most one effected as they will be doing those task as
assigned by their bosses and that may be of no value to company or they will be
asked to stay for long to do extra task. again, they may not be of any value to
organization or may be an extra burden.
Likewise, they know that they may not be accountable so they
may not pay heed to what someone are asking them to do. So that means that they
are getting paid for doing nothing. Which is again something a loss of time and
efforts. Then it happens that secretaries may be asked to cover the minutes of
meeting or prepare for the meeting or do any tasks that may require them to
travel from their original office to another floor or somewhere else that again
is waste of time or doing tasks that there job role doesn’t require them to do (Cohen,
Political appointees are not aware
of ripple effect.
Political appointees are not aware that each of their action
has a ripple effect means that if they are not doing anything, they were meant
to do means other persons in the chain will be affected too. They are more
concerned to make happy who have appointed them. Things have to be done many
times (Ezhilarasan, 2017). There is another
effect that same things are asked to do multiple times, because the manager or
Leader was very unsure what is actually, they require. They only start making
sense as soon as product is front of him and that means that it will be asked
to do twice or thrice or may be more.
Lack of Planning
There is no proper planning involved in doing anything as
cited above that they don’t care or pay no heed to what is going on so many
things go unplanned and results are sometimes devastating.
Obstacles in doing tasks for
Sometimes there are a lot of obstacles one may have to face
while doing any tasks just because one is said to be do this or that according
to the political appointee or any senior person and the subordinate rejects the
task or not do the task according to the things as requested, he will have to
bear the consequences. Political appointees want things to be done quickly or dramatically
to show their progress. That may include sometimes starting totally a new
avenue without proper planning. They want things to be done quickly by hook or
by crook. There is no proper planning
involved behind that. It may be just a haphazard decision.
No proper vision about planning or
costs effective solution.
Political appointee may not have a proper vision in
following the company policy or as to how many times a product is revised or
hours has been put to produce any specific outcome. He just wanted to have
things according to this will. Nor will he plan in advance for next time to do
things in a systematic way.
Lack or Quality and Ethical
Like we have discussed above one simple solution may be
repeated multiple times or may be asked to do those things that may not be in
his job role that means that is against the ethical standards. Likewise, if
things are producing repeatedly or may not of that up to the mark standards
that means quality standards are compromised. Or may be the Leader or senior
executive is not clear enough about the standards company is seeking. (Cohen, 1996)
Q 2) HR and succession Planning
HR and succession planning are two things that are
inseparable now a days as more and more focus is laid on succession planning. So,
let’s see what is succession planning?
What is succession planning?
Succession planning refers to the effect or process in which
lead to a smooth transition of key roles in the organization according to a
specific plan from within the company or sometimes from outside the company but
with a very specific plan. This is also important because it will enable or
equip HR persons with a strategy to follow and keep a record of top performing
employees. That means that they have to evaluate them continuously and should
not solely promote employees based on there past records that may be inaccurate
at the time of transition (Miles & Bennett,
Why should organizations focus on
succession planning?
The succession planning is getting very important day by day
because the thing is that in order to avoid any unpleasant seen or haphazard
seen it is very important to lay down a plan and organize trainings evaluations
etc. to the employees that will ultimately help in smooth transition.
as stated in the article when the CEO of P&G died back
in 2000 company the new CEO had to face a very tuff situation. (ERC, 2018)
Some of the steps for smooth
Transition of Leadership and Succession planning.
If an organization wants to have a smooth transition, they
do need to have follow some steps that will not only help them in smooth change
of management plus it will be very systematic thus ensuring right people for
the right place. And saving a lot of time and resources of the organization. So,
let’s take a look at these steps.
Top Level Executives and Board members should also be involved
in the changing process.
If the company want to have everything smooth and sound then
everyone from the top-level executives plus members of board should be involved
so that they can ask the potential employees the possible questions that could
help them evaluate them plus also help the potential successors to overcome
their shortcomings. This will also further help in developing a proper plan on
how further employees can be trained in their respective field further so that
they can become more productive.
Everything should be well planned
Good HR Manager is that who makes things planned. So, in
this regard HR should lay a proper plan how things would be and how and when
everyone included in this process should be engaged and make a proper layout
about employee’s performances and noticeable things they have done. This will
help in a well structured and authentic decision rather than a haphazard
decision. That could result in unexpected loss or unnecessary delay when the
time is right.
There should be some Mock exercises
done once in every few while
Once there are few mock excelsis are done in the presence of
top-level executives and Board of directors or management this will ensure
quality process and smooth transition when the time is right. Besides this the
HR could also help reduce the fear of replacement with emotional intelligence.
This is another important factor in low productivity and less smooth change at
the right time as the successor may not be fully prepared.
Make the plan simple
The plan should be simple and constructive so that everybody
could be taken into confidence and again this is not a one man show, as stated
above it requires the involvement of board of directors and CEO so that
possible replacement can be well trained. Other than that, if there’s any doubt
that can be treated properly without creating any fuss. (Sabbag, 2016)
From the discussion above and the article, we can conclude
that succession planning is of utmost importance it is not a one man show or not
a single person job, it requires a proper planning and structural decision. Succession
planning is not limited to made decision made on past evaluation but in short
it should be done on the basis of continuous evaluation and performance notes.
This is also entail that political Hiring should be not
favored but it should be very structured and based on that decisions should be
taken this would avoid any unnecessary challenges like in the case of P&G back
in 2000 once the new CEO joined things were very difficult from him. However,
once the succession planning was done in 2009 transition was not only smooth
but very favorable.
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